Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 493 Official Sports Competition No. 78

What? !

Mo Yu was startled and immediately asked: "Are you sure?"

"It's confirmed! The internal meeting that was held yesterday will be announced before twelve noon at the latest."

"Okay, let me take a look!"

After hanging up the phone, Mo Yu immediately logged into the official website of the State Sports General Administration.

There was nothing on the home page. There was no news related to e-sports at all. It was the same after refreshing it several times in a row. He turned around and entered Baidu to search for related information.

After entering e-sports, all the relevant news that came out were news about GAG events, and the top ones were a few advertisements for fishing games, which were completely disconnected from the Sports Bureau.

After re-entering the three keywords of Sports Bureau, GAG, and e-sports, Mo Yu's eyes lit up and he finally found a message.

The above is a sports bureau press conference that a reporter from XH News attended two days ago. It mentioned some news about e-sports. An official said that e-sports is developing rapidly and the sports bureau has been paying attention to relevant information and is interested in e-sports headed by GAG. expressed great concern for e-sports projects.

Nothing else.

Mo Yu kept changing keywords, and after searching for more than a dozen times, he could no longer find any other information.

For a moment, he couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of Shang Xingyue's news.

"It seems that the confidentiality work has been done really well. If it weren't for the relationship between Xingyue's family, I'm afraid there would be no news at all until the announcement stage."

Mo Yu thought to himself.

He checked the time on his computer. It was only 8:40, which was still a long time before 12 o'clock.

"It's really worrying~"

Time passed minute by minute, and Mo Yu had never felt so slow.

What I have been waiting for since before S1 last year, I have waited so long, and now the results are about to come out, but there are no relevant signs, and there is no information at all on the Internet. It is too urgent.

He couldn't sit still at all. After two minutes, he refreshed the official website of the Sports Bureau, but there was still no news on it.

"No, if I keep waiting like this, I will go crazy. Let's take a walk."

It obviously felt like a long time had passed, but when he looked at his watch, it was less than half an hour. Mo Yu couldn't sit still anymore, so he simply got up and asked his assistant to accompany him around the company to inspect various departments.

When I walked to the valve, I happened to see some staff preparing exhibit materials for this year's CJ.

Large promotional posters about CSGO and various game-related peripherals are constantly being delivered and piled up in an empty office.

Mo Yu walked over and took a look. Things were neatly arranged and there were at least a dozen boxes.

"Mr. Mo."

A supervisor who was busy giving instructions turned around and saw him. He was immediately startled and came up to say hello.

"Why are all these materials piled up here?" Mo Yu asked with a frown.

The supervisor said cautiously: "These are the latest supplies that have just been shipped. After checking and confirming that they are correct, they will be sent to the warehouse for storage."

"Well, be careful not to cause any damage."

Mo Yu frowned, turned and left.

According to Yu Sheng’s plan, after the end of this year’s CJ, CSGO will officially launch the public beta. The news will be announced at the CJ venue. All relevant personnel participating in the meeting will be ready. Personnel will go first, and materials will be dispatched to follow.

He looked around casually, without stopping at the valve, and turned around to the Lava Studio on another floor.

Through the door, you can clearly see that on the nearby computer screen, designers are designing models of relevant military units.

This version of Red Alert is more refined and has better graphics than the previous Red Alert. It is currently in the late stages of development and has a trial version, but it may take until October this year to have all the features loaded.

At that time, GAG was entering the hosting stage of three major A-level events.

Similarly, Red Alert will make its official debut at CJ this time, releasing a CG expansion pack and opening a trial mode for players, announcing it as Moyu Games’ second RTS masterpiece.

After watching Lava, Mo Yu went to the DOTA department where Zhang Yiming presided over the development.

Thanks to his detailed design plan, the DOTA department led by Zhang Yiming is working hard to develop the game. The first batch of 60 hero characters will be launched, including classic characters such as Karl, Meepo, Druid, and Shadow Demon.

These heroes are also the biggest difference between DOTA and GAG.

Someone once said that DOTA has no operation, but Mo Yu disagrees with this.

The operation of DOTA is not reflected in the quick combat skills like combos, nor is it a competition between heroes in reaction ability, timing and angle of skill release, but more in the trouble of operation.

Maybe the wording wasn't precise enough.

However, the operation of GAG only requires attention to a few fixed keyboards such as QWER, mouse, and numbers. No matter what, there are only a few skills. It is more a competition of players' reaction ability, so GAG has great requirements for the age of professional players. , once the players get older, they can’t operate it at all, and their reflexes are incomparable.

The operation of DOTA is even more troublesome.

Not only do you need to operate heroes, but you also need to operate hero summons, and even operate five heroes to fight. What's more, some heroes have ten skills. Players must memorize the release buttons of each skill.

Between the two, one tests the player's reaction ability, and the other tests the player's multi-operation and judgment ability.

Therefore, it is not that DOTA has no operations, but the operations required are different.

Having said that, DOTA will also participate in this year's CJ and launch a pilot trailer and a trial mode for a few heroes.

Mo Yu believes that the MOBA gameplay, which is completely different from GAG, will definitely capture the hearts of those players who don’t like GAG.

He is confident!

Walk around.

At this time, the company's department was complex and had a large number of personnel. It took a long time to inspect them all. When we returned to the office, it was already 11:30.

Mo Yu's mood had calmed down by now.

Knowing that no matter how anxious you are, you can't change the outcome, the only thing you can do is wait slowly.

He picked up his phone and set an alarm for 12 o'clock, then sat on the sofa with his eyes closed and waited silently.

Time passed slowly minute by minute.

While meditating, the alarm on my phone rang.

Mo Yu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the computer screen.

At this time, the computer screen has been turned off. Press any key twice at will. After entering the desktop, the page on the official website of the Sports Bureau still displays the content he last refreshed.

The time in the lower right corner has reached 12.01 minutes.

Mo Yu gently pressed F5 to refresh the web page, and the latest information was displayed on the homepage of General Administration News.

[New additions and statistics of sports events in Chinese sports competitions in 2009]

After clicking to enter, a table appeared below the long paragraphs of text. Mo Yu's attention was instantly attracted to this table, and his eyes scanned down line by line until the last line 78.

A few words are displayed in a simple table.

【No. 78, eSports】

! ! !

"Finally, it's announced!"

Mo Yu breathed a long sigh of relief, slumped down on the chair, and his heart dropped. (End of chapter)

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