Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 655 Tongfu Third Team

"I guess I have some ideas in this regard."

Tong Xin smiled and nodded in admission.

The establishment of an e-sports team has indeed given Tongfu Company a taste of the sweetness, saving time, effort and money, but the effect is better than hiring celebrity endorsements, and it is a huge profit.

This time I also hope to take advantage of the Super Invitational Tournament to gain fame again.

Zhang Zhaoyang said: "Let me tell you first, in this invitational tournament, South Korea will compete with their top teams. If you go there with this lineup, you may get beaten violently. Don't blame me if you lose."


Tong Xin smiled and said: "We are mentally prepared. It doesn't matter whether we win or lose."

"That's good."

Zhang Zhaoyang nodded when he heard this: "I will send a message to South Korea later and submit the list. By the way, there is another thing. This time only your Tongfu team signed up, so try to win as much as possible!"

South Korea.

"Is the list complete?"

Quan Byung-hyun asked.


Yin Guangzhu nodded and handed over the documents that he had already copied.

"Everyone, take a look at this document. It contains the information of each participating team. A total of 8 teams have been invited to this Super Invitational Tournament. They are all well-known and top-ranked teams in each major competition area. Take a closer look, and then Then choose who to fight."

"I'll make arrangements for the grouping when the time comes."

Yin Guangzhu distributed the documents to everyone attending the meeting.

This DOTA Super Invitational Tournament is very different from the previous events that everyone is familiar with.

In order to maximize the strength of Korean DOTA, the competition system is also unique.

There is no championship or ranking in the competition.

The twelve participating teams will be divided into four groups. Each group will include a Korean team and two other teams from other divisions. The BO3 format will be used, with three teams fighting in a melee.

If you win a game, you will get a bonus of 50,000 yuan, and if you lose, you will get nothing.

The biggest advantage of this competition system is that it can show the strength of the Korean DOTA team to the outside world to the greatest extent. If all four teams can get first place in their respective groups, it will be a big gain.

As for losing?

Unless you don't win a game, isn't it normal to win or lose on the field?

No one among the four teams present would think that they are that bad!

"Four of you, if you have any opinions on the competition system, feel free to put it forward. If there are any problems, you can still have time to modify them."

Yin Guangzhu looked at the four people present.

The South Korean team was originally scheduled to be Fou, ST, MVP first team and MVP second team, but later considering that the MVP team was not going well, South Korea canceled the MVP second team's qualifications after thinking about it and added a new team instead. UN team.

These teams are the strongest teams in Korean DOTA.

Among them, the gap between the first place Fou and the second place ST is very small. Even in the DPC League in the Southeast Asia Division, ST defeated Fou and won several games in a row.

Many Korean netizens feel that ST is truly the number one DOTA team in Korea!

"Haha, just these teams, to be honest, we FOU are not afraid of anyone!" Zheng Duoren looked at the list of other participating teams with a look of disdain: "It doesn't matter, I don't have an opinion on which group I am assigned to."

Li Zhonghao, the representative of ST, took a closer look: "We don't have any objections. ST is the strongest team, but I have a question. Why did China only send one team? Team Tongfu? I don't think I heard about it. Pass."

What he said made others pay attention.

"Tongfu three teams? I have heard of Tongfu. It is a very powerful club in the Chinese division, but don't they only have two teams?" The MVP club manager was also puzzled.

The UN club manager noticed the list of members of the Tongfu Third Team and couldn't help frowning: "Their players seem to be all newcomers, so I have no impression at all."

"Newcomer? No way, could it be some secret weapon?"

"Impossible, how long does it take? How can there be any secret weapon?"

"Even if I had a secret weapon, I would definitely use it to fight the DPC."

"That's not to say, maybe they just want to hide their clumsiness and want to take this opportunity to attack Korean DOTA?"

Several people participated in the discussion and were even quite confident.

He actually considered the players from Tongfu Team 3 as secret weapons prepared to deal with this Super Invitational Tournament.

Seeing that the discussion was going on for a while, Quan Pingxian also frowned and asked aloud: "What's going on with Tongfu Team 3? Is it really some kind of secret weapon?"

All eyes in the stadium were turned to Yoon Kwang-soo.

Yin Guangzhu knew the inside story, and felt a little embarrassed for a moment. He didn't want to reveal it at first, but now that he asked, he could only explain it clearly.

"Everyone, I misunderstood. Tongfu Team 3 is not a secret weapon."

"Then what happened?"

The grumpy Jung Da-in urged.

“The reply from the Chinese Division was that the DPC competition was tight and each team could not spare manpower. However, in order to show its importance to this Super Invitational Tournament, Tongfu Club finally formed a new team to participate in the competition. As for Most of the players from Team Tongfu 3 are substitutes for various teams.”

As soon as Yin Guangzhu finished speaking, he heard a snap.

Zheng Duoren suddenly stood up: "What? Substitute? They actually sent a substitute to compete? This is simply too much! Mr. Quan, FOU applied to compete."

"Let's leave it to ST." Li Zhonghao showed a cold smile: "Since the Chinese are so trusting, they should experience the consequences. Mr. Quan, ST applies to be paired with the Tongfu Third Team and guarantee that they will not win a game. Return home in disastrous defeat.”

The two strongest DOTA teams in South Korea started arguing. They both wanted to kill Tongfu Team 3 and torture these substitutes.

The other two teams were also very angry, but since both the first and second teams were up for grabs, they stopped trying to steal the limelight.

Quan Pingxian was also filled with anger at this time.

He never expected that the Chinese Division would actually send a group of substitutes to participate in the competition. There were not only substitutes, but also anchors and passers-by. It was simply an insult!

No matter what, we must not let Tongfu’s third team take away any victory!

Quan Pingxian immediately looked at Li Zhonghao and said coldly: "ST is sure?"

"Of course, ST is the strongest DOTA team in Korea!" Li Zhonghao said unceremoniously: "I will teach this substitute team a lesson and let them know what cruelty is!"

"very good."

Raising his hand to stop Zheng Duoren, Quan Pingxian said: "Since ST is sure, let's leave it to you. Remember, we can't let Tongfu's third team win a victory. We can fight as hard as we can in the game. I'm going to beat this team and leave no room for anything."

"Leave it to us."

Li Zhonghao agreed immediately.

"Very good." Quan Bingxian then looked at the other three people: "The competition between Tongfu and ST will be arranged for the finale on the last day. As for your three teams, please arrange them into other groups."

"Remember, you can't lose!"

"Even if we lose, we can only lose by chance!"

"In this competition, we will do our best to show the world the e-sports strength of the Republic of Korea. No matter in any event, Korean e-sports will always be the strongest!" (End of Chapter)

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