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Chapter 610 Server Alert Restart

"I don't know yet, we are investigating." After a round of inspections, the branch's technical staff stood up and said: "There is nothing wrong so far. There is nothing wrong with the players' computers, including the external devices. The game client has been checked. I’ve checked it and can’t find any problems.”

Another KESPA technician also nodded: "It shouldn't be a problem on the field. There is nothing wrong with the current inspection."

Zhang Hengbo frowned when he heard this.

There is no problem with the computer, there is no problem with the peripherals brought by the players, and there is no problem with the games. So what exactly is going on?

"Are you sure? Check again."

At his urging, more technicians came on stage to check the players' computers at SSB, and at the same time, some people also went to Emperor Star.

After checking several times in succession, it was found that there was no problem with the equipment on both sides.

Now you can basically determine that it should be somewhere else.

Just as Zhang Hengbo was about to speak, KESPA's on-site supervisor had already arrived.

He just looked around and figured out the situation. After knowing that it was not a problem on the field, he couldn't help but wonder: "If you put it this way, what is the problem?"

"have no idea."

Zhang Hengbo shook his head and turned to look at the referee who had just stopped the game.

There are 13 people in the entire referee team.

The two teams are divided into five people each, and the remaining three people are staring at various data in the referee's special room backstage, watching the game extremely seriously, not letting go of any mistakes.

The referee who stopped the game was the male referee from SSB who stood up to the emperor.

"Why was the game stopped?"

The male referee looked at ease and stood up and replied: "There was a short-term lag in the game just now, which affected the game process and affected the players' operations. After feedback from the players, it was decided to stop the game and enter a timeout."

"Who gave the feedback?"

Zhang Hengbo glanced at the five players on the SSB field.

Dade raised his hand and wanted to get up but was stopped by Zhang Hengbo.

"Don't move, just say that."

In the event of such a major accident, players can only sit in their seats and are prohibited from touching the competition equipment or moving their bodies in any way to prevent any accidents.

After the Emperor was stopped, he sat down and turned around and said, "Just now, I saw the opportunity and was about to step forward to operate. Then I pressed the flash button and came back, and immediately I couldn't move. It lasted about a few seconds."


Zhang Hengbo frowned and looked at the male referee who spoke before.

"After inspection, the situation is confirmed. Player Dade was indeed unable to operate just now."

Zhang Hengbo glanced at the two of them after hearing this and found that the emperor looked innocent and the male referee was also normal. He felt that there was no problem.

"Play back the game video."


Someone immediately went to the backstage to retrieve the game replay video.

The video clearly shows that when the game reached 31 minutes and 32 seconds, the emperor pressed the flash button, and then the entire screen suddenly froze, and no operations were performed after that.

The whole process seemed to be okay, as if the emperor himself made a mistake and was unable to react in time and was instantly killed, but the actual situation was not that simple.

For one second, and without taking control, Yasuo, controlled by the emperor, could actually react, but there was no reaction in the replay. Obviously something went wrong.

The emperor also defended beside him: "I could have moved E and pulled, but it was useless to press it all the time. It was completely stuck."

Several teammates around him didn't react at all, because the game just now was so intense that no one paid attention to what Dade was doing. However, the male referee interjected: "I noticed that player Dade had been tapping on the keyboard at that time."

"It seems that there may be a problem with the server." The director of KESPA made a guess, and then looked at the two technicians: "Have you confirmed that there is nothing wrong on the field?"


Both shook their heads.

Zhang Hengbo watched the video again, then thought for a few seconds and said, "Bring up the on-site surveillance."

The game site is also monitored from multiple angles, so that every situation on the field can be seen clearly.

Zhang Hengbo looked through the surveillance video and found that when the bug occurred, the emperor did press the keyboard. After multiple verifications, he also confirmed that it should not be the case on the field.

"It seems there may be a problem with the server. Is anyone here?"


Someone answered from behind.

Looking back, two people were coming up from the backstage. One of them was wearing glasses and was from the Korean branch of Moyu Games. The other was from KESPA, both of whom were staff responsible for managing the competition server.

Someone from KESPA came forward and reported: "After checking, it is determined that there is a problem with the competition server. The server just restarted without warning."

"Restart without warning?"

Zhang Hengbo looked at the man with glasses: "Are you sure?"

Server warning restart is simply the same as restarting a computer.

It may lead to various situations such as data loss and hardware damage, which may be minor or serious.

A separate competition server was selected for this World Championship. It went through multiple rounds of inspections before the competition and was put into use only after it was confirmed to be correct.

Now that such a big problem has occurred, it is simply a huge competition accident.

The bespectacled man from the Korean branch also stepped forward at this moment, looking at the crowd secretly, then quickly retracted his gaze and reported: "OK, Mr. Zhang."

"How could such a major mistake happen?"

"I don't know. It could be that the server temperature is too high or there is dust, or there are errors in the operation." The man with glasses shook his head helplessly: "After all, it is a machine, and anything can happen."

Zhang Hengbo suddenly became angry when he heard this: "You answered so easily! The temperature is too high? What do you want to do here? Have a casual meal?"


The man with glasses trembled and was startled.

He had a ghost in his heart, but now he was so scared that he was trembling and couldn't speak completely.

Zhang Hengbo stared at him, suspicion flashing in his eyes, but there was no evidence. After making a plan to fire this person, he turned to look at the director of KESPA: "The World Championship server is provided by your Korean side. Wasn't there any inspection before the game? What a huge accident it was to restart the server with an early warning? Don't you know?"

The supervisor argued: "It has been inspected, but who can guarantee that everything is perfect?"

"Why can't it be foolproof? Do you know what a huge mistake this is?" Zhang Hengbo said angrily: "At least tens of millions of people around the world are watching the game now. To make such a huge mistake, to some extent, not only lose the The face of Moyu Company is also embarrassing to you, South Korea!"

"How dare you shirk responsibility?"

"I will report the specific situation to the company and let KESPA respond."

It was clear that he only had supervisory power after signing the contract, but Zhang Hengbo had control over the whole situation at this moment.

He immediately issued an order: "No matter what, check the server immediately and confirm whether the game data is intact. At the same time, the referee team invites the coaches and players from both sides to discuss countermeasures!"

"In the end, I don't care what the situation is." Zhang Hengbo looked around the scene and stared at the scene for an instant. "I will report this matter to the head office truthfully. If the follow-up investigation finds any traces of man-made things, I will not take it lightly."

"Start work quickly and resume the game as quickly as possible!" (End of Chapter)

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