Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 620 Shaking head monster

Counting down the many professional players I have seen in my past and present life, except for a few who were able to amaze everyone on their debut, most of them were brutally abused. In the end, they could not withstand the pressure and retired completely, becoming players that no team wanted. Go and train, play with, and host.

Only those who are reborn under pressure can shine!

Regardless of the fact that there are more than 200 teenage dream-chasing teenagers in the youth training base, more than 80% of them cannot enter the professional arena. The remaining part can only hang out in the secondary leagues, and a few can go to the GPL. Playing as a substitute and waiting for the opportunity, only a very few can actually compete in the GPL.

The same goes for the five black card players!

The professional arena is much more cruel than the youth training base!

"Who is giving the lecture today?"

Mo Yu withdrew his gaze. Turn around and ask.

Cai Xiaoqiang said: "Coach of CC Club."

CC Club is a club competing in the GDL secondary league.

The club manager happened to be at the scene, and when he saw everyone looking at him, he immediately nodded in confirmation.

"Every week, the youth training base arranges for active coaches or professional players from major professional clubs to come and give three lessons. The lessons mainly teach tactics, laning experience, and game review. The instructor who comes to give lessons today is the coach of CC Club."

"After the lecture, the resident coaching team hired by the youth training base itself will arrange for students with similar scores to compete in groups, record and score each student's performance, and then re-rate the players based on the scores."

"The five black card players are the students with the highest scores in each position."

"Of course, the scores are not static. A professional team at the base will re-calculate each player's score every week. Players who are ultimately deemed to have failed the competition will be dismissed."

Cai Xiaoqiang introduced.

In addition to the students, the entire youth training base also has a large coaching team of 40 people, as well as other employees in various positions.

The coaching team of forty people is divided into eight groups on a daily basis, and each group oversees some students.

After the students are graded, students with high scores will form a new team with other students at the same level. Then after a short break-in and a week of training and learning, they will compete with other student teams, and the coaching team will Each player will be re-rated after the battle, and the player with the lowest final rating will be dismissed by the base.

It's like a weekly exam.


Since the number of students in each position is different, some people will not be able to form a team, and the base will also rearrange them to ensure that every student can learn something and intuitively feel their own growth and regression.

The whole system is very harsh, and only the truly capable people remain.

You must know that this year's youth training base free agents plus youth training sent by various clubs, the total number of people exceeds 6,000. At the beginning of the registration stage, 95% will be screened out, and the rest can enter the base.

When arriving at the base, a large number of unqualified players have to be screened out, and in the end only a small number of players are left to enter the draft.

Just like the 219 players in the base now, only 60 will actually be put on the draft auction list.

And some of these 60 players may not be auctioned at that time. Some of them are players sent by major professional clubs. Since no one bids, even the parent club where they are from will not buy them back. In that case, they will not have a chance to play professionally at all, which is very cruel!

Everyone walked around the base. An hour later, the class ended, and Cai Xiaoqiang took everyone to observe the specific training situation.

The main targets for observation are several black card players.

Through training games, it can be clearly seen that black card players perform better than other players in the same position in actual games.

This kind of performance is not only reflected in operations and line suppression, but also in the ability to understand tactics and read the situation.

In a professional game, it is unrealistic to just go up and charge forward in pursuit of a single kill.

Your opponent is also a master at the same level as you. The difference in operation cannot be as big as that between Silver and King. It is even more difficult to snowball a single kill.

What we need to look at at this time is the player's tactics and reading ability.

To put it simply, it means knowing when to do what not to do, where to insert the wards, how to control the line of troops, not to be too aggressive, to be intimidated when you need to, and to release when you need to, it’s that simple.

But many people simply cannot achieve this simplicity.

But this is still the basics. The higher level requires adapting to the situation and the situation on the field, which is even more difficult.

Many professional players can only do this step.

Only a true master can completely control the situation. One person can lead the three routes, neutralize the opponent's offensive, and help his side win the game.

That is the top level!

"Yes, yes, these black card players have performed very well. Being a substitute for GDL is not a big problem. If they really played a few games and were beaten last season, I believe they should be able to join the main game. Especially Han Xu, who will go directly to GPL." It’s all right, it feels very fierce, has strong pressure on the line, and I’ve also had a few beautiful solo kills, it’s very cool!”

After watching several training sessions, many people present were deeply impressed by the trainee Han Xu.

At fourteen years old, he is one of the youngest in the youth training base. His face is very immature, but he is very fierce in fighting, aggressive and fierce in the line, and can push hard in operation.

There was a team battle just now, and three people on the opposite side came to catch him, but he, Verus, completed three kills with one show, which was extremely impressive!

Cai Xiaoqiang agreed: "Han Xu's performance is indeed very good. He is the top player in the base, and the coaching staff is also very optimistic about him. Although he was only a master when he first entered the base, there are many king-level players in front of him. They are far inferior. And he is only fourteen years old, which is the golden age for professional e-sports players, and many clubs are also interested in him."

"He has a nickname in the base, called Bobblehead!"

The Chinese server has always produced excellent ADs, and the same goes for GPL.

In the World Championship, many ADs who performed well were GPL players.

Han Xu can also be considered a rising star.

"Oh? The bobblehead? It's interesting, Lao Deng. Do you, LGD, have any intention to buy it back?"

Mo Yu turned to look at Deng Junhua who was following him.

According to the auction rules of the draft, the parent club has the priority to repurchase players who are selected from the club's sending channel after the bidding is completed.

"Haha, it depends on the situation."

Deng Junhua smiled and did not answer directly.

"Pretend!" Mo Yu said with a smile: "Your LGD bottom lane duo is also one of the best in the league. I didn't expect to find Han Xu now. It's awesome!"

"It's all luck."

Deng Junhua laughed and turned to look at other clubs: "If you are interested in Han Xu, just make an offer. Don't be polite!"

Suddenly everyone burst into laughter. (End of chapter)

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