Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 626 Number One Scholar (2)

"Okay, Star Club has confirmed that it will no longer increase the price, so congratulations to EDG Club for successfully acquiring player No. 076 at a price of 396,000 yuan!"


The audience burst into applause.

Since Li Miao is a free agent and does not have a parent club, there is no repurchase.

After EDG took the shot, Li Miao joined EDG directly. As long as he can withstand the test, EDG's starting top lane position will be basically determined.

Everyone in EDG is also very happy.

"His playing style is very suitable for our EDG. He is good at big trees and mainly stable. If he trains a few more games, I believe he should be able to take on the responsibility of top lane." Qi Jiang smiled and said: "I don't have time to manage the top lane during the fight. This kind of The blue-collar style of play is best suited for free-range play.”

"It makes sense. It is difficult for Kyrie to compete in the top lane. It is not the top lane version now. Our focus should be on the mid-to-lower team."

Abu wholeheartedly agrees.

Li Miao in the back row felt a flash of disappointment in her heart.

"396,000, after all, I am not destined to be the No. 1 pick."

"But it's okay, EDG is a new team in GPL, and there are two veteran players in the team, Nuoyan and Curly Hair. As long as I can make a name for myself in EDG, it doesn't matter even if I'm not the top pick!"

“Don’t seize the day, just focus on the future!”

"I have enough confidence in myself!"

"The most important thing for me next is to fight for a contract with EDG that pays a high enough salary to guarantee a starting position."

The disappointment was swept away and Li Miao regained her composure.

With Li Miao signing with EDG, the second black card player made his debut.

There were 129 junglers, 7 bidding clubs, and the two lowest bidders were eliminated. The highest bid in the first round was 260,000. In the end, it was won by the wealthy WBG for 420,000. The parent club Star Sky chose not to buy back.

Mid laner 145 Ding Liangren bid for four clubs, with the highest bid in the first round being 230,000. He is very popular because he is good at team play.

After several rounds of bidding, Ding Liangren was finally won by Tianxing Club for a high price of 460,000.

Parent club WE does not choose to buy back.

Assistant 191 Wen Mengmeng, who was born in the GDL League NP club, bid for 6 clubs and eliminated one. The highest bid in the first round was 300,000. He has a fierce playing style and can work wonders with some ADCs who like to attack. In the previous exhibition game, Wen Mengmeng The cooperation with Han Xu also verified this.

Many teams are interested in such an auxiliary.

In the end, QQG and VG jointly offered a price of 450,000. Neither party was willing to increase the price. NP Club did not choose to buy back after consideration. Wen Mengmeng finally chose to join QQG between QQG and VG.

"QQG is obviously interested in the duo of Han Xu and Wen Mengmeng!"

"Now that Wen Mengmeng has joined QQG, if the remaining Han Xu encounters the same price situation again, he should also consider the auxiliary factor."

"Both of them came from youth training, they cooperate well, and their playing styles are very similar. If they are both taken down by QQG, another pair of fantasy gods may appear in the bottom lane."

Many people have thought of this, and QQG did not hide it. It was clear that they had thoughts about Han Xu and Wen Mengmeng.

The draft has come so far, and there is only one person left.

Black card players, AD163, Han Xu.

As the most eye-catching performance in the exhibition match, Han Xu is undoubtedly the focus of each club in this draft. Many people are very optimistic about him. The backstage director team also adjusted him to be the finale today and have high expectations for him. High hopes.

Mo Yu thought to himself: "Now that the auction is over, the player most likely to win the top prize is here. Han Xu should be able to sell it for the maximum price of 500,000."

Among all youth training players, the one with the highest auction price is No. 145 Ding Liangren. He is popular for his team-oriented playing style and is temporarily ranked as the top pick with a worth of 460,000.

But Han Xu is very likely to snatch the No. 1 pick.

"The last player tonight is Shooter 163, Han Xu. There are 8 participating clubs in the auction!"

8 companies, the highest in the field!

Knowing that each team only has five precious selection spots, and knowing that Han Xu's competition will definitely be fierce, there are still 8 clubs who resolutely cast a vote for him.

From this we can see how popular Han Xu is.

"Let's see what the bids from the clubs are."

A set of information was displayed on the big screen.

The moment the information appeared, there was a commotion in the whole place.

Mo Yu was also extremely surprised: "Is it that fierce?"

There were eight bidding clubs for Han Xu, but only the five with the highest bids were displayed on the big screen, namely QQG, Tianxing, DFG, JDG, and IG.

The prices from top to bottom are 500,000, 500,000, 500,000, 450,000, and 430,000!

The top three will be capped immediately!

The champion crown has changed hands!

On stage.

Tian Weiwei sounded surprised: "Wow, shooter No. 163 is very popular. You can see that the three clubs QQG, TXG, and DFG all gave the highest price of 500,000."

"According to the rules of this draft, 500,000 is the maximum price, so player No. 163 will no longer participate in the bidding process."

"Since the parent club of player No. 163 is the LGD club, let's first ask the LGD club if they choose to buy back?"

Several eyes were focused on Deng Junhua, who was sitting in the front row.

LGD's bot lane combination is also the top bot lane combination in the GPL league. Even facing the likes of Smile and Uzi, they are still at the top. Even in the S game, they are top players and can be called the top.

In this case, everyone feels that LGD will not choose in-app purchases.

But Deng Junhua hasn't spoken yet, everyone is waiting for him to speak.

“No repurchase!”

Deng Junhua's voice sounded, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

LGD gave up Han Xu’s buy-back right.

Then all that's left is to see how Han Xu chooses.

QQG? Star? Or DFG?

People are very concerned about this.

As the top pick in this draft, Han Xu undoubtedly conquered everyone present with his excellent performance. Even the clubs that did not select him would at most think that his playing style was too radical, but they never thought that he There is a problem with the operation.

Moreover, Han Xu's playing style has also greatly contributed to the rise in the club's popularity.

What the audience likes to see is a fist-to-flesh fight, rather than a constant fight with few kills.

As long as a player like Han Xu plays, it will undoubtedly make the game more exciting.

"LGD Club chooses not to buy back, then player No. 163 will have the right to make his own choice."

"He can choose any of the three clubs QQG, TXG, and DFG to sign."

"Next, contestant No. 163 is invited to come on stage and announce his own thoughts."

Han Xu in the back row slowly stood up.

He was very excited at this time.

I originally thought that the wave of exhibition games was too aggressive and might affect my draft value. However, I never expected that I would be welcomed by so many people. I didn’t even need to take pictures, I just chose by myself.

"Who should I choose?"

When Han Xu stepped onto the stage, he also gave himself time to think.

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