Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 496 Red Alert Craze

The press conference continues.

After CSGO, the audience began to look forward to the two new games that Moyu Games will launch next.

Unlike CSGO, which has been full of news for a long time, Red Alert and DOTA only have sporadic news circulating. There are a lot of so-called inside information on the Internet, but on the official website, there is nothing except a trailer.

Players have been looking forward to it for a long time and want to see the true colors of the two games.

For most game manufacturers, DOTA is what countless manufacturers care about most compared to RTS games that are far less popular.

GAG has been around for so many years, and there are at least 20 or 30 imitated games on the market. As a result, very few of them survived, and most of them announced their closure early on.

There is no way, players don't buy it at all, and operations are losing money every day, so it is better to stop the bleeding as soon as possible.

Even the few models that have survived are all half-dead, barely alive at most, and there is still a long way to go before they can compete with GAG.

So much so that in the past two years, no manufacturer has had the arrogance to follow the trend of developing MOBA. More than 90% of game companies believe that GAG has finished MOBA. If they want to have another popular MOBA, not only does the market not exist? Can't even play games.

As a result, Moyu Game has launched DOTA, which has attracted the attention of countless manufacturers. A large number of players have also turned their attention to see what Moyu Game, known as the "Father of MOBA", has done. What does the second MOBA look like?

On stage.

Huang Jiajian didn’t even need to read the manuscript.

As the company's newly appointed game director, in addition to supervising the development and maintenance of the GAG ​​project, his subordinates also know the games of several other studios well. All related things are stored in their minds, and they can be easily used when they are needed. Any hesitation.

"The background era of Red Alert is set in an era when great powers are competing for supremacy and nuclear crises envelope the world. Every country is constantly fighting for victory and peace."

"We have designed a large number of modern military structures in the game, improved the operational gameplay of large-scale legion battles, and designed unique high-tech fantasy weapons for each country."

"We have also made a lot of breakthroughs in image quality, with clearer textures and more details."


As he explained, a real-life demonstration of Red Alert appeared on the big screen behind him.

The audience could see it clearly.

Very different from the ancient Western fantasy background of racial hegemony, Red Alert is closer to reality. Tanks, planes, aircraft carriers, cannons, nuclear bombs, bombings. Many high-tech weapons that have only been heard of or seen in movies are all on the screen. Presented one by one.

The grand war scenes have made many people look forward to it.

It didn't take long.

Visitors were invited to the stage to experience the trial version in person. The two of them followed the game's guidelines and each selected a country to play against.

Although the trial version had a lot of castration in terms of content, the two of them still had a lot of fun playing it. Many fans who have a special liking for RTS games also clearly saw that the projected game screen was indeed the same as the actual game played before. The demo screen is exactly the same.

Red Alert is not just a promotional animation with beautiful special effects, but the real thing.

Players can definitely look forward to it!

In the previous life, there was a huge scam on STEAM. A game called "Eve of Catastrophe" topped the platform's wish list with a beautifully crafted promotional CG. As a result, it continued to skip tickets and was finally revealed to have shrunk in quality. It was a scam. The developers simply launched it online when they couldn't stand it anymore. As a result, the game was simply a piece of cake and attracted a lot of bad reviews.

In the end, the developer saw that the situation was not going well and immediately canceled the account, declared bankruptcy and ran away. Investors and publishers had no time to cry, and players even cursed.

You can't do this kind of thing in a fishing game!

Off stage.

"Another RTS masterpiece." Duan Yunfeng said solemnly: "In the field of RTS games, fishing games are enough to be considered gods."

"I really can't understand how Mo Yu's brain grew." Cen Fucheng sighed: "I heard that these games were all his ideas. It's amazing."

"Maybe this is genius."

Duan Yuanfeng thought for a while and added: "A genius in the gaming industry!"

"The entire gaming industry is undergoing earth-shaking changes because of this person. I really don't know what heights Moyu Games will reach in the future. At least it will be invincible in the world in the past few years."

Cen Fucheng shook his head.

In all his years of playing games, he has never seen anyone like Mo Yu.

Make one style popular and all styles popular.

No wonder some people shout out that sentence - the products produced by Moyu must be high-quality!

Duan Yuanfeng shook his head: "This person's talent for making games is indeed unparalleled in the world. Although he is not so friendly to other manufacturers, if you think about it from another perspective, isn't it a great victory for the domestic game industry?"

"Over the years, only overseas games have entered the country, and no company has ever fought back like Moyu Games."

"Starting from Mo Yu, offense and defense have changed!"

"Alas~" Cen Fu sighed as he grew up: "It's a pity that they don't let us play. The overall victory is a cruel defeat for our company."

"Not bringing it does not mean that we can't come to our door and make friends." Duan Yuanfeng said: "I still say the same thing, if others don't mention it, we can take the initiative to mention it ourselves. No matter how good the fishing game is, it is only in the gaming world. Many things do not have resource channels, but we do have these things, and this is the basis of cooperation.”

"I'm used to being the boss, and suddenly I have to be the younger brother. How can I figure it out so easily?"

Cen Fucheng was still unhappy with Mo Yu.

The thorn in Zhang Yiming's mind could not be removed because he had no clear ideas.

"Why must we separate ourselves?" Duan Yuanfeng had a different opinion: "Business matters do not necessarily have to be separated. Cooperation is the eternal theme. Win-win cooperation and making the pie bigger is not an option."

Cen Fucheng was silent for a moment and shook his head: "Let's talk about it later."

Tianxing is not like Penguin. In addition to games, Tianxing also has other businesses. If he really wants to cooperate with Mo Yu, he has to think about many things clearly.

The two of them lost interest in the discussion for a while and continued to look at the stage.

As the red alert ended, the open trial area next to it was filled again.

Even in the trial version with very little content, with only three national camps open and only one map, players are still enjoying it.

In the blink of an eye, it was crowded again.

It's like being in an Internet cafe when I was a kid. One person is playing and ten people behind are watching.

Those who play are elated, and those who watch wish they could try it themselves. The scene is full of joy.

on the stage.

Huang Jiajian looked at the large group of spectators who had not dispersed under the stage, smiled slightly, and then spoke slowly.

"Next, let's introduce the third game developed by the company, a MOBA masterpiece that is completely different from GAG - DOTA!" (End of this chapter)

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