Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 485 S2 falls in South Korea

"How dare you publish such an article publicly in an official capacity? No wonder KESPA is so determined to win S2 that they are even willing to write a letter of commitment."

Mo Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw those articles.

Domestically, given the current situation, a central hub at the same level as Cheong Wa Dae will definitely not make a public statement easily. At least the senior officials will not, and at most they will instruct the people below to support it.

However, it is understandable that national conditions are different.

The Koreans proposed the strategy of "building a nation through culture" after the 1998 economic crisis. Today, when e-sports has shown a strong influence, it will definitely not be missed easily.

Coupled with the instructions of the chaebol company.

It is understandable that members dare to speak out publicly.

Putting all these measures together, he can now understand why South Korea would rather issue a letter of commitment to get the right to host S2.

Everything is for the development of e-sports.

However, these things are also good for him.

Mo Yu himself wants to develop e-sports, and it would be great if South Korea is willing to strongly support it.

But for the right to host S2, he originally wanted to invite the other four domestic and foreign competition regions to draw lots this year, but it was not implemented because it was still early.

But now that the Koreans have proposed it and introduced so many policy supports, and even the sportsmanship they are most worried about is guaranteed by a letter of commitment, it is not impossible to consider it.

Mo Yu thought for a long time before looking up and asking: "Have they chosen the host city and venue?"

"not yet."

Zhang Hengbo shook his head: "However, there are many stadiums in South Korea, and many of them use the most advanced stage equipment. You don't have to worry about this. Judging from the current situation of KESPA, as long as the right to host S2 can be confirmed, it will definitely Try your best to choose the best from the best, otherwise you won’t be able to afford so much investment.”

"That makes sense."

Mo Yu nodded in agreement.

"Then do you think S2 can be set in South Korea?"

Zhang Hengbo shook his head and said sincerely: "If it's for myself, I definitely want to settle in South Korea, but the final choice depends on your opinion."


Mo Yu smiled and moved his eyes to the commitment letter in front of the computer screen. There were more than a dozen red official seals of various sizes on it that were very conspicuous.

"Tell Cui Minzhi that the S2 World Finals is of great significance. Let him choose a good place and make a preparation plan. Wait two months for the specific information to be made public."

hang up the phone.

"Have you thought about it?" Shang Xingyue stood beside him and asked a question: "The news of GAG's selection will be announced soon. Is it better to keep it in China?"

"I also want to put it in China, but we have already done it once last year." Mo Yu shook his head and said: "The Koreans have invested so much, and they have made it clear that they must vigorously develop e-sports, and GAG is the top priority. If not If I don't do it for them, it will be counterproductive and cause dissatisfaction there, which will be very detrimental to my plan to develop e-sports!"

"And the situation is just as Zhang Hengbo said. South Korea has a strong e-sports atmosphere and a good foundation. After weighing the pros and cons, it is the best choice to put it there."

Among the five major competition areas, according to the current situation, the domestic e-sports infrastructure can stabilize one side of South Korea, and may even be inferior to South Korea in some aspects. In comparison, the other three competition areas are worse. .

Now that Koreans are willing to be aboveboard and even support the development of e-sports through official documents, then S2 is the best choice in South Korea.

At least taking advantage of the fact that the peninsula is vigorously supporting e-sports, GAG and even fishing games can gain the greatest benefits and soar into a super event that no one can shake.

As for domestic.

Although the news of being selected is also crucial, Mo Yu also considered it.

Although the GAG ​​competition is now in full swing, the domestic public opinion environment is not very good to begin with. There are still many voices of criticism on the Internet, and there are even many people who are dissatisfied with the gaming industry.

If GAG really announces the selection results this year, it is already eye-catching enough, but if there is another S2 at the end of the year, it will be too showy.

In addition, balance must be taken into consideration. If we take S1 in China and then do S2, it may cause dissatisfaction among netizens in other regions.

After careful consideration, he finally agreed to the Koreans' request.

The last and most important thing!

Next year, there will be a super competition in China that is about to take place in Pengcheng. It is best to give up S2 and keep a low profile. It is best to let the higher-ups see that domestic teams have the strength to defeat foreign teams. That way, if everything happens next year

Mo Yu's eyes flickered and he looked at Shang Xingyue: "Should the news of the selection be coming soon?"

"Soon." Shang Xingyue nodded: "It is almost certain that GAG will become an officially recognized competitive event. As long as the news spreads, I am afraid that e-sports will really cause a big discussion in society this year, even in Taiwan. Maybe we will follow up on relevant reports.”


Mo Yu thought of the news about the previous human emperor SKY winning the world championship.

At that time, it appeared in many newspapers, TV stations, and interviews with celebrities. It was also the first time that most Chinese people learned about the existence of e-sports.

Before that, many people didn’t even know what e-sports was. Even if someone told them about it, they would just say, “What do you think it is? It’s just winning games. Is it worth talking about?”, “ This kind of thing should be banned, how can it still be shown on TV?”, “Isn’t promoting gaming the same thing as promoting values ​​that we don’t strive for?” and the like.

In short, most people must be dismissive or even full of contempt.

Even though GAG is so popular in China now, it is still a scourge in the eyes of many people.

Lao Yang is also in a state of despair now, and he no longer dares to fool BB.

This has also led to Mo Yu now becoming a big hero in the eyes of many teenagers. Many people even sent some old sheep's evidence to help him with his lawsuit.

In general, if this year it is as Shang Xingyue said, it can attract an interview with CCTV, it will be the biggest publicity for e-sports, and it will be more effective than the tens of millions he invested in advertising.

"Is it really possible to attract people to your station for reporting and interviews?"

Shang Xingyue nodded: "There is a high probability that it will. As you know, the status of CC is very important and is often related to national policies. Once the news of the selection is announced, it will definitely attract the attention of the station, so I said that it is best to arrange S2 in domestic."

"Alas~ What a pity."

Shang Xingyue sighed.

Mo Yu waved his hand after hearing this and said: "Actually, it's not that pity. No matter where it is held, if the domestic team doesn't win the championship, I'm afraid the higher-ups won't follow up on the report. In contrast, if we can win the championship in South Korea , on the contrary, the chances are greater, and if the report is not published, it may become even more sensational.”

Shang Xingyue thought for a while and admitted: "That's right, showing off overseas is always different! It seems that you have thought of all aspects and are more thoughtful than me."

"It's also a helpless move."

Mo Yu waved his hand: "The main reason is that the Koreans are too supportive. I can't just focus on the country. I have to consider all aspects to make a decision. By the way, speaking of TV stations, do you know anyone who can shoot variety shows? director?"

There are a few harmonized paragraphs in the middle of this chapter, where the King of Lightning tells reporters that gag is an Internet addiction, and then the protagonist has hired a lawyer to deal with him.

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