Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 631 First experience with DOTA

In the LGD base.

It's dark outside and the base is brightly lit.

Download, install, update, log in, the whole set of actions is done smoothly and in one go.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Wu Sheng (09) logged into DOTA on time.

"Why don't you broadcast GAG anymore?"

"Everyone is tired of watching it every day. Play DOTA to relax."

"It's a new game, and there will be competitions this year. I'll help the team test the waters first."

As the undisputed captain of LGD, he entered FTD and won the runner-up in the Internet Cafe Competition from his debut. Later, he helped the team attract investment, and LGD became the second professional team in the world. Along the way, Wu Sheng was not only the captain and team member, but also a A partner of LGD, he ranks second in the club's shares, second only to Deng Junhua, and has a very strong say.

Even so, Wu Sheng himself is still very dedicated and has a professional attitude as always. In addition to training and competition every day, he also plays live broadcast contract, and he is always in the top division and never abuses the low division.

Tonight is the first time that fans have seen Wu Sheng live broadcast games other than GAG. I don’t know how many people were surprised.

"Actually, I was invited to try it out during internal testing, and it was quite interesting." Faced with fans' doubts, Wu Sheng laughed and said, "It's hard to compare this game with GAG. Each has its own merits. The earliest GAG version was forest dodge. Weren’t those things deleted later? They are all in DOTA.”

It doesn’t stop on the mouth, and it doesn’t stop on the hands either.

Wu Sheng quickly entered his account number to log in to the game.

The DOTA2 server that was perfectly operated in the previous life was so bad that everyone who played it wanted to complain. It crashed at every turn, server data could not be read temporarily, could not be connected, etc. The most criticized thing by players was that it was being connected.


It's been connecting for an hour and it's still being connected!

Dog perfect!

DOTA, developed by Moyu Games, has server groups set up in many countries and regions around the world to minimize lag. Unless there is a problem with the player's own network, there will basically be no major problems with the server.

Even after the official opening tonight, millions of players from all over the world poured in in a very short period of time, and there was no lag at all, no queues, and it was extremely smooth.

"Hey, this game can also be played in international servers, thanks to global connectivity."

After studying various elements in the game, Wu Sheng was surprised to find the biggest difference between DOTA and other games when he started the game.

Players can choose any server. As long as they don't mind delays, they can even join the American server, European server, Japanese server, Southeast Asian server, etc. to compete with local players.

"Damn it, this feels great, I can just go to the foreign server to play, but the delay is too high."

Wu Sheng looked regretfully at the delay in the Japanese server, and finally chose the Chinese server.

"Newbies can't play ranked, so they have to play matching first?"

"If it matches, let's match it and try the waters."

In the base, when they saw Wu Sheng opening DOTA, several teammates came over.

"Why don't you broadcast GAG anymore?"

"Play with it and see how it is different from GAG."


ZSMJ in the bottom lane sent an invitation.

"Okay, are you ready?"

"Well, wait for me."

09 immediately exited the match, and while waiting for ZSMJ to log in, he checked the heroes.

"This game is completely different from GAG. There is no jungler. When I participated in the test before, I felt that some heroes could really develop into 1 vs. 5. Let's play Shadow Demon now."

"The skills are about the same as before."

Several heroes such as Shadow Demon and Blue Cat once logged into GAG, but were later deleted.

09 I used to be a loyal fan of Shadow Demon, but now that I saw it again, I immediately became interested.

"Then if you hit, I will continue to play AD. What hero is the ADC?" ZSMJ didn't quite understand.

09 explained: "DOTA is not divided into AD, they are all at position 12345."

"What do you mean?" ZSMJ was confused.

"To put it simply, it is similar to the split lane in GAG, but there is no jungler in DOTA. Except for a few specific heroes, other heroes' first-level junglers will be very hurt, so they are all mixed lanes. The ADC in GAG is placed in DOTA In terms of performance, it is similar to position 1. It is relatively weak in the early stage and develops continuously. When the equipment is formed or key skills are acquired, it can be fought with the group."

"Position 2 is the middle lane. They are heroes with high damage and late-stage abilities. They can roam and fight. They are the main output points in the early stage."

"Position 3 is equivalent to the top laner, and position 4 is equivalent to the jungler who does not farm monsters. In addition to assisting position 3 in suppressing the opponent's big brother, position 1, he is also responsible for roaming GANK and helping the middle lane to control the server and provide vision. Responsibility."

"Position 5 is equivalent to a support position. They choose heroes who don't need much equipment and have strong control. They protect the development of the elder brother and are responsible for vision and control."

"If you play AD, it's equivalent to position 1. You click here."

While Wu Sheng was explaining to ZSMJ, he was also doing popular science for netizens in the live broadcast room.

When DOTA was first founded, there was no position 12345 at all, but there was no more.

Mo Yu not only explained the planning plan in detail, but also participated in the testing. The number 12345 came from Mo Yu's mouth, which can be regarded as promoting the development of DOTA to a certain extent and quickly passed the early chaotic exploration period.

There are many anchors or professional players like Wu Sheng who have been invited to participate in the test. If these people play a few games and pass on the information, other players will quickly understand it and quickly formulate it to form a suitable theory.

With the help of 09, ZSMJ clicked on the core of the hero classification. Suddenly some of the hero portraits in the hero list were darkened, and only a few hero portraits were highlighted.

"The ones that shine are the heroes that are suitable for playing the core position, which is position 1. If you are used to playing ADC, you can try these two. Xiaohei and Medusa are both long-range heroes."

"Okay, let me take a look at the skills."

ZSMJ did a brief research and found that Xiao Hei's skills were very similar to Ice Shooter, so he simply decided to play Xiao Hei.

After the two discussed it, they teamed up with each other and started a match.

Enter the game and choose a hero.

The lineup is confirmed.

Shadow Demon, Carl, Blackie, Ryan, Maverick.

At the beginning of the game, ZSMJ controlled the hero to go up, and Shadow Demon went to the middle. Compared with the understanding between the two, the other three players were a little confused. Everyone divided the paths at will, and even the Mavericks player stood directly in the jungle. .

After clicking on the mark a few times and talking via voice, the Mavericks player gave up the jungle and walked to the bottom lane with Karl.

"What are you doing standing there motionless?"

Seeing 09 standing in front of the Highland Tower, ZSMJ asked curiously.

"Stuck soldiers."

"DOTA's hero model can block the movement of soldiers. Since the center line is short, and there are high and low slope cards and ordinary MISS, it blocks the movement of the soldiers' lines. When the lines of soldiers intersect, our own lines of soldiers stand on high ground and face each other. The troop line is on a low-sloping river, so it is easy to finish the attack, and the other side cannot interfere if they want to." (End of this chapter)

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