Three big numbers are small.

This is Yang Qiu's thought after careful consideration.

Among the forty players in this global competition, in addition to 32 male players, there are 8 female players.

It is for this reason that Yang Qiu designed the women's team.

At the same time, whether it is Red Alert or Race Hegemony, some maps are not limited to 1V1, but also have multi-player battles, so he also arranged 3V3 team matches to ensure that the entire event system covers multiple game modes and satisfies the audience's desire to watch multiple types of games. idea.

There are also tournament bonuses.

It seems that there are fewer people compared to the Global Hegemony Tournament, but among the three major events arranged by Yang Qiu, there are only 16 people participating in the main competition, while there are 40 people participating in the Global Hegemony Tournament, so in actual conversion, he may be ranked at the top There are fewer players in the rankings, but there are more players in the lower rankings.

There are a total of three major competitions and twelve events. In fact, the total prize money spent throughout the year is 14.1 million!

Quite a few!

Several people were shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect that Yang Qiu had already planned such a detailed and huge event system.

"Men's, women's, singles, and team competitions, your ideas are very interesting."

Mo Yu couldn't help but laugh.

Yang Qiu's idea is actually very similar to Blizzard's previous game system planning for World of Warcraft and StarCraft. In the era before LOL and DOTA rose, World of Warcraft and StarCraft were the real kings of e-sports. However, Blizzard committed suicide and was short-sighted. Falling into the eyes of money.

Various stringent conditions were imposed. Even if South Korea wanted to hold an interstellar competition, they had to get Blizzard's consent before paying a large amount of money, and Blizzard had to take the initiative before allowing it.

In the end, the two games were completely wiped out, and the flame of e-sports that took the world by storm and set off a wave of the times was completely extinguished.

In contrast, the fishing game is much more relaxed in this regard. As long as a subject is determined to be a fishing game and abides by some of the spirit and universal rules of competitive sports, the rest will be left to the agent himself. The game only plays a regulatory role.

Because of this, GAG itself is popular and the competition is loose enough. It soon created a huge competition system around the world, and then became popular all over the world. It has become one of the must-see competitions that countless teenagers are keen on, and the number of viewers is even increasing. Soaring, it has become one of the most watched events among all competitive sports in the world!

"Actually, it was only after seeing the situation of this national competition that it was perfected. I originally only wanted to set up a men's group, but I saw that there were women among the contestants, so I added a women's group." Yang Qiu said frankly: "And the three major Among the events, I think the company only needs to host one to reduce operational pressure, and the remaining two can be authorized as long as they meet the requirements."

"Just like the one in October, in my plan, it was actually the Petroleum Cup hosted by Saudi Arabia!"

The Petroleum Cup does not only refer to GAG’s A-level events, but also refers to all game competitions hosted by Moyu Company in Saudi Arabia.

Ahmed signed more than one GAG ​​contract at that time, including CSGO, Red Alert, Race Contest, DOTA, and even some games subsequently developed by the company, which also have the right of first refusal.

Yang Qiu finally concluded: "I think the scale of the league alone is not enough. It will not cause much trouble for the entire competition system. Only by forming a major international competition can we attract powerful sponsors and increase the scale of the competition." Big enough and influential enough!”

The three of them all fell into deep thought after listening, thinking about the competition system Yang Qiu had arranged for the two games, and finally had to admit that what he said made sense.

Mo Yu couldn't help but admire: "Your idea is very complete. The news can be released. On the one hand, it can attract some interested parties to come over to discuss licensing. On the other hand, it can also promote the developing professional e-sports."

"Many established e-sports clubs now have only one GAG ​​project, which is too thin. Launching the race system and red alert system as soon as possible can promote the emergence of more clubs, and also give established clubs more confidence to set up branches, and also It can provide a stage for players and promote the entire e-sports system, which has many benefits!"

"Get ready to make the announcement!"

"Okay!" Yang Qiu responded: "I will arrange it after the Global Hegemony Tournament is over. With the popularity of the competition, I should be able to attract more attention!"

"Okay, you'll be responsible."

Mo Yu smiled and said: "Next, we can enter the field and wait for the game to start!"

The entire Jingjie Center was already full of people.

It can't be compared with GAG. There are some empty seats at the Global Competition. In the group matches in the previous few days, many were foreign players. The competition center is in China. It is normal for the audience not to be interested. But in the subsequent games, As the schedule heats up, the seats will be full by then.

After all, although the prize money of the Global Contest is not as good as that of the S Competition, the level of the competition is the same. They are the highest level competitions in different projects, which can naturally attract the attention of global game enthusiasts.

The major live broadcast rooms are already overcrowded.

Many people don't play the construction mode, but they are very interested in watching the competition, just like people who play Super Smash Bros. still watch the World Championship.

on the stage.

A newly trained beautiful female host named Wang Zhaozhao appeared on the stage.

She was a talent trained from the High School Star Project. She was originally going to be transferred to GDL as a host, but the Race Hegemony project needed people, so she was transferred here. From now on, she will be responsible for hosting the Race Hegemony and Red Alert games.

"Players from all over the world, welcome to the competition center, I am Xiaomao!"

Xiaomao is Wang Zhaozhao's stage name. Compared to his real name, players remember his stage name more.

Wang Zhaozhao's name in the game is also called Xiaomou, and he is also the anchor of Moyu Live. He is quite popular, especially the photos, which are not small at all.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, many people cheered.

"Zhou Guan actually became the official host?"

"Wow, what a feast for the eyes!"

“As expected, the sea is open to all rivers, and it’s not small at all!”

The people who were booing were all viewers who had watched Wang Zhaozhao's live broadcast. A close-up of her whole body was shown on the big screen, which was very fascinating.

"Today, fans of all races around the world gather together, and we have selected the forty most powerful players from all over the world to compete for the title of world champion!"

“Next, let’s invite the contestants to appear!”

Wang Zhaozhao turned around and waved his hand, giving an order.

The doors leading to the backstage on both sides of the stage were opened, the lights on the passage were bright, and a famous contestant stepped out of the door, stepping onto the stage step by step under the eyes of the audience, and the camera kept scanning their faces.

Most of them are young boys with immature faces. They tremble slightly when they walk in front of the eyes of the audience, and they are very nervous.

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