Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 571 Competition Environment

Planes roar.

From Jingzhou to the imperial capital, they flew all the way to South Korea, and everyone successfully landed in Busan.

"Where to go?"

"I have something to do, I have an appointment."

Mo Yu wanted to leave to do errands, but Zhang Zhaoyang stopped him: "Are you in a hurry? If you're not in a hurry, don't leave yet. The Koreans are hosting the S competition. Let's go together and see how it goes!"


Mo Yu checked the time and realized that there was still time, so he simply followed a group of people on the bus to pick up people, and went straight to the hotel where the contestants were staying at the first stop.

According to the information released by the Korean E-Sports League, all team players will stay at a local three-star hotel during the group stage. There are pictures on the official website. It looks very good, clean and tidy.

After everyone visited the hotel, Mo Yu took a look around and found that the exterior decoration of the hotel looked pretty good. The rooms for the players and the training room were all arranged. All kinds of daily necessities in the room were very complete, and all aspects were considered carefully.

Moreover, considering that players do not have Korean server accounts, a full-skin account of the Korean server master group is also provided to facilitate players’ daily training.

There are basically no dead spots in the room. The windows are bright and clean. There are two people in one room. Everything is very tidy.

The only drawback is that there are some flaws in the food. Only Korean dishes are provided, and players from other countries are not considered at all.

"How about it?"


Mo Yu walked around the restaurant. Meat, vegetables, fruits, and drinks were placed on the dining table. It was very similar to a domestic Korean barbecue buffet shop, especially there were various kinds of kimchi. The Korean characteristics were directly It's full.

Although the whole restaurant is not as outrageous as what is posted on the Internet, it is still reasonable. It is not that they can't even provide watermelon.

Zhang Zhaoyang was full of contempt when he heard this.

"Is this all right? It's too good, brother! Look at what this is!"

He pointed at the rows of various kinds of kimchi that lined up in front of him, and said silently: "Can sauerkraut be used as a main dish?"

"And is this meat fresh? It's all frozen!"

"The environment in the room just now looked so shabby to me, it was so shabby, it just stretched my crotch!"

Zhang Zhaoyang complained repeatedly without giving any face. Fortunately, there were all domestic players around him and no outsiders heard him. If the organizer heard it, something might happen.

Mo Yu heard this and said helplessly: "It's not as bad as you said, right?"

"Why not?" Zhang Zhaoyang said disgustedly: "To be honest, this place is not as good as when I held the Emperor Star Cup. After all, it is the global finals. Why can't it even compare to the Masters? It's a bit stingy!"

For two consecutive Emperor Star Cups, Zhang Zhaoyang has tried his best to provide the best conditions for players from all over the world. He is really religious about e-sports competitions, just like when friends come over, he must bring out the best things at home to entertain the guests.

Travel, food, accommodation, everything is the best!

They ate eight major cuisines from chefs from all over the world and stayed in a five-star luxury hotel. Comparing this, the Korean was really not good at S2 this time. He was definitely not deliberately finding fault.

But then again.

The Emperor Star Cup uses properties under the name of Jingzhou Construction Engineering. The chef was brought in by Zhang Zhaoyang's hotel, and he stayed in a hotel under his group. He specializes in one-of-a-kind products, and he is very wealthy!

Koreans really can't compare.

You know, on the Internet, the Emperor Star Cup is so far praised by players around the world as the most luxurious and comfortable game. Even this year's Petroleum Cup in Saudi Arabia is a little behind.

"Stop nitpicking." Mo Yu smiled helplessly: "That's all your own business. It's definitely incomparable to South Korea. Just be careful. After all, it's someone else's territory. Don't talk nonsense, brother!"

What he said was also true.

In fact, South Korea has paid enough attention to S2 this time. The conditions provided in all aspects are definitely above the normal level. It is not as bad as Zhang Zhaoyang said. It is just that it is not on the same level as the Emperor Star Cup.


For the players, they are already qualified.

The hotel room environment is very clean and tidy, and the training room is also equipped with the latest computers. The safety environment in the room is very high. Although the food is a bit stretched, it is definitely reasonable, at least you will not go wrong with it.

"whispering sound."

Seeing several Korean teams walking in, Zhang Zhaoyang snorted disdainfully and shut up and stopped talking.

Mo Yu had nothing to do about it.

He looked at the time and said, "I won't talk to you anymore. It's almost time. I still have something to do. What do you say?"

Zhang Zhaoyang waved his hand: "You go ahead, I'll go out to find another hotel and have dinner together in the evening."

"Okay!" Mo Yu turned around to leave, but turned back to remind him: "Remember, this is not Jingzhou. Even if you don't like it, just restrain yourself."

"Hey, don't worry, I understand!"

Zhang Zhaoyang waved his hand impatiently.

Mo Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly, but felt that Zhang Zhaoyang was not that stupid, so he went out and drove away.

This time when he came here, in addition to watching the game, he also made an appointment with people from KESPA, the Korean Professional E-Sports Association, to meet and keep in touch. Zhang Hengbo, the general manager of the Korean branch company, had already sent a message, and he was in the hotel building. Next wait.

Got in the car.

Zhang Hengbo served as the driver himself.

Mo Yu greeted from the back row: "Thank you for your hard work, Hengbo. South Korea has done a good job this year. Keep up the good work."

"It's all for the development of the company."

Zhang Hengbo held the steering wheel tightly, looked forward, and spoke respectfully.

He was originally a supervisor at the company's headquarters, but he was transferred after the establishment of the five major competition divisions.

During his tenure, he was hard-working and loyal, and made several of the company's games very good in South Korea. He also established a good relationship with KESPA and some senior Blue House officials and chaebol leaders. He did an outstanding job.

"Why did KESPA meet me this time? Who came? Tell me about the situation."

Mo Yu talked about business.

Zhang Hengbo can handle some daily business dealings, so there is no need to meet him specifically.

Obviously, KESPA was not just keeping in touch with him, there must be something that made Zhang Hengbo undecided and he had to go to him.

"The situation has been clarified. KESPA should want greater autonomy." Zhang Hengbo said: "Several of our company's games now account for more than 90% of the Korean e-sports industry, especially GAG. It has become popular across the country and is deeply loved by teenagers.”

"It is reported that Blue House has decided to increase its emphasis on the e-sports industry and fully support the development of the e-sports industry. Jeon Byung-hyun's replacement as chairman of Choi Min-sik is the best proof!"

"After Quan Byingxian took office, he repeatedly shouted the slogan that he must develop independent e-sports and must not be controlled by others. However, the games they can compete in are all our company's products. They definitely don't want to invest a huge amount, but in the future they will be The company is restricting us, so this discussion should be about discussing this matter with you!" (End of Chapter)

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