Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 608 The champion is close at hand

have to say.

Among the five positions of the current Emperor Star, if there is one person whose personal strength is most recognized by the public, it is Lu Zibo in the middle.

From being a daredevil who dared to show off and fight when he first debuted, to carrying the team forward in this spring split, Lu Zibo has made faster and faster progress.

Now, his style of play has completely evolved. While his personal skills have not fallen behind, his style of play has become more and more team-oriented. He is not only the undisputed core of the team, but also the confidence of everyone in the team.

As long as he stands in the middle, no one will worry about being beaten in the middle. As long as he gets the kill, everyone suddenly feels that there is a high chance of winning.

He is the most important sea-fixing needle of the Emperor Star!

Off stage.

Mo Yu couldn't help but said: "MD, Zhang Zhaoyang, you are really lucky. Players of Xiaobo's level have been recruited by you. Now I don't know how many teams are so envious that they are drooling."

"Haha, let them be envious."

Zhang Zhaoyang looked proud, and obviously felt that it was indeed rare to have a player of Lu Zibo's level.

Lu Zibo is like Kobe Bryant in basketball and Cristiano Ronaldo in football. They are both super players with both strength and popularity.

Any team that can have such a player is equal to fame, fortune, and honor.

"Besides, I gave Xiaobo the highest salary in the league, so it's not bad for him, either way."

"Okay, both ways."

Mo Yu was speechless, and then asked curiously: "Is there any club poaching him?"

"Nonsense, there must be some."

"Go to the bottom? How much does it cost?"

"Not much, 8 million!"

Zhang Zhaoyang looked casual and didn't take the 8 million seriously at all.

Mo Yu was a little surprised.

8 million does not sound like much, but don’t forget that this is only the second season since the establishment of the GAG ​​League.

With Lu Zibo's current worth of 8 million, he is already the undisputed highest worth among the five major competitions in the world!

The money already shows how popular he is now and how much other clubs value him.

"You're not thinking of selling?" Mo Yu asked.

"Selling chicken feathers!" Zhang Zhaoyang curled his lips: "I lack this little money? What I want is my grades, okay! Only Xiaobo can bring me grades! And with Xiaobo here, it is easy for Emperor Star to earn back these 8 million. "

"The most important thing for any sports club is always results."

"As long as Xiaobo's strength is still there, I will never sell him, and he will even stay in the club as my coach after he retires."

"He is not for sale!"

Zhang Zhaoyang spoke firmly.

As one of the most famous star players in GPL, Lu Zibo's commercial value is indeed not measurable at just 8 million. With his existence, the advertising sponsorship brought to Emperor Star alone may exceed this amount, let alone The confidence he brings to the team always has the hope of victory!

It’s only 8 million, maybe it will double next year, and it will get higher and higher in the future!

"You still have vision."

Mo Yu had to admire Zhang Zhaoyang's vision.

Lu Zibo and Zhang Zhaoyang can be said to have made each other successful.

After a short break, the game came to the second game.

"I'm really looking forward to it now." Wawa said again: "If we still win the second round with overwhelming force, then today will be really good. I just went online to check it out. I was discussing which side of GCK or GPL is the first division. Post, those netizens who previously supported GCK have all shut up and stopped talking."

"Then what else can you say?" Miller spread his hands: "Can we put it here as a real 1-0?"

"Do you think Emperor Star can beat two and win the game 6-0?" Jay Chou couldn't help but ask.

"Hey." Baby's eyes lit up: "There's a bit of a chance. It's already 4-0 now, only two games away. Miller, what do you say?"

"There is hope, but it doesn't feel like much." Miller thought for a few seconds and said: "SSB is not a bad guy, and he must be prepared. If he wants to win the second game so easily, I don't think it will be that easy. Let's see. If Emperor Star can win again, then I think it will be 6-0!”


"Then let's look forward to the upcoming second game!"

Game start.

Emperor Star chose Gnar, Blind Man, Wanderer, Male Gun, and Nami.

SSB gave up the popular Slag top laner and chose Kennen, Kindred, Snake Girl, Policewoman, and Fan Mom.

Both sides obviously made bold new attempts this time, trying to abandon the slag tank lineup and try to find solutions elsewhere.

However, while giving up the slag, the coaches on both sides also took countermeasures.

For example, Gnar and Kindred are heroes with high percentage damage, which prevents the opponent from being unable to defeat them with a slag lineup.


I vowed to prove myself with the very abused Emperor. With the high damage and short CD of Snake Girl in the early stage, I played very fiercely. After several times of consumption, I forced the wanderer to fight. In the end, I ran out of mana and chose to return to the bushes. Home.

As a result, the emperor seemed to have been prepared. First, he was interrupted by the river blind vision skill, and then his wandering retreat was interrupted again.

"Oh, it hurts so much!"

"The return to the city was interrupted twice. It's a bit uncomfortable to wander. Fortunately, the army line is good."

6 minutes.

The Emperor showed his power again and continued to attack while Qian Jue came to support him. Fortunately, Wanderer ran fast, otherwise he would have almost been killed alone.

"Wow, this Emperor is so fierce!"

"The CS hit 20 in 6 minutes!"

"The God's mid lane laning is a bit explosive!"

On the data panel, the snake girl has 53 dollars and the wanderer has 33 dollars. Lu Zibo's disadvantage is very obvious.

Fortunately, the wandering goddess burst into tears and her level increased. With the help of the blind man, the last hit was gradually brought back.

9 minutes.

Kindred took action in the bottom lane, and the blind man who was ambushed squatted down. Nami followed up with the big move and slowed down. At the same time, Wanderer who came to support relied on his higher movement speed to reach the position first. All his skills were thrown out, but Kindred relied on the big move to kill him. The blind man escaped with his remaining blood.

Just when the Emperor Star was retreating and SSB was preparing to circle back and surround him, Lu Zibo decisively saw the lone fan mother, and immediately flashed to follow the output, directly taking the head, and evened the head ratio on the field!

10 minutes.

On the upper road, Narkenan faced off, and both sides were down to half health. At this time, the blind man unknowingly walked around to the stone man and prepared to attack. Lu Zibo immediately provided support and took the second head again.

After this attack, the two wanderers had their heads in hand, and the last hit disadvantage was fully recovered.

"Is this going to be TheGod's massacre show again?"

as expected.

13 minutes.

The blind man in the middle ganked, and the blind man's head was collected under the Great Emperor's Tower, but he was captured by the wanderer.

15 minutes.

The SSB female policeman crippled the male gunner in the bottom lane and prepared to be stronger, but was soaked in water by Nami. The male gunner Nami instantly exploded and killed the female policeman. Emperor Xing gained the advantage in the bottom lane.

26 minutes.

The Emperor Star won consecutive battles, collecting kills, taking resources, and pushing down outer towers. In one breath, the head ratio between the two sides was increased to 12 to 3, and the economic gap was widened by 8,000 yuan!

"SSB has shown signs of decline. The gap is too big and it is completely unbeatable!"

"Emperor Star is already taking the big dragon, they don't even dare to move!"

31 minutes.

Emperor Star pushed to the high ground, with 18 to 3 heads and a huge economic advantage of 1W6 to level the game!

Lu Zibo’s wandering mage died 0 times.


"Congratulations to Emperor Star for taking the lead in getting the match point and winning the second game!"

"2 to 0!"

"The championship is close at hand!"

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