Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 55 Three Thousand Lots Qi Jiang


Liu Guoliang's words really shocked Mo Yu.

Three thousand, 70,000 yuan, this salary, how should I put it, is somewhat beyond Mo Yu’s expectations.

But then I thought about it, what is the situation now and what will it be in the future?

Three thousand, maybe 7-chan will really accept it happily.

Anyway, according to Mo Yu’s own understanding, the Qijiang of this world dropped out of school early, and now hangs out in Internet cafes to help people improve their points. The problem is that today’s power leveling is not like that of later generations. There is no stable order, and it is precarious. If you are lucky, you can get dozens of orders. Hundreds, but if I’m not lucky, I only get a few hundred a month. It’s just pure luck!

If Liu Guoliang is really serious about starting an e-sports club and giving 7 Jiang a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, maybe he can actually negotiate it!

Three thousand yuan!

What kind of bike do you want?

Just how to say it

Mo Yu always felt that the gap was a bit big. His thinking was still stuck in the previous life when he was paid millions in signing fees, and he had not changed.

"Well, why don't you go talk to him yourself after the game?"

"But I have to remind you, do you really want to start a club? Now there are no games and no income. Let alone just play, it will harm the young people!"

Mo Yu reminded.

Large-scale and large-scale e-sports competitions have not yet appeared. Unless he organizes them with his own money, there will definitely not be much profit from setting up a club to participate in the competition.

Although 7-chan is 7-chan, he is still a young guy!

If Liu Guoliang is really just playing the game, quits after a few months, and directly fires people out, wouldn't 7 Jiang's career be wasted?

This may not happen!

There were many Internet cafe teams in the past life. At the beginning, the boss thought he had discovered a good talent or suddenly had a whim and wanted to form a team to compete in the competition.

As a result, in the competition, he was stronger than Qi, the team was not strong enough, and the operation was not good either. In the end, the funds were unsustainable, and the results were not achieved. The boss was disheartened and did not want to play anymore, so he disbanded directly, leaving only five people with dreams. Young people continue to mingle in society and achieve nothing.

A ruthless boss would even dare to default on wages of several thousand yuan without caring about labor laws.

Mo Yu can't save everyone, but he has some feelings for Qi Jiang.

"Think carefully and don't harm anyone." Mo Yu warned.

Who would have thought that Liu Guoliang would directly reply: "Why don't you think about it?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me whether the club is a club or not. I just want to sign this player. I don't need him to play games. He just needs to play games exclusively with me from now on. Look at how popular he is now."

Liu Guoliang pointed around.

Just then, 7-chan on the field played a wonderful GANK that circled the field of vision, and the scene burst into cheers like a tsunami.

"As long as he can play games at my place every day, how many customers will he attract every day? In your words, Mr. Mo, he is a professional e-sports player playing games in my Internet cafe. How many people will he need to apply for membership cards every day?"

"At that time, I will set up a reminder for all Internet cafes. As soon as he enters the Internet cafe to play games, the whole audience will immediately play a promise to welcome the professional god from "Gods and Gods". It will be broadcast three times in a row. Isn't the performance going up? "

Liu Guoliang was very excited.

Mo Yu didn't even expect that this was his idea!

7 Jiang, nicknamed Nuo Dao, known as Factory Manager, also known as An Kai, is destined to become famous in a MOBA game based on LOL and stand at the top of the professional league.

And according to Lao Liu’s tone, you don’t necessarily need to start a club. Simply spending 3,000 to hire a local master will not affect Qi Jiang’s future entry into the professional circle, but you can also get an extra income, which is not a loss at all!

Even Lao Liu even showed up at the Internet cafe prompt for 7 Jiang.

This is a must-have trick for every Internet cafe after the development of LOL in later generations.

As soon as players of various levels enter the Internet cafe, the golden master from the XX area comes online on a machine number. Everyone, hurry up and watch!

Generally speaking, if you meet a player in the Ionia King rank, someone will definitely join in the fun.

If there is a stable expert to control the market, it will definitely be of great help to improve the performance of the Internet cafe.

"The idea is okay!"

"You can talk to him after the game. We should be able to work it out!"

"I can put in a few good words for you, but you have to tell him the specific conditions yourself. Whether he agrees or not depends on him!"

Mo Yu decided to help 7 Jiang. He would have a stable income, continue his training work, and enter the professional arena in the future. How great!

"Okay, after the beating, you come with me to find him."

The battle continues on the field.

Under the leadership of Qi Jiang, Sports had a huge advantage in the early stage with a late-stage lineup.

CCM is losing ground.

PDD kept suppressing weapons in the early stage of the road, and even jumped into the bottom lane to fight back. However, after a few waves of 7-chan roaming, Pan Sen became more and more disadvantaged. Instead, he was snowballed by the weapons. Pan Sen simply couldn't If you can't follow the line, you will die if you are caught with a weapon.

In addition, the cards in the middle of the movement are greatly supported.

CCM retreated across the board.

The movement started with a four-point push, with a four-piece set of weapons standing on the road, one person will die, two people can run away or even kill, and three people may not be able to catch him to death.

"TMD, Nuoyan, that bitch, caught him too hard!"

"My weapon was crushed to death by me, but now I'm the owner of the land."

"Hey, this is the most annoying thing!"

"If you fight like this, I'm afraid I'm going to overturn TM's Pipi's Ultimate Squid's Invincible Bang Bang Hammer's Geoduck Clam!"

PDD slapped his thighs and huddled under the highland tower, cautiously withdrawing his troops, for fear that a weapon would accidentally pop out and hammer him to death.

On the entire small map, the wild area was completely dark, and the field of vision was completely impossible.

The CCM team has almost entered a certain death situation.

"There's been no one online for a long time. Are you fighting the Baron?"

"have no idea!"

"Take a photo quickly!"

The vision transformation illuminated the Dragon Pit, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. There was no movement, but then the vision was eliminated, and everyone became nervous again.

Today's situation.

If the opponent captures the baron, the high ground may be completely broken, or even defeated by a wave.

CCM didn’t want to wait to die. After discussion, they decided to go out and die standing up!

"Brother Zhou, what do you say?"

At the critical moment, PDD looked to the inside for late protection.

"You go harass and keep an eye on the dragon. Assistant, follow me. The Golden Cudgel is coming soon!"

Zhou thought for a while and decided to delay for a while.

The hero Policewoman is strong in the early stage and strong in the late stage, but is weak in the mid stage.

This did not take advantage of his early advantage in the bot lane, and there was naturally no sound in the mid-term. However, now, he has been silent for almost four pieces.

"Okay, wait for Brother Zhou's golden cudgel!"

Without the Golden Cudgel, AD can't fight weapons with built-in dodge, and can only rely on AP for output, but I just smile at this guy, he knows everything!

The piano girl can lose everything, let alone Annie?

Time passes minute by minute.

The three players in the CCM team's top, middle and jungle positions were in the Dalong Pit to provide vision, preventing the movement from taking the dragon with peace of mind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou boldly attacked and stole money everywhere to develop. He was not caught and successfully obtained the four-piece set of Red Cross, Endless, Whispering, and Golden Cudgel!

"Okay, let's go, big dragon!"

Everyone in CCM immediately felt at ease, armed themselves with real eyes, and headed straight for the dragon!

On the commentary stage, the Haier brothers were worried about the sports team.


“What’s going on with sports?”

"I keep stalling for time. The dragon wants to fight but doesn't dare to fight!"

"They have an advantage now. This lineup can take down the Baron very quickly. Why don't they dare to fight? What are you thinking about?"

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