Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 511 Meeting the Parents


Mo Yu made things clear.

The Asian Games also required Shang Xingyue's father to help. Shang Xingyue had to understand the ins and outs, and Mo Yu had to ask for her consent. Otherwise, it would be a petty loss, and his wife would be lost.

"But you may need your father's help in this matter. If you mind, I will find another way." Mo Yu said sincerely.

Sure enough, Shang Xingyue looked unhappy at first, but after Mo Yu explained it clearly, she figured it out and knew that Mo Yu didn't want to hide it from him, otherwise he wouldn't tell her at all.

"Xingyue, how about it? Do you mind?"

Mo Yu observed her face and knew that this matter was indeed done in an unreasonable manner, but he had no choice. Only through the relationship with the merchant could he have the greatest confidence in convincing the Yangcheng Asian Committee.

Shang Xingyue sighed: "Apart from this, do you have any other options?"

Mo Yu nodded slightly: "The Asian Organizing Committee can find a way to contact them, and they can also apply to GAG, but I'm not sure whether they can pass."

"Then there's nothing we can do."

Shang Xingyue was helpless.

In fact, this matter is neither big nor small, just let his father say something, and GAG himself is qualified.

With Shang Cunyuan's status, as long as he is willing to speak for GAG, the Asian Organizing Committee will definitely consider or even approve it.

But the biggest problem still lies with Shang Cunyuan. Shang Xingyue doesn't know if he is willing to speak out and help Mo Yu, his son-in-law, or if he chooses to stick to integrity and not open the back door.

"If you are in trouble, forget it." Mo Yu saw this and waved his hands: "The main purpose of coming to the imperial capital this time is to formally meet my parents, and by the way, make an appointment for your parents and mine to meet. The Asian Games is secondary, and you can't accept it. , then I won’t mention it.”

"But you have invested so much. If it doesn't work, wouldn't it be wasted?"

Shang Xingyue frowned.

Mo Yu hugged her and smiled: "No matter how big the problem is, even without the help of the old man, we can apply by ourselves. Don't take it too seriously."

"Okay, let's stop this matter, never mention it again!"

Shang Xingyue was still struggling, so Mo Yu simply made a conclusion.

Since Shang Xingyue was undecided, he could only give up the business relationship and find another way out.

It's a pity that it is most convenient to convince the Asian Committee through businessmen, but he has no choice. If he and I have a wife for a while, Mo Yu knows who is more important.

"Let's drive~"

The two of them walked all the way to the hotel and checked in.

The next day, Mo Yu went to the mall again to buy door-to-door gifts. Unlike before, this time he was officially meeting his parents. He had to buy the best and most expensive things, which reflected his son-in-law's intentions.

Under Shang Xingyue's guidance, Mo Yu bought some famous cigarettes, wine and tea for his father-in-law, a set of cosmetics, clothing and jewelry for his mother-in-law, and some things for Shang Xingyue.

Then he came to the door in person.

When they arrived at the Sports Bureau's family dormitory, Shang Xingyue held Mo Yu's arm, and many people passing by were surprised.

This community is full of people from the sports bureau, so they are naturally very familiar with Shang Xingyue. She is good-looking and has a good figure and a very good family background.

Many children of employees of the Sports Bureau and children of aristocratic families in the officialdom came to pursue her, but none of them succeeded.

Now, I didn’t expect that the famous flower would actually have an owner without making any noise!

"Who is that person?"

"Looks like he looks pretty good, handsome, tall and slender, very energetic!"

"I really didn't expect that the most beautiful flower in our sports bureau would be picked off without making a sound. So many people have never succeeded!"

"Awesome~ This person seems to be a young and handsome man."

Since it was during the off-duty period, people coming and going from get off work were coming and going in the community, and many of them were very familiar with Shang Xingyue.

As the two of them walked together, Mo Yu encountered a lot of comments.

Some people even came up to Shang Xingyue and asked him about his situation, which made him a little embarrassed.


We arrived downstairs in a few minutes.

"You must be famous among the family members of the Sports Bureau now!"

Shang Xingyue laughed.

She could see Mo Yu's embarrassment along the way, and the aunts and uncles on the road never stopped looking at him.

In just a few minutes from the parking lot to downstairs, at least seven or eight people came up to stare at Mo Yu and ask questions.

"I can't help it, he looks so handsome~"

Mo Yu smiled.

"How shameless."

Shang Xingyue spat.

"Okay, stop making trouble and go up."

After joking for a while, Mo Yu's tense heart relaxed a little, and Mo Yu cheered up again and prepared for the battle.

This time it was really time to meet the parents, and then they made an appointment to meet the parents of both parties, that is, they were engaged and married.

The significance is so important that there is no room for error!

He must behave better in front of his future parents-in-law!

"Let's go!"

In front of the closed stainless steel security door, Shang Xingyue pushed him and then pressed the doorbell.

It didn't take long.

There was a clicking sound, and a middle-aged woman wearing an apron showed her face.

That was Shang Xingyue's mother, a university professor.

"Here, Xiao Mo, come in quickly, the shoes are ready for you~"

During the meal, Mo Yu behaved very well.

He took the initiative to help with the work, took the initiative to serve the dishes and clean the table, and also dealt with Shang Cunyuan's inquiries. He also listened to the whispers of the mother and daughter from time to time in the kitchen, which made him very uncomfortable.

This is the feeling of oppression that exists deep in the human heart when seeing the father-in-law, and it cannot be erased.

Maybe except for the moment after he was born, Mo Yu never thought that he could be so good and honest.

Simply speaking, he had already come once before as a friend. Although this time he was the future son-in-law, there was a precedent after all and he did not fall into awkward conversations.

Mo Yu, the casual visitor from Shang Cunyuan, asked about his family situation and work situation that he might not have been aware of before. Mo Yu answered honestly, which was quite harmonious.

Shang Cunyuan had always been very optimistic about him, and now that he was his son-in-law, he had no objection either.

Wait until the dinner table.

Shang's mother came again. Judging from her expression, she should be very satisfied with Mo Yu.

After everyone was satisfied, they began to agree on a time for both parents to meet.

"Xiao Mo, we are very satisfied with you. As for the next thing, we are in the capital, and your uncle Shang has a special job, so it may not be convenient."

"Do you think this will work? Why don't you ask your parents to come to the imperial capital, sit down and have a chat, and decide on a lifelong event for you and Xingyue?"

Shang's mother-in-law has a gentle tone, and the more she looks at Mo Yu, the more satisfied she becomes.

Although he did not come from an official background, he was young and promising, started from scratch, had numerous assets, and was in an industry that happened to be related to his family.

Based on these considerations alone, Moyu is a good choice.

The most important thing is that my precious daughter Shang Xingyue likes her.

Shang Cunyuan only has one daughter, Shang Xingyue. She has been pampered and held in the palm of her hand since she was a child. She likes nothing more than Shang Xingyue.

As long as Shang Xingyue likes it, that is more important than anything else! (End of chapter)

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