Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 598 The First Battle

The first semi-final is the most anticipated match between Emperor Star and SSW!

The battle for the first division online has already been heated and heated.

Those who support Emperor Star think that Emperor Star is the first world champion. It has an excellent record from the group stage to now, undefeated in a game, SSW will take the lead?

Those who support SSW are taking advantage of Emperor Star's experience of never playing against a Korean team and the impressive record of the three Korean teams in the top four.

There are plenty of supporters on both sides.

And all debates will begin under today's game.

If Emperor Star wins and advances to the finals, the argument supporting GCK being the first division is untenable; if Emperor Star loses, there is no need to say anything. There is already a civil war in Korea, so why argue?

This game has attracted the attention of global audiences!

All major live broadcast rooms are full!

I don’t know how many people are looking forward to today’s showdown!

On the commentary desk.

After chatting about the opening, the three of them talked about the first game of the day.

As long as Guan Zeyuan is around, arguing about which side will win will always be a popular topic.

"The match between SSW and Emperor Star is coming soon, Zeyuan, do you want to show your strength?" Changmao raised the topic, and he also enjoyed watching the barrage.

"Don't make trouble, it's all nonsense on the Internet."

Guan Zeyuan tried his best to defend himself, but still refused to admit his fate.

Stefanie Sun on the side was a little curious: "What kind of power does it use?"

"Poisonous milk skill." Chang Mao explained with a smile: "It means which team Zeyuan supports every time and which team he thinks will win, and which team will lose after the battle."

"So that's it."

Stefanie Sun suddenly realized what she was doing, and turned around and smiled: "Ze Yuan, hurry up and use your power."

"Hey, hey, don't join in the fun. I'm really not a poisonous person. Those are just rumors." Guan Zeyuan had resistance written all over his body.

"Yes, yes, it's all nonsense. No matter what, if you do it first, netizens will love to see it." Changmao teased.

Netizens in major live broadcast rooms also began to boo.

"The senior colonel bought the opposite, and the villa is close to the sea."

"It's time for you to dedicate yourself to the GPL!"

The barrage flooded the screen, and the hospitality was hard to resist.

The colonel had no choice but to surrender.

"Okay, okay, I'll use my strength, I'll use my strength!"

He coughed, clasped his hands together with a pious expression, and said seriously: "SSW has an advantage and will definitely win the game today."

The work is completed.

Suddenly, everyone was satisfied.

"very good!"


"Team White, please die, the god of poisonous milk has launched a curse, no one can escape!"

"It's too late, the dealer doesn't allow betting, and the odds of SSW have dropped!"


Playing is about playing, making trouble is about making trouble.

The colonel has not yet transformed into a die-hard Samsung fan. Now he is still a loyal supporter of GPL. As the only young player in the region, Emperor Star carries the deepest expectations of millions of GPL players.

Countless jokes, thousands of words, all for the same goal in the end.

Win the championship!

"The game starts now!"

On the field.

Ten people were seated and everything was ready.

The game enters the BP screen.

The coaches of both sides loudly instruct behind the players, arrange tactics, and choose heroes.


SSW brought out their lineup.

The top laner Aoun, the jungler Amumu, the mid laner Guanghui, and the bottom lane female spear and piano girl.

Emperor Star came up with a very puzzling lineup.

The first three hands are pretty normal.

The top laner selected the current version of the T0-level Dragon Girl, the jungle prince, and the evergreen tree in the middle.

When it comes to the bottom lane, it becomes incomprehensible.

VN plus robot.

This is a regular yet irregular lineup.

Although the speed of VN is very fast, the fragile body and long development time make this hero rarely appear on the field, not to mention the support of a robot.

AD needs development, and robots need to attack.

The bottom lane combination is hard to convince.

"Do you want to add a VN to the robot?"

"Are these two heroes weak when they go down the lane?"

"The robot is useless if it can't hook it!"

"Is it possible that the robot is wandering and the VN is developing?"

"Then what's the point of being selected by VN like this? Can you withstand pressure? Can you withstand it?"

Not only the commentators didn't understand it, but the audience didn't understand it either. Even SSW didn't understand it.

"What's going on on the other side? No more bottom lane?" Imp was full of doubts: "Are you looking down on me too much?"

"Probably not." The coach of the white team shook his head, frowning and thinking: "There must be a routine. The VN needs to develop, and the robot needs to attack. The two heroes are naturally contradictory, unless the robot is confident enough."

Robots with divine Q can dominate the battle and destroy the lane.

The coach of the white team could only think of this result.

It was too late. Before stepping off the stage, he gave one final warning: "Although the bot lane combination of Emperor Star is new, don't underestimate it. Be steady and don't let the opponent find an opportunity."

"Do not worry."

Imp nodded in agreement, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Do you want to touch me?"

"You are so underestimated!"

BP is over and the game begins.

The first BO5 game officially started.

From the perspective of the lane, it is normal to go to the middle and jungle, with back and forth, and stable development.

The Emperor Star generals faced the SSW generals, and they were not inferior in terms of personal ability alone.

On the SSW side, the fat general in the middle also played well against Lu Zibo.

Many fans who support Emperor Star put their winning hand in the middle before the game started.

The reason is Lu Zibo.

Since his debut, he has been worthy of facing anyone, and even many mid laners are at a disadvantage in front of him. He is one of the strongest mid laners known in the world. Many fixed-point players are proud to match him in the game, and he is even more capable. Kill him alone and boast.

But this game allowed more people to see the pros and cons of Fat General.

This round-faced youngster sits in the middle of SSW. He is as stable as a mountain and can cover the sky with his palm.

Facing Lu Zibo, he didn't lose at all.

Commentators from all over the world are sighing.

"Pawn is a really good player and he's growing up so fast!"

"I was sanctioned by The God in the IMTV Cup before, but now I don't lose when we face each other again. The fight is back-and-forth. It's so strong!"

“This year’s GCK is full of talents!”

Pawn has already made a name for himself in South Korea after debuting with the Leopard Women in singles and fighting against all mid laners in GKC. He suffered a setback in the three previous IMTV Cup matches against Emperor Star, which caused him to suffer a setback. The tour brought his fame to a higher level again and brought his strength to a new peak.

This game is the best proof.

"Do you still want to show me off again?"

"I am no longer what I used to be!"

Xiaopang roared in his heart, but his operation became more delicate.

No battle broke out among the top, middle and jungle lanes, and the camera moved to the bottom lane.

Facing the female gunner and piano girl, the combination of robot and VN rarely lost in the line. It is normal to fall behind slightly in the last hit. The most important thing is that the blood volume is equal and the line is stable.

"The Emperor Star duo played well!"

Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but praise.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw steam suddenly coming out of the robot.

"Huh? Do you want to take the initiative?!!" (End of this chapter)

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