Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 521 Red Alert is online

After watching the game, Mo Yu planned to withdraw.

The next scene has already begun on the stage.

He is not too familiar with CSGO players. There may be players in this group who have already played in previous lives, but Mo Yu doesn't know anyone except Eggplant.

And he remembered that even Tianlu, which in his impression was very powerful in China, was not very strong in the world of CSGO. After all, there was a clear gap between domestic clubs and foreign countries in terms of FPS games.

"After all, there are differences in living habits and social habits!"

"People are involved in gunfights every day, but domestically, people with toy guns are likely to be sentenced. If you think about it, it's understandable that there is a gap!"

Shaking his head, Mo Yu stopped thinking about these things and turned to look at Zhang Zhaoyang.

"The summer horse racing is about to be completed. Emperor Star is in good condition. Are you confident of winning consecutive championships?"

"It's not that easy!"

Zhang Zhaoyang shook his head and sighed: "LGD is like a hell of a team. WE is also trying to catch up. IG, OMG, and Royal Family are also performing well. It's still unclear whether they can get tickets for the playoffs!"

So far.

Nine teams in the GPL, six teams including LGD, WE, IG, OMG, Royal Family, and Emperor Star, entered the playoffs.

The current situation is that LGD is first, Emperor Star is second, WE is third, OMG is fourth, IG is fifth, and Royal Family is sixth. The gap among them is not big. Even the last place Royal Family can win if they perform well in the following games. There is still hope of advancement with a complete victory.

Judging from the current situation, there is no doubt that LGD will definitely have a ticket to the World Championship, and I don’t know who will be next.

If you can't get it in the league, the remaining chance is the three major A-level cups.

When the time comes, we will face other teams that we don’t have much contact with in the other five major regions. The competition will not be as difficult as usual!

There are three requirements for GAG's S competition qualification, one is the top two in the league, the other is 200 points, and the third is the MSI championship.

LGD has the MSI championship, has already reserved one, and does not occupy a league spot.

The Summer Split champion has 200 points, and whoever gets it is also eligible.

What remains is one for second place in the league and three for the top three A-level cup winners.

In addition, according to the second requirement of 200 points, if you cannot win the championship, it is still possible to win the championship as long as you have good enough results in several games and collect 200 points.

This method is more complicated to calculate, and the list of qualifying teams is difficult to predict. Maybe a team performs poorly in the league and only gets the top three in the A-level competition, but still qualifies for the S-level competition based on points, causing a weak team to enter In the S game, they were beaten during the fight.

Mo Yu has intended to revise the version, and the S competition quota will be the same as in the previous life. Each division league will select 3 players based on points, namely the summer champion and the top two teams in terms of points, for a total of 15.

Among them, the winner of the summer split and the one with the highest points will directly enter the main draw.

In addition to 3 A-level champions and 1 MSI champion, a total of 14 teams have entered the main draw.

In addition, the runner-up of the A-level competition, the wild card team, and the third seeds of the five major leagues form the qualifiers, and two final places will be determined to enter the main draw.

at last.

In the main stage, sixteen teams will make up their positions and compete again to determine the final champion.

But this is a matter for S3, and it won’t be announced until S2 is finished, and it’s unclear whether there will be changes by then.

Regardless, current rules will remain in place this year.

"Come on!"

Mo Yu patted Zhang Zhaoyang on the shoulder and sighed: "After entering the Asian Games, I am also under a lot of pressure. If the domestic team's performance this year is not good, and I see that the results are too poor and I lack confidence, there may be something wrong with the Asian Games!"

"Compared to other teams, I trust Emperor Star more. After all, they have experience in competitions and have won championships. Entering the World Championship makes me more reassured than other teams that have not entered the World Championship!"

"In China, only your Imperial Star, LGD, and WE make me the most confident!"

Mo Yu sighed, feeling extremely stressed and afraid of replicating the Bird's Nest.


Zhang Zhaoyang also understands him very well. Domestic results this year are really important.

But in competitions, as long as there is no cheating, there is nothing anyone can do but rely on the players on the field.

"I also want Emperor Star to enter the World Championship, but others are really really strong!"

Zhang Zhaoyang couldn't help but spread his hands and said helplessly: "But it's okay. At least compared to the spring competition, the emperor stars changed the duo in the summer competition, and their combat effectiveness has been improved a lot. There is hope for a quota!"

"Anyway, come on!"


Mo Yu waved his hand and left the Emperor Star Esports Arena.

Three days later.

The Cops and Robbers Cup is over.

After several rounds of fierce competition, Tianlu team finally won the championship.

Mo Yu went to the scene again and watched the award ceremony.

The award ceremony was in charge of a tournament director under Yang Qiu of Mojing Sports. This person was named Guan Shaoting. He used to study under Yang Qiu as a deputy. He had a deep understanding of event operations and was quite capable.

Yang Qiu has already reported to Mo Yu that he will first let Guan Shaoting be responsible for organizing a few CSGO events. If nothing goes wrong, the operation of CSGO events will be handed over to this person in the future. All the required manpower and equipment will be from GAG event operations. Transferred within human hands.


"Congratulations to Team Tianlu for winning the Cops and Bandits Cup!"

Holding the trophy, several teenagers headed by Wu Qing held a huge paper check and smiled from ear to ear. The photographer faithfully recorded this scene, marking the birth of the world's first CSGO champion!

Dozens of tourists and spectators at the scene immediately burst into cheers.

Although the scene is small, the enthusiasm is not diminished!

There are a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room, tens of thousands of people, and the screen is full of congratulations!

After watching the scene, Mo Yu went directly to Lava.

The development work of Red Alert is finally over. The game has gone through multiple rounds of testing and eliminated most of the bugs. The next step is to officially put it on sale.

"As for the current sales channels, the domestic online platform is directly launched. For the overseas version, we contacted agents with whom we have cooperated before. In addition, we also listed on STEAM." Xu Changminghui reported: "The pre-sale of the online digital version has exceeded 100,000 copies. It is expected that The final total sales should be around one million copies.”

If piracy is strictly controlled, genuine copies will naturally be easier to sell.

With the quality of the game of Red Alert, one million copies is not a big problem. There are many RTS game enthusiasts who have played the ancient wars of racial hegemony. The modern technological war gameplay of Red Alert made players look forward to it as soon as it came out.

In addition, this is also the first time that Moyu Games has cooperated with STEAM.

At this time, STEAM has more than 20 million users around the world. It is an excellent channel for game sales. It is more convenient than the traditional agency model. It is extremely convenient for players and for developers like Moyu Games. It saves a lot of trouble.

At the very least, directly launching the digital version saves the production costs, shipping costs and losses of hard disk discs. It will also be more convenient to add DLC and release information in subsequent updates.

Coupled with the popularity of the fishing game, V Fat welcomes companies to settle in, and even collects less share! (End of chapter)

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