Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 613 Defending and winning the championship

It is simply a super reversal and reversal.

No one expected that the opportunity brought by the space-time rupture would make SSB lose its aggressiveness, allowing Emperor Star to successfully win the Baron.

The high ground offensive and defensive battle was not defended, leaving the team under pressure from the military line.

The decisive ancient dragon group behind them completely shattered all their luck.

When they saw that the three members of Emperor Star were pushing high and only one support person was left on their side, everyone in SSB collapsed.

Mata murmured: "It's over!"

The emperor's face was ashen, and his face was extremely stiff against the black and white screen.

Deft stared at the countdown to resurrection time on the screen, holding down the keyboard and mouse with both hands, always ready to rush out of the spring immediately after resurrection.

Acorn held his hair with his right hand and looked at the screen not knowing what to do.

Spirit leaned forward and muttered the words 'It's over'.

At the same time, Quan Pingxian, who received the news, yelled: "You can lose at this? They are just a bunch of idiots, wasting a great opportunity!"

On the field.

The game is a foregone conclusion.

In front of three strong men who looked like wolves and tigers, Mata was completely unable to resist. The one-minute-long resurrection time of his four teammates meant that he had no chance of obstruction.

He tried his best to deal damage, but was hit by Ouyang's Verus three times and was left with nothing but blood. Finally, Lu Zibo killed him with a Q skill.

So far.

All SSB resistance has disappeared.

The crystal door of the base is wide open, and there is no defense except for the two incisor towers.

"One wave, one wave!"

"Mata is also dead. The fastest resurrection time is more than thirty seconds. It's over!"

"The game is over!"

The whole audience cheered and the whole place was shocked.

In the live broadcast room, the word "champion" has begun to fill the screen.

The Imperial Star coaching staff backstage was ready to open the champagne, and Han Wenhui was waiting at the door, ready to rush to the stage and welcome the victory moment with the players.

Zhang Zhaoyang laughed loudly: "We won!"

"Is space-time rupture useful? You can't even seize the opportunity!"

"What a bullshit first division. It's all rubbish. My team went one-for-two and ended the game 6-0!"

"This is called the strongest in the world!"

"Long live the Emperor Star!"

He screamed, completely ignoring the occasion, and even took off his coat and waved it in the air.

Mo Yu was almost infected, but he finally restrained himself and managed to maintain his fair and just image in front of global players.

On the field.

As Verus fired his last shot, the SSB base crystal exploded into fragments all over the sky.


Emperor Star won the title for the second time in a row, broke through the blockade, successfully defended the title, and won the title for the second time in a row!


"3 to 0!"

"When no one was optimistic, Emperor Star defeated powerful enemies, defeated all Korean teams, defended the glory of GPL, and won the world championship of God and God's second global finals in one fell swoop!"

"The Summoner's Trophy will once again be displayed in the exhibition room of the Emperor Star Club!"

"Emperor Star successfully defended his title!"

"Now, Emperor Star is the strongest, GPL is the strongest, and we are the world champions!"

"Congratulations to Emperor Star!"

Not only the GPL commentary booth, but also the commentary booths of the other four competition regions were shouting the names of the Emperor Stars in different languages ​​at this moment, praising them with the most gorgeous and touching words.

No one will begrudge you!

Huya, Douyu, Moyu, and CCTV all fell into a sea of ​​cheers at this moment, and all commentators and broadcast stations were celebrating.

The roof of the Seoul World Cup Stadium was almost pierced by the roar of the audience.

The whole place was surrounded by cheers, which were earth-shattering and reached into the sky!

Fireworks, fireworks, and lights all shine.

In the picture, the SSB players were no longer visible, and all the photographers focused their cameras on the Emperor Star's competition seats.

Regardless of his image, Han Wenhui ran all the way from the backstage to the stage, losing one of his leather shoes.

But he didn't care at all and simply rushed to the middle of the team members barefoot.

"we won!"

"we are the champion!"

Cheering and cheering, no one cares about the image, everyone is only paying attention to this team that won the world championship again!

Quan Yongcheng's voice echoed over the stadium.

"Congratulations to the DGX team, which has overcome all obstacles and once again stood at the top of the world in front of all GAG players around the world. At this moment, they are the focus of everyone's attention!"

"Congratulations to DXG again for successfully defending the world championship!"

"Contestants please come forward!"

Under his guidance, everyone in the Emperor Star couldn't hold back their joy, and walked to the front of the stage with faces full of joy and radiant faces.

In front of them, the Summoner's Cup filled with silver light stood quietly.

"Hold the trophy!"

Lu Zibo stepped forward slowly, held the trophy in both hands, and turned to look at the others.

Han Wenhui, top laner Niu Fei, jungler Chengfeng, AD Ouyang, and support alien, five people stepped forward.

Twelve palms pressed on the trophy and exerted their strength in unison.

The tall Summoner's Cup was lifted vigorously!

Under the spotlight.

Silver light fills the sky.

From the sky above the stage, overwhelming golden ribbons fell down, igniting the whole scene to a higher peak again. The shouting could no longer stop, and some people were hoarse from shouting but still persisted.

The host team took to the stage.

The interview hosts for each competition area are already in place, and all five people from Emperor Star, including the coach, will be invited to do interviews the moment they receive their awards.

There were at least twenty photographers with cameras on their shoulders, aiming their lenses at the people of the Emperor Star.

All the live broadcasts around the world are filled with the images of everyone from Emperor Star winning the championship!

At this moment, the team on the stage is the most supreme and strongest team in the eyes of all GAG players around the world!

When the cheering ends.

Quan Byung-hyun was invited to the scene to present awards to the contestants.

There was nothing unusual on his face. With a smile on his face, he faced the camera and personally delivered medals, flowers, and championship rings to every member of the Emperor Star team.

at last.

"Next, please award the championship bonus!"

"As of the end of the last game tonight, that is, at 10:33 pm, the S2 Global Finals prize pool has accumulated to 40 million US dollars!"

"According to the rules, the DXG team will receive a championship reward of US$14.4 million!"

"Congratulations to them!"

A huge check board was carried onto the stage by the hostess.

The 11-digit Korean won amount made people dizzy, and they couldn't figure it out clearly for a long time.

More than 19 billion won!

This is the ultimate reward!

Of course, this championship bonus will not be credited to the Emperor Star Club’s bank card in Korean won. Instead, it will be converted at the current exchange rate, spent by the Moyu Company’s financial department, and handed over to the Emperor Star Club after paying taxes. , and then distributed to each player through the club, including the coaching staff.

At that time, after deducting the share given to the club, each player will receive at least more than 100 and close to 2 million US dollars!

Coupled with the various cash rewards given by Zhang Zhaoyang and the house promised before the game, as well as the increase in the commercial value of the players after winning the championship, various advertisements, sponsorships, endorsements, and live broadcasts, it is simply a steady stream of money income!

Eat to the extreme!

These players made money in one go that ordinary people cannot make in a lifetime! (End of chapter)

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