Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 544 Global Competition

While Mo Yu was thinking, Yang Qiu pushed the door open and entered.

"Mr. Mo, the global competition for racial hegemony will start tomorrow. Now 40 players from all over the world have gathered in Jingzhou. Do you think you would like to go over there tomorrow and give a speech?" Yang Qiuhui reported.

"Global Championship? It's coming so soon!"

Mo Yu suddenly understood.

He has been busy with GAG affairs, and he has forgotten that the race hegemony competition is scheduled for October 10th, right in between the Emperor Star Cup and IMTV Cup.

The entire competition schedule takes a total of ten days and is scheduled to be held at the Jingjie Center.

Contestants are selected from five regions: Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, North America, and South America.

Each division has a ladder points list, and the top eight players in each division are selected through a peak points competition that lasts for several months, and finally a global competition is arranged.

There is no team competition in the entire competition, it is all individual competition. There is no distinction between men and women for the time being, and the battles will be conducted in groups.

Forty players are randomly assigned into four groups ABCD through computer selection. The ten players in each group adopt a BO1 single round-robin format. Each player needs to play a game with the other nine players. If the fourth place wins the same game, , then an extra match will be arranged, and the top four with the most wins will be selected to enter the knockout rounds.

When it comes to the knockout rounds, the sixteen players are divided into two groups, using the allocation method of AD and BC, and still using the BO1 single round-robin format to select the top eight.

The same goes for the quarterfinals.

In the final, the four players in the semi-finals will be divided into two BO3 games. The losers will decide the third and fourth place through BO3. The winner will advance to the finals and the winner will be decided through a BO3 game!

The total prize money of the competition is 5 million, with the champion receiving 1.5 million, the runner-up 900,000, the third runner-up 500,000, and the third runner-up 100,000. The subsequent prizes will be gradually reduced and distributed proportionally. Even the last place will be able to get a certain amount of profit, which is enough to pay for a round-trip air ticket. .

at the same time.

The race of both sides in the competition is random, the birthplace is random, and the map is random.

There are a total of ten maps in the competition, all of which have been tested extensively and have the best balance.

They are Icathia Battlefield, Sun Disk, Noxus Meat Grinder, World Tree, Void Abyss, Forbidden City, Piraeus, Spiritual Territory, Technological Hex, and Crazy Zaun.

Yang Qiu briefly explained the specific information of the competition system, and then added: "Currently, all the forty players have stayed in the hotel arranged by us. Their food, accommodation, and training are all arranged by the company. Some of them are accompanied by their parents and friends. Their accommodation is of their own choice.”

"In addition, this competition has received sponsorship from brands such as Razer, Sig, and Aofeng. They all make electronic products, such as mice, gaming chairs, etc. The total amount of advertising sponsorship is approximately 7 million yuan."

"The current ticket sales data for the competition are quite satisfactory. About 60% of the tickets for the group stage have been sold. All the tickets for the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals have been sold out. A lot of the full set of tickets has also been sold, and the number will continue to increase. I have contacted several ticketing websites and asked them to seize the time to push it more. I also made a linkage with GAG, and the effect is pretty good so far."

After listening to Yang Qiu's report, Mo Yu had some idea.

The number of players of Race Hegemony around the world is not small, and even now it continues to increase. The biggest reason is that after the launch of the map editor, a large number of high-quality and fun RPG maps have emerged, and these RPG maps have attracted more and more people. Players buy games.

But the competition compares to the traditional construction model.

In the game, players who really love to play the traditional construction mode may only account for about 40% of the total number of existing players. This translates to about 1 million people around the world. These people are the key people paying attention to the game.

These are the people Mo Yu wants to attract in his competition.

They are the deepest foundation for racial hegemony. If these people enjoy watching the game, they will increase the popularity of the game and then drive the sales of the game. This is a positive chain reaction.

Now Yang Qiu reports that only 60% of the tickets for the group stage have been sold, which is actually a lot.

After all, there are more than 1 million people scattered all over the world. Only a few people are really willing to travel thousands of miles to Jingzhou to watch the game, and most people will choose to live broadcast it online.

"Take your time. Since there is a competition tomorrow, there is definitely not enough time. Sell as much as you can. The most important thing is that the tickets in the hands of scalpers cannot be overflowing. You can give away a small number of tickets, but definitely not on a large scale." Mo Yu Just a reminder.

"Understood, I will communicate with the ticketing website to strictly control the number of tickets in the hands of scalpers."

Yang Qiu nodded.

Tickets for the global competition are not expensive, only 48 yuan for the group stage, 168 yuan for the finals, and 398 yuan for the best front row ticket.

Even the full set of tickets is only 1,600 yuan, which also includes benefits such as player autographs, player peripherals, and close contact with players offline.

For viewers who are willing to come to watch the game offline, this amount of money is really nothing, and it can even be said to be a very good discount.

But the price of the same ticket can easily rise three to five times in the hands of scalpers.

Those scalpers are not stupid. They know that the development of e-sports is not what it used to be. There are many fans. No matter what, there are people who are willing to pay. It is no worse than those celebrity concerts. There are even many rich brothers and sisters, so Only then did the lion dare to open his mouth, and he was ready to grab tickets early.

This is something Mo Yu can't do anything to prevent, he can only control it.

"What time does the game start tomorrow?"

Mo Yu asked.

"At ten o'clock in the morning, due to the large number of games, the intervals between games are very short. Players take turns to play, take a two-hour break at noon, play from 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and then play from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock in the evening. Players who have games will be picked up in advance. Wait on site when notified, and players who are not competing can make their own arrangements.”

"In addition, some of the hosts, referees, and commentators of the competition are selected from major anchors, plus professionals trained by the company themselves."

Yang Qiu answered one by one.

Mojing Sports has always been committed to discovering and training professional e-sports personnel for various games, but it has never forgotten that players are the largest group.

Many anchors who are players themselves are highly skilled and talented in commentary, and they also have fans. Signing a contract with them to earn money is a good way to save time and effort.

MISS is a typical example.

Her competitive level in racial competition is very high, and she once achieved excellent results in the national server ladder. Although she unfortunately did not enter the top eight in this global competition and was ultimately unable to participate, she was also invited to become a participant in this competition. She is a female commentator and serves as the main commentator.

At the same time, she is also a contracted anchor of Moyu Live Platform and a contracted female commentator of GPL, which can be said to wear many hats.

"It seems you have arranged everything."

Mo Yu smiled and said: "It just so happens that I'm free recently. I'll be there on time tomorrow. I'll go on stage and say a few words, even if I show up. In addition, you can go to the lava and let Xu Changming and Chen Rucheng follow me. Come out together!" (End of this chapter)

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