Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 578 Drawing Lots

"Now let's cut the scene to the Busan scene of the S2 global finals of "Gods and Gods". Next, the audience in front of the screen will see the group stage draw ceremony. At the same time, the competition will be played by Wang Qianyuan, Shang Xingyue, Duan Xuan, Wang Zhicheng brings you today’s match commentary.”

Wang Duoduo's voice sounded, and his real name was Wang Qianyuan.

Due to the need to pay attention to the commentary terms, CCTV's commentary stream cannot be connected to the GPL's live commentary in Busan. Instead, Mojing Sports will send people to form a new commentary lineup. At the same time, the GPL commentary desk will also send people to rotate.

Originally, CCTV's live broadcast of S2 was a big gimmick, which could bring greater ratings. However, due to this, the follow-up should have a certain impact on the ratings. The audience will definitely be more willing to take over the commentary style they are accustomed to, rather than CCTV's Explanation style of handcuffs and shackles.

But there is nothing you can do about it, there are gains and losses.

The CCTV platform itself is destined not to talk nonsense.

In the office on the top floor of the Penguin Building.

Duan Yuanfeng is accompanying Xiao Ma.

As Wang Duoduo's voice sounded, the screen on the TV screen jumped to the Busan competition scene.

Sixteen teams were slowly appearing from the backstage amidst the roar of the Roaring Emperor. The deafening shouts came from the speakers. Just listening to them made people feel as if they were in the middle of the arena, making people feel heroic.

"Profit and harm! It's amazing!"

"It's really amazing!"

Looking at the TV in the office, even Xiao Ma had to admire him.

"GAG games are becoming more and more popular now. They are really popular all over the world. And now they are even on CCTV. They will also participate in the Asian Games in the future. I don't know how much hard work in publicity can be saved now. It's amazing!"

"It's really strong."

Duan Yuanfeng sighed: "Mr. Ma, e-sports has become a hot topic in the current gaming industry, but the company has failed to succeed several times. You said before that you would find a way to join. I also reported to you a few months ago that CJ situation, do you think we should take action?"

As a domestic gaming giant, how could Penguin just look at the Moyu game to be the best?

In addition to "Peak of Glory", several subsequent games were developed, but none of them succeeded.

It was no use even though the pony went crazy several times.

It was really the krypton gold gene engraved in the bones of Penguin. Not long after it was launched, he couldn't wait to start various lottery methods that destroyed the balance of the game. In the end, it was completely ruined.


Xiao Ma sighed: "It's easy to make games, but it's not that simple to make a game that can become a competition event. The best way for us to get into e-sports now is to cooperate with Moyu Games."

"That's right." Duan Yuanfeng nodded: "I think so too, and I talked to Mo Yu. He thinks that if you want to develop e-sports just relying on fishing is not enough, so Mo Yu does not exclude or even welcomes outsiders. With the addition of Force, Tianxing has already had in-depth cooperation with them and will develop a martial arts game together.”

"I also know all this news."

Xiao Ma stood up, waved his hand and said, "What do you think of this matter? What form should cooperation take?"

Xiao Ma is arrogant and arrogant, and Penguin is indeed a domestic Internet giant. Originally, he could invest in Moyu Game and acquire it, but he never thought about cooperation.

Now I've hit a wall several times and found that I can't compare to Mo Yu in the e-sports industry. At this time, I couldn't help but start thinking.

"Mo Yu has many companies under his name, but he once said that Moyu Games will never accept any investment, but Mojing Sports and Moyu Live Broadcast are both acceptable. I think we can cooperate in this area. Both parties Be honest with each other and cooperate sincerely.”

It would be too expensive for Penguin to continue to organize competitions and live broadcasts. It would be better to cooperate directly with Mo Yu in this area and use Mo Yu's resource platform to expand Penguin's business territory.

However, Penguin does not pay nothing, and must pay a corresponding price.

Duan Yuanfeng suggested: "Moreover, I suggest that the company can also set up a club to obtain a seat in the GPL league, and at the same time gain a certain say in the league. After S2 is completed, there will be an opportunity."

There is certainly no problem running a professional e-sports club with Penguin's strength.

GPL has decided to hold a GPL seat auction after the completion of S2. It is expected that seven seats will be released, expanding the GPL league to sixteen teams.

The news has spread, and many companies are very excited.

Duan Yuanfeng knew that Tianxing had already reserved a seat.

"Establishing a club, investing in Mojing Sports, or Moyu Live Broadcasting?"

Xiao Ma pondered to himself, walking around, unable to make up his mind for a while, until his eyes glanced at the TV screen again.

At this time, on the TV, sixteen teams were about to start the lottery. The camera swept across the auditorium, and young faces full of expectation looked towards the center of the stage with their heads slightly raised.

That feeling made Xiao Ma immediately realize that e-sports will definitely be a trend in the future.

This glance immediately made him determined.


"I'll leave this matter to you. Let's communicate with Mo Yu first. I'll make an appointment with him when I have time."

Duan Yuanfeng suddenly became energetic: "Okay, no problem!"


Quan Yongjun announced the draw rules for the group stage.

Sixteen teams from the five major divisions will be drawn in accordance with the principle of avoidance of teams from the same division.

To ensure fairness, the entire group stage draw will be conducted by dedicated personnel from the GCK division, and player representatives from each division will be on stage to supervise.

After Quan Yongyun announced the lottery rules.

A spherical lottery device with an opaque upper half and a transparent lower half was placed in the center of the stage.

Next to the device, Eun Jung stands tall, smiling, holding a microphone, and will announce the lottery list as soon as possible.

Inside the sphere are sixteen identical golden balls, which were displayed and confirmed by the staff before being put into the sphere in public. The guests then drew lots according to the arrangements of the host.

Every time a ball is drawn, he immediately opens it in public, takes out the note inside and shows it to the camera.

When two teams from the same division collide, the team behind them will automatically move backward until they enter a group with no teams from the same division.

"SKT-Faker please come on stage!"

Quan Yongyun roared loudly.

Teacher Da Fei appeared on the stage as a lucky draw guest, and at the same time, contestants from each competition area were sent to the stage together.

Looking at Eun Jing, who was wearing a red dress next to the device, Da Fei suddenly felt ripples in his heart, and a warm smile appeared on his usually stern face.

As he walked, he waved to the audience, but he was measuring the distance between him and the beauty from the corner of his eye.

Until you get close.

Enjing raised the microphone to his mouth, with a faint fragrance lingering on the tip of her nose, and smiled sweetly.

"Player Feike, I'm so happy to see you. I hope you can get a good draw for our GCK team!"

"Come on!"


At this moment, Feike felt that his heart was about to melt. (End of chapter)

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