Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 573 Bottom Line

After entering the hotel and exchanging brief greetings, Mo Yu was ushered into a conference room.

"Mr. Mo, thank you for coming all the way."

Jeon Byung-hyun smiled kindly.

He only knew a few simple sentences in Chinese, and the communication between the two had to be translated and conveyed through Zhang Hengbo.

However, Mo Yu knew the purpose of today's meeting. The two parties had to negotiate a result. He was not confused by this person, but simply went straight to the point.

"Chairman Quan, I won't say any more polite words, let's get straight to the point."

"KESPA wants to gain more autonomy in competitions. There is no problem with this. There is no problem with the subsequent renewal of GAG's agency rights in South Korea. I only have two requirements!"

Mo Yu tapped his fingers on the table, and Zhang Hengbo translated them one by one.

Opposite me, Quan Pingxian immediately cheered up and stretched out his hand to signal: "Please speak!"

Seeing this, Mo Yu said in a deep voice: "GAG's renewal fee will be increased by 30% on the current basis. At the same time, Moyu Company promises not to interfere with KESPA's competitions in any of Moyu Games' games in South Korea, and is willing to release all Authorization, but correspondingly, fishing companies must have regulatory powers!”

"When any of Moyu Company's games occurs in South Korea during an event that affects the results of the competition and obstructs fairness, Moyu Company has the right to demand compensation from you and modify the results of the event."

"This is the only thing. This is the bottom line. There is no room for negotiation."

When discussing things with a veteran politician like Quan Bingxian, Mo Yu didn't bother wrangling and came directly.

If Quan Byung-hyun doesn't agree, then he has no choice but to re-establish an organization similar to KESPA to compete head-on with KESPA, or to completely abandon the Korean market. There is no other way.

Zhang Hengbo was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Mo Yu to have such an idea, but he still recounted the past in full.

When Quan Pingxian heard this, he was stunned. He didn't expect Mo Yu to be so straightforward.

South Korea is a small country with few people, a poor culture, and weak inheritance. It often steals, especially in sports, and is often criticized for doing whatever it takes to win championships.

The country pays attention to seniority in all aspects, and newcomers must be respectful to their predecessors without being rude at all, even if they are strong.

The harshness of it is something that even South Koreans can't stand.

In taking charge of KESPA, Quan Byung-hyun must have taken a fancy to the huge influence that the e-sports industry will have in the future. Winning the championship will bring greater international influence and national honor to South Korea. From the current point of view, at least in the e-sports industry In terms of competition, the Koreans do have real materials and the ability to win the championship.

Therefore, it is completely impossible to say that he has no idea about manipulation that affects the outcome of the game.

Just like this S2, in fact, before the start of the game, the KESPA Association held an internal meeting that even Zhang Hengbo did not participate in. The results of the meeting only discussed one point. It was necessary to ensure that at least one Korean team entered the semi-finals, no matter what!

As a result, Mo Yu now wants supervisory power, which will be difficult.

Quan Pingxian spoke slowly.

"Mr. Mo, GAG's agency fee is already very high. Isn't it inappropriate to increase it by another 30%? Also, regarding regulatory power, does it mean that you don't think that KESPA may allow manipulation of game results?"

"This is really unacceptable. It is simply an insult to our character!"

He looked so indignant that even Mo Yu laughed.

I originally thought I had given enough concessions, but in the end, Quan Pingxian, B, refused to agree to any of the conditions, and was reluctant to pay more than the signing fee. It was simply a complete lack of face.

If he hadn't had enough self-cultivation, Mo Yu would have cursed him before.

Even so, he didn't show any good looks. He lay down directly on the chair behind him. He didn't pay attention to his manners and etiquette at all. He said coldly: "Maybe the translation is not good enough. The bottom line is that there is no Western medicine line in any case." No room for negotiation."

"Hengbo, please tell him clearly and tell him not to have any illusions in return."

"If KESPA does not agree, then Moyu Games will take back all game agency rights, and the head office will send people to directly operate the event, or withdraw from the Korean market!"

Zhang Hengbo translated it truthfully, and instantly he saw Quan Pingxian's face light up, and he said a lot of gibberish.

After Zhang Hengbo listened carefully and was about to convey something, Mo Yu raised his hand to block it and asked, "Don't say so much, just be direct. Does he agree or disagree?"

"I don't agree, but I still want the company to make concessions." Zhang Hengbo shook his head.

"Then don't talk about it!"

Mo Yu immediately stood up and walked away.

No matter how strong KESPA is, if it cannot accept the conditions, it will have no choice but to give up.

South Korea is a big market, but it is for games, not e-sports. No matter how much money you make from e-sports, it is difficult to compare with the money you make from operating games. The greater benefit of e-sports is its influence, etc. aspects, rather than directly visible money.

Moreover, the company's branches can still continue to operate unless South Korea comes forward to sanction Moyu Company from the top and prohibits Moyu Company's games from appearing on the Korean Internet, but that is obviously impossible.

No country will sanction a game company.

Seeing that Mo Yu was about to leave, Quan Pingxian was dumbfounded. He was having a good conversation, why did he suddenly disappear?

He immediately caught up to Mo Yu and stopped him, and said anxiously: "Mr. Mo, if there is anything we can continue to discuss, and I have prepared a sumptuous dinner, why don't you give me a meal?"

Seeing his expression, Mo Yu knew what was going on without having to guess. He must have wanted to stay, but he was too lazy to pay attention to this person and directly said to Zhang Hengbo: "Tell him that before the end of S2, you must either agree to two conditions or negotiate." Collapse, there is no second way!”

After saying that, he pushed Quan Bingxian away and strode away.

No matter how Quan Pingxian tried to persuade him to stay, he never looked back.

Zhang Hengbo also followed after conveying his last words.

in the car.

"Mr. Mo, do you really want to stop talking?"

Zhang Hengbo cast a questioning look through the car's rearview mirror.

"No more talking."

Mo Yu shook his head: "E-sports competitions cannot only serve one country. Problems in any competition area will affect all competition areas. It affects the whole body. Supervision is the final bottom line. Koreans must either accept it or not." Just replace him."

"You have to be prepared. If Quan Byong-hyun doesn't agree, then Korea will be handed over to the branch to take full responsibility. All the company's games and events will be handed over to you. At the same time, you will also have to deal with KESPA, which is a heavy responsibility. "

Zhang Hengbo also felt great pressure for a while.

KESPA was launched by Cheong Wa Dae. If a branch company wants to compete with KESPA, it is equivalent to fighting on someone else's home court, and there is no room for any mistakes.

He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I understand, don't worry and leave it to me!"

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