This time the S2 Global Finals finally reached the final peak moment.

All live broadcast platforms around the world have been receiving a steady influx of viewers the moment the game is launched, even before the game starts, and it is easily reaching millions.

According to preliminary statistics alone, the total number of people watching the live broadcast at this moment has reached tens of millions, and it will be even higher when the game starts!

In the entire GAG, among the tens of millions of players, at least more than 50% will watch this finals.

The remaining 50% will also watch the live broadcast through various channels after the game.

Such huge traffic has driven many companies crazy. No wonder the advertising fee offered by Moyu Game before the start of the competition was so sky-high. It turned out to be really worth it!

Inside the stadium.

Mo Yu hung up the phone.

Yang Qiu, who had just stayed at the headquarters, called to report the sales data of the S2 Battle Pass this time.

So far, the total sales of the Battle Pass have exceeded 150 million US dollars globally, and it is expected that an additional 10 million US dollars will be added before today's finals. This also indicates that the total prize pool of this year's S2 will reach an unprecedented 40 million US dollars!

Calculated according to the prize pool distribution percentage announced before the game, the champion will receive a super reward of up to 14.4 million US dollars!

This number has far exceeded the S1 championship prize by nearly three times!

Even Mo Yu was shocked when he got the news.

Too much!

Such a huge bonus is ranked first in any sports event in the world, and few can compare!

"The number of players in GAG is still not at the peak of the previous LOL. The total number of global users has barely exceeded the 100 million mark. If it really reaches the peak period of the previous LOL, the prize pool of the S game will probably be 50 million or even 60 million. The beautiful sword is coming!"

"I'm really willing to spend such a large amount of money, MD!"

Mo Yu's heart almost bled.

In the horse uniform of the previous life, it would have been impossible to get so much money as a bonus, without even thinking about it.

That is to say, he was conscientious enough to copy V's original gameplay, and added a lot of out-of-print skins and super special effects, and he was still willing to use it!

Otherwise, I really can’t stand it.

"Fortunately, even though I gave out so many bonuses, I also made more, so I don't lose money this time!"

Mo Yu comforted himself and turned to look at the stage.

The opening performance was completed last week, and now the stage is full of staff busy checking equipment.

Members of SSB and Emperor Star were making final preparations for the game backstage.

Even Zhang Zhaoyang is staying backstage now and has not come to watch the game.

Northeast corner of the stand.

There are three figures sitting on the commentary table.

Wawa, Miller, and Jay Chou.

Jay Chou looked very happy. This was the second time he was invited to the commentary stage. Even though he had been here once, it was still a novel experience.

In order to explain this time, he also studied a lot of relevant information about the two teams before the game, and he was fully prepared.

"I heard that Director Jay Chou seems to be planning to form a team to join GMS, but I don't know if he is ready yet."

"After this year, the endorsement contract between the company and him will expire. Will it be renewed next year?"

Mo Yu thought about it and still felt it was unnecessary.

GAG has gone global, and Jay Chou's influence is no longer enough. The most important thing is that GAG's current scale is far beyond what Jay Chou could provide help. It is of little use to hire any celebrities for endorsement. The rest is to rely on the global network. The competition system is used for publicity.

"But I can still invite a few more songs!"

"And Lao Chen, that song "The Lonely Warrior" was also a masterpiece!"

Thinking of this, Mo Yu's face twitched, and the tune of Lonely Warrior automatically appeared in his mind. The magic sound filled his brain, and he couldn't forget it even after traveling through time!

Fortunately, Zhang Zhaoyang came back at this time.

"How was it? How were the preparations backstage?"

"It's not bad, morale can be used." Zhang Zhaoyang said: "The atmosphere in the team is pretty good, there is no fear of war, everyone is very confident."

Mo Yu nodded: "As long as you have confidence, mentality is very important. In fact, there is no weak player who can reach the World Championships. Sometimes a good mentality can determine the outcome."

"I hope I can win!" Zhang Zhaoyang laughed: "If we really defend the title, then Emperor Star will really be the undisputed number one team in the world. Having won two world championships in a row, which team can compare?"

Even for SKT, the highest record is only two consecutive championships.

But they have more championships and a Grand Slam.

Emperor Star is incomparable in this aspect, and MSI doesn't even have it.

Even so, if the Emperor Star can really defend the title, it will indeed be considered the number one in the world, because it is unprecedented!

"Then congratulations in advance."

"No, hold your hand first!"


On the field.

on the last Saturday in December.

As the time approached seven o'clock in the evening, all the staff on the field left the field, the referees were in place, the equipment was in place, the host was in place, and the curtain was opened. Everything was ready.

At seven o'clock sharp.

The lights in the stadium turned on and the music started.

Quan Yongjun stepped onto the stage, faced the camera, and announced to the world.

"GAG's second global finals will begin soon. Next, please invite both sides to appear!"



The spotlight shines on the exit of the player tunnel. In the darkness, two rows of figures slowly walk out, facing the eyes of the audience, heading towards the honor of world championship!

"Handsome, handsome, handsome, handsome!!"

"At this time, I feel my blood is boiling!"

"Emperor Star, come on!"

"Successfully defended and won the championship!"

The whole place started to boil at this moment!

Cheers filled the stadium, and the stands of 67,000 people were packed!

In major live broadcast rooms, even if the sound is picked up by on-site equipment, the audience in front of the screen can still hear the cheers and shouts that shake the whole world from the venue!

"Good evening to all the summoners around the world who are watching the game right now!"

"Welcome to the last game of the S2 Global Finals!"

"Today's match is between Imperial Star and SSB!"

"I am today's commentator doll, Miller, and Jay Chou!"

The barrage was flashing across the screen, and text was passing by quickly. There were at least millions of people watching the game on the live broadcast channel. It had to be set so that only the top display could see the live broadcast room clearly.

Wawa, Miller, and Jay Chou appear in the center of the screen.

The three began to discuss today's game.

"We've finally come to the finals. We've been looking forward to it for a month." Watanabe said with a smile: "To be honest, I was so nervous after the quarterfinals. I was afraid that today would be a civil war in South Korea. Now I feel completely comfortable."

"The mood is the same," Miller said, "But I can't feel comfortable now. Only when Emperor Star wins the championship will I really feel comfortable!"

"If Emperor Star defends the title, they will be the undisputed strongest in the world!" Jay Chou sighed: "I really don't know if they can win the championship!"

"No matter what, we all hope that Emperor Star can win the championship today, and it is best to have another hearty three-to-zero!"

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