Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 582 The Quietest Place

Zhang Zhaoyang's fierce appearance was a morale booster.

Mo Yu had no intention of blocking.

Although it was on their home court, they did go too far.

Let’s not talk about applauding RNG’s wonderful operation, but at the very least, the behavior of deliberately reporting points loudly is definitely not worth promoting.

He just saw several Koreans sitting in the front row shouting their orders, but the security on site only took away the most outrageous one.

The reason why he appeared next to Zhang Zhaoyang was to send a signal of dissatisfaction to South Korea.

as expected.

Next few minutes.

The on-site security must have received the signal from above, and immediately took away a few spectators sitting in the front row who deliberately reported their points in an attempt to disrupt the competition. Even though these people struggled loudly and the surrounding spectators were also protesting, the security showed no mercy. .

"It seems that people like Quan Pingxian still know not to go too far!"

"Being able to do this is considered sincerity!"

Mo Yu nodded secretly. It was obvious that KESPA understood what he meant. In order to maintain the cooperation between the two parties and to show their sincerity, they increased supervision.

On the playing field.

The gap between RNG and SKT has been basically eliminated.

In this opening game, after SKT's super operation in the early and mid-term and RNG's big mouth to reverse the situation, the game has reached the final and most tense stage.

The next step for both sides is to fight around the big dragon and the ancient dragon.

Neither side wants to make a mistake. Once a mistake is made, the game will be lost and the situation will be declared GG!

Dragon pit.

Both teams compete for vision.

"Looking for Big Mouth, looking for Big Mouth!"

"Pay attention to the position of Big Mouth and look for opportunities to shoot him first!"

SKT's voice was noisy, and everyone was looking for the position of Big Mouth. As long as they could find an opportunity to kill Big Mouth first, it would be impossible for the other four members of RNG to stop their team fight, and they would definitely collapse at the first touch.

And RNG also understands this very well.

Know that the big mouth must be protected.

As long as Big Mouth is alive, there will always be hope for the team battle, and a W can easily kill the toughest top laner on the other side.

"Be careful, Uzi, don't go up and kill anyone, hold still!"

"Look for an opportunity and take your time!"

Even Uzi became nervous. He didn't play as brutally as before, but always moved carefully.

On the commentary desk.

"The position of Big Mouth is very important. RNG must stabilize its formation. As long as Big Mouth is not opened, SKT cannot beat it!"

"This wave of team battle can be said to be the wave that determines the life and death of both parties!"

The situation has reached the most tense and exciting moment, and fans of both teams have tightened their heartstrings.

The back ward on either side was not eliminated in time, and I couldn't help but worry about the team on the field, fearing that this ward would become the key to determining the outcome of the game.

Ding ding ding~

The signal at Longkeng keeps showing!

With a bush ward cleared, Uzi saw a perfect opportunity!

There was a loophole in SKT's formation. In order to knock off the real eye, Nosuke Minotaur and Yukito put a certain distance between themselves and others. Even if they stepped forward to deal damage, the other side would not be able to hit him!

"Kill the snowman, kill the snowman!"

Uzi yelled subconsciously and started a biochemical barrage at the same time!

Green sputum streaked across the canyon sky, each blow carrying high damage, and several mouthfuls were sprayed out in an instant.

The snowman with the slag in him had at least over 3,000 health, and his dual resistance was over 100. As a result, he was sprayed a few times and couldn't stop it. Coupled with the output of others, he was knocked out of more than half of his health in just one second. , they can only retreat quickly, and at the same time Niutou activates his ultimate move and enters the field to disrupt the RNG formation.

"SKT's formation fell apart. Niutou and Snowman were too far forward for the sake of lining up, and RNG decisively broke off the team!"

"Why are you in that position at this time!"

"Seize the opportunity!"

He decisively retreated to avoid the bull head and entered the field. The backhand QERA continued to output. The bull head with full damage reduction could not resist the crazy output of the attack speed special effect flow Big Mouth. The blood volume was leaking out like a water pump.

Faker in the back row yelled at Assi, and immediately moved forward to throw his skills. Then the top laner entered the field, and the AD flank output.

But the time came too late.

The Super Dragon Girl pounces forward. She needs blood and blood, she needs damage and damage, she needs double resistance and double resistance. She runs so fast that she is simply invincible!

This is the power of the current version of Slag.

A slag has at least a thousand HP, and the most important thing is that it is cheap. It comes with red penalty, damage reduction, slowdown and real damage. As long as it is a jungler or a tank top laner, it is a must-have for almost everyone.

"The prince enters and disrupts the formation, the dragon girl rushes into the formation, and the little fish man is also cutting in!"

"SKT can't even get close to Big Mouth!"

"UZI kills two people in a row!"

"SKT wants to withdraw, but can you withdraw?"

The situation took a turn for the worse. SKT fans at the scene were almost silent. Everyone could tell that SKT was going to lose this crucial team battle. Everyone was retreating. After a lot of effort, they hit Dazui with a few skills, including a backhand. Lulu is a shield, a big move and a crucible, she can't be killed at all!


Big Mouth is unstoppable!

UZI scored a double kill!

SKT was beaten one for four, and only the top laner was left with residual health to escape with his life!

"The dragon is here!"

"If it's more stable, I'll take the Baron, but I think it can be done in one wave, and there happens to be a line of troops in the middle."

"RNG decisively chose a wave!"

What a slap in the face at a time like this!

RNG has four players left, SKT has Mundo left, and everyone else has close to a minute to resurrect. No matter how hard they think, they can't stop them from advancing!

If the voice hadn't been blocked, Chris in the background would have loudly given instructions.


As the team leader, Tabe saw it very clearly and directly directed everyone to push up.

"One wave, one wave, one wave can be done!"

The four survivors instantly unanimously agreed and moved directly to the middle road to advance at full speed.

20 seconds later, the crystal in the middle exploded.

In 30 seconds, all the front tooth towers will fall off.

At 38 seconds, Mundo, who was physically blocked, was killed.

At 43 seconds, the lowest-level auxiliary resurrection quickly rushed out of the spring to delay time, but RNG didn't care at all and output with all its strength.

Just at the last second before Faker was resurrected.


Crystal explosion!


"RNG made a comeback and won its first victory in the opening game with UZI's big mouth!"

"Congratulations RNG!"

Zhang Zhaoyang wanted to jump up and yell again, but Mo Yu held him back.

"Lao Zhang, don't scream, don't scream!"

Mo Yu winked at him several times before pulling him back.

After all, you are not familiar with the place, so you should not be so arrogant. If you really provoke public anger, no identity will matter.

Zhang Zhaoyang was originally very dissatisfied, but when he saw a few men around him with unkind eyes, he was a little timid, but he still couldn't help but glared back, at least he couldn't lose his momentum.

On the commentary desk.

Miller could no longer suppress his inner dissatisfaction.

The barrage in the live broadcast room had already made him aware of the library plot.

Forget it if RNG didn't win, but now that it has won, it is still a great comeback to boost morale. With his character of supporting the GPL wholeheartedly, he also shouted out a classic quote at this time.

"We all know that the Oldfield anechoic chamber in the United States is the quietest place in the world, with a background noise of only minus 9.4 decibels, but if you listen to the current scene in Busan, this record has been broken! RNG has turned Busan into Library! Congratulations RNG!" (End of this chapter)

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