"I heard that the strength of domestic teams is second to none in the world. Xiao Shang, when the time comes, you can bring a photographer with you to record some training content and put it in the show. The effect will definitely be good." Cheng Ziyun was a little excited after hearing this.

Shang Xingyue didn't interrupt at all at this time. He just sat aside and listened to the conversation between the two. He nodded when he heard the words: "Okay."

Cheng Ziyun looked at Mo Yu again and took out a business card. Mo Yu also handed over a business card, and then the two exchanged messages and left their contact information.

"Mr. Mo, you should be relatively familiar with the global GAG professional circle. I wonder if the country can win the Petroleum Cup this time?" Putting away the phone, Cheng Ziyun continued the conversation.

"It's hard to say." Mo Yu shook his head: "Several strong domestic teams have not participated in the Petroleum Cup this year. It is still a bit difficult to win the championship."

"Is that so?"

Cheng Ziyun was slightly disappointed: "I still want to see the domestic team win the championship."

Mo Yu smiled when he heard this: "Actually, there is no need to be too disappointed. In the GAG ​​project, the overall strength of the country is still ranked first, and the participating teams are also strong teams. Although it is difficult, it is not impossible. hope."

He wasn't telling lies either.

Several top teams in the five major regions have not participated in the Petroleum Cup. With the strength of OMG, NB, and IG, as long as they perform well, it is not impossible to win the championship, but it is very difficult. After all, the three teams are at the mid-level level in the country. Several other divisions are very competitive.

In particular, the dark force OMG has a clear rising trend next season and is fully capable of hitting the top three in the league. When it was in good shape, it also defeated the Emperor Star, but it was difficult to maintain at its peak. In addition, God Star, Royal Family, LGD, The four teams of WE are in really great form this year. They have been in stable form throughout the year, and they are even more powerful in the playoffs. OMG can only regret that it ranks fifth in the league.

As for IG, it's a bit awkward. NB is from a Sanren team and has performed poorly in the IMTV Cup and Emperor Star Cup they have already played. There is basically no hope of winning the championship.


Cheng Ziyun shook his head.

Seeing his slightly disappointed look, Mo Yu thought for a while and suddenly said: "Actually, the Petroleum Cup is a game that many top teams have given up on in their plans for this year. The next World Championship is the focus of those teams. Director Cheng If you want to see domestic teams win the championship, it’s better to look forward to the next World Championship.”

"S2 Global Finals?"

"Yes." Mo Yu nodded: "S2 is the world's largest, top and most exciting professional e-sports competition organized by our company. The prize pool exceeds 100 million, and its significance is on the same level as the World Cup in football. "

"Oh?" Cheng Ziyun was surprised when he heard this: "Compared to the World Cup?"

"There is a certain gap." Mo Yu said regretfully: "The World Cup has been held for a long time. After all, the global finals were founded less than 2 years ago. It is still difficult to compare with the World Cup. Moreover, the communication channels of the game itself are relatively narrow. In the traditional The media couldn’t watch it, so we were still a few steps behind.”

"But S2 is a little different from the World Cup!"

Cheng Ziyun asked: "What's the difference?"

"It is extremely difficult for our country's football team to reach the World Cup, but domestic teams are very hopeful to win the global finals. Last year, the first time a domestic team won the world championship."

While Mo Yu was speaking, he was also paying attention to the change in expression on Cheng Ziyun's face.

After just a few words of conversation, he discovered that Cheng Ziyun was more interested in domestic teams beating foreign teams than in the GAG ​​game itself.

If you want to convince him, the influence of the game itself and various data may be convincing, but from the perspective of a domestic team winning the championship, there may be a better chance.

"It's a pity that the World Cup can be broadcast on TV stations around the world, but S2 can't. It's a shame that more people can't watch a game that showcases our country's prestige."

Mo Yu pretended to be sorry.

"It's a pity indeed."

"Domestic football is in a mess. I can't even count as a companion every year. It's really about participation. When the World Cup is released, it's just to watch other people's performances. There is a chance to win the championship in the e-sports competition but you can't see it. Alas!"

Cheng Ziyun's expression changed, and he also showed a look of regret.

When Mo Yu saw this, his heart moved: "Actually, the e-sports competition has received strong support from above this year. I have also been trying to find connections with the TV station to see if the game can be broadcast on TV. Unfortunately, there is no connection, but nothing."

"Director Cheng, you and I had a great chat today. We hit it off immediately. You are a senior TV station veteran with rich industry connections. I would like to ask you to help introduce me if I have the opportunity."

"I'm nothing in the media industry." Cheng Ziyun waved his hand: "And after all, this thing is too sensitive, so I'm afraid it's not easy to make connections!"

"All right."

Mo Yu regretfully said: "Actually, it's still a matter of public opinion. This year, the country's attitude towards e-sports competitions has been very clear and very supportive. Even your sports channel is doing programs? In fact, as long as you are willing, I believe there is no need at the high-level Any questions.”

"And games like S2 ​​have high ratings, so it would be a good thing if any station is willing to broadcast it!"

"Seriously, Director Cheng, I wonder who is in charge of the broadcast rights of your sports channel? I really want to convince this person that with the high probability of the domestic team winning the championship, I believe that broadcasting the game can bring a wave of excitement to the sports channel. The huge increase in ratings can also create a lot of advertising benefits. If it can be broadcast on a sports channel, I will give the broadcast rights half the price, no! It can be 30% off or even 10% off!"

"It really doesn't work. It's the same thing to give it a symbolic meaning!"

Mo Yu's face was full of regret, and his acting skills were as good as those of a movie actor. He seemed not to know Cheng Ziyun's identity at all, and Shang Xingyue beside him was dumbfounded.

But he does have some truth in it, at least when it comes to price.

Don't talk about half price, 30% off, or 10% off. If CCTV is really willing to broadcast the whole process, what if he loses money?

In China, there has never been any channel like CCTV. Not only the ratings but also the meaning it represents are extraordinary. Any program will attract huge attention and convey an orthodox impression to the public invisibly.

It's like something that was very niche before and was not even accepted by the public, but as soon as it is broadcast on CCTV, it will be recognized by most people in an instant!

This is the power of CCTV!

If S2 can be fully broadcast on CCTV Sports Channel, it will be a huge victory in public opinion. It can be compared to the tens of millions spent on advertising and publicity, and the effect will be even ten times and a hundred times better!

After all, most of the people attracted by advertising and promotion are people who love to play games!

The negative public opinion about e-sports has never been caused by these people, but by those who have old ideas and ideas.

A large part of the viewers covered by CCTV have these old ideas and thoughts.

As long as it is broadcast on CCTV, it can severely shatter the stereotypes of some people. If it is broadcast for a few more years, it can even completely reverse it! (End of chapter)

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