Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 580 Opening Battle

Both the Royal Family and SKT are one of the strong teams recognized by the audience in S2 this time.

So this opening match is also full of gold.

Although the Royal Family performed poorly in the league this year, they won the IMTV Cup in one fell swoop. They have proven their strength and no one will underestimate them.

Not to mention SKT.

When the two teams compete, it is simply a battle between dragons and tigers!

As the music played, both parties came on stage and took their seats.

On the royal family's side.

The players were in pretty good condition, and the five of them were talking and laughing.

"Lu Benwei, can you hold on in the middle?" Jungler Lucky joked: "If you can hold on, I won't go."

"Don't make trouble." Waite shook his long flowing hair: "As long as the stupid chicken doesn't come, kill alone in the line!"

"Okay, okay, this is your C." Uzi flicked his wrist and said with a smile, "We are responsible for lying down."

"Seriously, SKT is very strong, so be careful." Tabe reminded: "I think they are very aggressive in their operations this year. The rhythm is wave after wave. Don't be pulled away. Just drive when it's time!"

"Don't worry." Uzi's tone was crazy: "You protect me, I will hit the bottom lane directly!"

"If you want TP to call me, I will support you at any time."

The thin Shenchao is very cautious.

At this time, Chris looked at SKT who was preparing on the opposite side and couldn't help but remind him: "Brothers, it's good to be confident. You must be careful when fighting. SKT is not a weak team. We must use our advantages, especially Ukraine." Now, you are the core of the team, don’t die in the lane, don’t be greedy, don’t be wasteful.”

Although Uzi is strong at this time, his shortcomings are also huge.

In the game, he likes to be greedy for soldiers, plays aggressively, and is overconfident.

When you play well, it's simply a god's block that kills a god, and a Buddha's block that kills a Buddha. If you don't play well, it's giving your opponent a chance, and it's very easy to give away kills, causing the team to fall into a disadvantage and give away all the accumulated advantages.

Chris had to remind.

Against a strong team like SKT, no one else can do it. UZI is the most exciting point of the Royal Family.

"Well, just look at me more."

Uzi still listened to Chris's reminder. After all, it was an S game, and the stakes were very high!

the other side.

SKT is also discussing.

"Xianghe, I still hit the second level, right?" Benji worriedly said: "The opponent will definitely target you."

"Need not."

Faker showed full confidence: "You don't have to hit the target. I've beaten the 55-5 opponent opposite a few times. To be honest, he can't beat me. You should pay more attention to the bottom lane. UZI's laning strength is very strong. Don't let him develop." .”

"Okay, you said so, then I'll go to the bottom lane more." Benji looked at the duo of Zhu Rang and Fu Manduo in the bottom lane: "You can find opportunities at the second level."


Fumanduo nodded.

The SKT bottom lane duo formed by him and Zhurang are confident that they will not lose to anyone.

In the stands.

Commentators from various countries are already analyzing it.

On the left side of the stands, there were three people standing behind the commentary desk. They were the commentators sent by GPL.

For this opening game, GPL's commentary will undoubtedly be the Haier brothers plus Xiao Cang. The trio will be responsible for the commentary for this game and the next day's group stage.

At this time, Wawa smiled and said: "Actually, I am quite confident in the Royal Family. After playing in the league, UZI is in very strong condition. I feel that I have a high winning rate against SKT."

"Not necessarily." Miller shook his head: "The Royal Family's tactics are easy to analyze. It means playing four guarantees and one, and the opponent must target them. SKT is not that stupid. Moreover, their operations are very fierce this year, and the Royal Family must To disrupt the opponent's rhythm, that means the Royal Family will try to attack, but this is a bit contrary to the four-guarantee-one style of play."

He sees better than the doll.

No matter how strong the ADC is, he still needs equipment to show off.

Uzi must develop and needs time to develop. If SKT operates, the Royal Family may not be able to beat it halfway through its development, and suddenly die suddenly.

Xiaocang also agreed with Miller's opinion: "The Royal Family really wants to attack, and it is best if the jungler can move. As long as it can disrupt SKT's operating rhythm, the Royal Family still has a good chance of winning. But Lucky is not very Easy to talk about."

She shook her head.

Everyone in the GPL knows very well that Lucky's play style is biased towards herbivory, which is also caused by the royal family's tactics. The jungler must protect the bottom, and all attacks are for this purpose.

This means that it is very difficult for Lucky to initiate an active offensive rhythm.

"Hey, no, are you two so unconfident?" Wawa pretended to be dissatisfied: "Operation also depends on the individual strength of the players. Royal Family is not weak in this aspect, right? As long as the resources are optimistic, Royal Family has a great chance of winning its first victory. "

"That's right." Miller nodded: "I definitely support the royal family!"

"Me too."

Xiao Cang smiled and said: "No matter what, in the world competition, we belong to the GPL and support it unconditionally!"

"That's right."

The doll was immediately satisfied.

At this time, the director's voice came from the earphones. He immediately stopped talking, looked at the camera in front of him and said loudly: "Okay, we have discussed so much, no matter what, we all hope that the Royal Family can win this game. Next, Enter the BP screen."

Winning or losing a game often depends on the economic gap. Whichever team has a better economy has a greater chance of winning.

However, the hero lineup and player performance can often affect the direction of the game.

Just like this opening game.

Indeed, as the three commentators said, Lucky faced the stupid chicken, and his rhythm was completely destroyed, and he could not play at all. Royal Family was constantly pulled by SKT's operating rhythm, and resources were lost again and again. In the early 20 minutes, the economy fell behind significantly.

At twenty-six minutes, even Baron was lost, and SKT already had an economic lead of 7,000 yuan.

Among the five positions, the top lane is barely 50-50 open, but due to the lead in resources, Shenchao is still lagging behind.

As for the middle road.

The 55 opening was beaten to a 73 opening, and I almost got a solo kill in the lane. I finally managed to save my life, but I didn't dare to move at all in the lane. I was suppressed by Faker and didn't dare to roam to support at all.

Needless to say, the jungler's rhythm was completely destroyed, resources could not be obtained, GANK was counter-crouched, and the jungle was invaded. The opponent's economic gap reached 2,000 yuan, which was also the biggest gap.


UZI stood up again.

Faced with SKT's constant attacks, they escaped being caught by Benji at level 2 in the early stage, and then completed a strong wave of tower-crossing double kills before level 5. In 26 minutes, they successfully played a three-piece suit, protected by Lulu. Next, the big mouth can be said to be spraying anyone to death.

27 minutes.

SKT went up high with the Baron BUFF. Under the critical situation, the Shenchao flank team launched a team and found a wave of good opportunities. The crooked fishman's big move hit the pig hand, and Lucky Prince hit two frames to disrupt the terrain. Uzi's Big Mouth was in Tabe stepped forward to output wildly under the protection of Lulu.

In the surprised eyes of the audience, the royal family actually found an opportunity to play a perfect match in a desperate situation!

In this case, Big Mouth produced an almost explosive output!

"Dragon Girl jumps big and opens to three, perfect!"

"Big mouth spitting like crazy!"

"Wow, SKT has exploded this time and must retreat!"

"Two for three, the Royal Family won a big victory in one wave under desperate circumstances. UZI's big mouth successfully retained the spark of victory for the team!"

"Next, if SKT cannot find an opportunity to kill the big mouth in seconds, then the big mouth is likely to take over the game and eventually complete the comeback!"

An incredible sound erupted from the commentary desk.

The three of them thought that this game would be over soon, but unexpectedly, the situation changed rapidly, and the royal family made a perfect team!

The scene in Busan was silent, and the cheers that had been heard when SKT took the lead were almost extinguished now! (End of chapter)

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