Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 542 Departure from Riyadh

"Let us once again congratulate Team Royal for winning the championship!"

Amidst the loud cheers of the audience, everyone in the royal family bowed to the front of the stage, and then they were pulled away for interviews by the heads of the major competition divisions who could not wait for a long time.

When being interviewed after the game, UZI was so happy that he couldn't hold it back.

"I'm very happy. I've never been as happy as I am now. I thought all my hard work this year would be in vain with no hope, but I didn't expect it to rise now!"

“We finally got tickets to S2!”

"The Golden Dragon Cup will definitely be well preserved and collected directly as a collection!"

"Is the Emperor Star in good condition? Very strong! We have almost always lost against them this year, so winning this time is unexpected!"

"Our goal is to win the S2 championship! There is no one else!"

Uzi behaved both arrogantly and modestly, aiming for the S2 world championship with his royal sword!

The IMTV Cup has now been completed.

A lot of news has appeared on the Internet that day.

"Royal Sword aims at the S2 world championship!" 》

"The puppy shows super-god-level suppression!" 》

"Does the World's No. 1 ADC Live Up to Its Name?" 》

"Detailed analysis of the strength of the Royal Family's players at each position!" 》

A championship instantly made the royal family the headlines of many online media.

At this time, as e-sports became more and more popular, many news websites have opened a dedicated e-sports channel, and some self-media people are interested in e-sports traffic. As for post bars, forums, NGA and other places, not to mention .

In short, as soon as the Royal Family won the championship, there was immediately more news touting it.

The main reason is that this championship is so valuable. It was won by defeating the previous world champion. It is indeed worthy of bragging.

In the hotel.

Mo Yu closed the computer.

"This time the Royal Family won the championship, the Internet praised it too highly."

"What do you mean?" Shang Xingyue said, "You think the royal family is not worthy?"

"It's not a question of whether they are worthy or not." Mo Yu walked to the bed: "The higher the praise, the worse it will be when you fall. Everyone on the Internet boasts that the royal family seems to have won the world championship. By then, the results will be slightly worse. , will definitely attract a lot of angry comments from netizens.”

Just like Uzi, after he retired, there were all kinds of boasts, asking him to make a debut, asking him to fight again, but when he actually performed on the court and made a mistake, he was immediately criticized and all kinds of scumbags came.

Shang Xingyue is also a media person, so he knew what Mo Yu meant as soon as he was reminded.

"Then what do you want to do? There is no way to avoid this kind of thing. You want e-sports to get traffic. Now that the traffic is there, you start to worry about the backlash of players and teams from the traffic."


Mo Yu sighed helplessly.

Shang Xingyue comforted: "No matter what, whether you like it or comment, you have traffic. If you really can't bear the backlash, there's nothing you can do. You can't be blamed. That's how it is in the Internet age. The peak of At that time, there were good words and all kinds of praise from all directions; of course, if you fall, you will all be trolled and put down in all kinds of ways. The royal family now accepts praise, and accordingly, they must also be prepared for the consequences of falling."

"What you said makes sense. Forget it, I can't control this matter, so I'm too lazy to talk about it." Mo Yu waved his hand: "When will you return to the imperial capital."

"The day after tomorrow." Shang Xingyue said: "When the invitation from Saudi Arabia comes, you can notify me so that I can keep an eye on it and respond to you in time."


Mo Yu nodded, feeling a little regretful: "It's a pity that the time is too rushed, otherwise I would like to take you around more. In two days, there are not many scenic spots to see."

He originally wanted to take Shang Xingyue to visit the surrounding cities and counties, but unfortunately time was too tight and many of the originally planned attractions were unavailable.

"Sooner or later there will be a chance."

Shang Xingyue didn't care, and said openly: "When you and I retire, we will have plenty of time to travel."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to walk by then!"

"Then I'll carry you on my back!"

The two laughed for a while, then turned off the lights and went to sleep early.

Three days later.

Imperial capital.

A meeting was held inside CCTV Sports Channel.

"Saudi Arabia sent a letter, inviting people from Taiwan to interview them for the "Gods and Gods" Oil Cup International Masters. They also specifically specified that Director Cheng should lead the team. How about it? Lao Cheng, what do you think? "

asked the sports channel director sitting at the top.

Cheng Ziyun is a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. He wears a suit and leather shoes. He has a tall figure and neatly styled hair. He looks like a mature man.

"Specify that you want me to go?" Cheng Ziyun said in surprise: "I have never dealt with them, and I don't know much about e-sports. Why did you choose me?"

"The specific situation is unclear." The director shook his head and said, "It was proposed by an official named Ahmed. Do you know this person?"


Cheng Ziyun became more and more confused. When he was young, he was a reporter for a sports channel. He once went to Saudi Arabia when covering a football match and met a few people. But after thinking about it carefully, he didn't remember anyone named Ahmed at all. people.

"I don't know him, and I've only been to Saudi Arabia less than three times, and I went to cover football matches. I don't have much contact with the few people I know, and they can't even be considered friends, let alone who Ahmed is. "

"Then I don't know." The director spread his hands and said, "Anyway, they want you to go there. My opinion is that it's nothing anyway. You just go when they kindly invite you, and take it with you." Xiao Shang, she is an expert in e-sports in Taichung, so she can come forward to solve any professional problems."

"There is no problem in bringing small businessmen." Cheng Ziyun thought: "'E-Sports World' will be broadcast soon, so we might as well bring the entire program team there to record an episode. I believe many viewers will be very interested after it is broadcast. "

"Furthermore, Xiaoshang has interviewed many people and things in the e-sports circle. Even the founder of e-sports, Mo Yu, has done an exclusive interview. She is the most knowledgeable in this field in Taiwan, so it makes sense to bring her along."

"Small businessman, what do you think?"

Shang Xingyue was also attending the meeting. When he heard the words, he said: "I have no problem. I have heard about the Petroleum Cup for a long time. I heard that during this year's Magic City CJ, the other party sent people to the Fishing Game booth to negotiate in person, and it was not a one-time meeting. It will be held in the future, and Saudi Arabia has obtained the permanent authorization.”

"With the financial resources there, coupled with the current popularity of e-sports competitions, it is conceivable that the Petroleum Cup will become a grand event in the global e-sports community in the future. The opportunity to interview on site in person is very rare."

After getting Shang Xingyue's answer, the director also felt that it was a good opportunity. The most important thing this time was to go abroad for an interview. He was specially invited. The meaning was completely different. He had to support it no matter what.

"In that case, Xiao Shang, please bring the program team there. Also, Lao Cheng, are you going or not? If not, I will communicate with the other party and find someone else!"

"Then who else can I change?" Cheng Ziyun stood up abruptly: "After all, you invited me by name. No matter what you do, you can't eat me, right? Go!" (End of Chapter)

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