Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 661 Venue Arrangement


Li Jiahui found Thomas, the local agent of Moyu Game, and immediately explained his intention when meeting.

"Mr. Mo replied, this year's MSI has been decided to be held in Europe!"

Thomas was already very busy with work. The recent DOTA-DPC league has taken up a lot of his working time. Now that he heard that MSI has been confirmed to be in Europe, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"That's great!"

"I've been waiting for this news for a long time!"

Thomas was very excited, and the exhaustion disappeared from his face.

He had heard from Li Jiahui that GAG would hold MSI in Europe this year. Now that he finally got the exact news, he suddenly felt light and healthy, and all his worries were gone.

GAG is already the most popular computer game in the world, bar none!

The events based on it have also been promoted to become one of the largest competitive sports events in the world. Each game can bring many benefits to the local area and the organizer.

Now that MSI has finally landed, Thomas is simply overjoyed, and his joy is uncontrollable.

"Are you that excited?" Li Jiahui joked upon seeing this: "I remember you were complaining about being too busy and tired at work a few days ago."

"Li, you don't understand." Thomas stood up from his desk at this time and said happily: "Although I am tired, my heart is satisfied. And now the news of MSI makes me feel even more satisfied."

"Tell me quickly, does Mr. Mo have any requirements for MSI this time?"

“I can’t wait to get started!”

Seeing this, Li Jiahui shook his head and laughed, pointed at him and said: "You."

"Okay, joking aside, Mr. Mo's only requirement for this MSI is that it shouldn't be too bad. Everything else is up to you and me to decide."

Thomas immediately patted his chest after hearing this: "Don't worry, I promise to fulfill our mission."

He excitedly walked to the bookshelf behind the office, found a document from the bookshelf, took it in his hand, and said with a happy smile: "From the moment I got the news, I have already made a plan about MSI. , now it can finally be taken out.”

As he spoke, he walked to Li Jiahui and spread out the documents in his hand.

Looking at the situation, I saw that the document was filled with densely packed plans. From the opening to the end, from the competition location to the accommodation arrangements, every item was written clearly.

"Have you prepared this for a long time?"

Li Jiahui looked up in shock.

"That's right." Thomas said with satisfaction: "When I got the news from you last year, I was well prepared and hired a special event planner to create a specially designed event plan. All matters involved in the competition process were taken into consideration. arrive."


Thomas opened a page of documents, and Li Jiahui looked at them and saw that there were strict regulations on the models of computer accessories used in the competition, and all accessories brands were listed and all were unified.

Turn back again.

The hotels where the contestants will stay have all been inspected, and their detailed addresses and reservation phone numbers are all written on them.

There are also site selection, city location selection, etc., which obviously require a lot of analysis and research.


Li Jiahui took a deep breath.

Thomas puffed up his chest, showed a winning expression, and boasted: "I am fully prepared, Li, this MSI will definitely be an eye-opener for everyone!"


Mo Yu received a call from Li Jiahui.

When he heard that Thomas had already made a game plan, he couldn't help but be surprised: "He is so concerned?"

Li Jiahui's voice came from the phone.

"How could he not be interested in the huge traffic of MSI? Although it costs a lot to hold an event, it is very popular, which is equivalent to the best publicity, and it is the kind that tens of millions cannot buy."


Mo Yu couldn't help but agree when he heard this.

Being in Jingzhou, he knows best how many benefits Jingzhou has brought due to the word e-sports in recent years. Just the number of spectators during the competition every year is a huge flow of people. Everyone in the cities and counties next door is greedy. Drooling, not to mention the increase in consumption brought about by these people, all walks of life can benefit from it.

"Since Thomas has already made preparations, please briefly explain to me the specific plan."


Li Jiahui spoke directly.

In the plan, this European MSI is scheduled to be held in two cities, one is Berlin, Germany.

The city of Berlin is now probably considered one of the cities with the strongest e-sports atmosphere in Europe. Many European professional e-sports clubs have branches there, plus the European branch of Moyu Games and Thomas Company. Both are in Berlin, so it was a natural choice as the first city.

The second is Paris, France.

Paris is a place that has a filter in the eyes of people all over the world who have never been there. Those who have never been there especially want to go there. It is known as the romantic city.

Thomas also considered this reason when he chose Paris.

I believe that many spectators will be very happy to know that they can watch the game in Paris. At the very least, they will not have to worry about selling their tickets.

"Paris and Berlin?"

Mo Yu thought it was okay.

No matter how good the public security in the two cities is, it is not too bad, and the local economy is developed. At least there will be no problem for the players to eat, drink, have fun, and have basic necessities.

"After I told Thomas about the changes to the MSI competition format, he meant that the qualifying and group stages would be arranged at the GEU League Studio in Berlin, which can accommodate about 1,500 people, and the quarterfinals to the finals would be arranged at the Zenith Arena in Paris. It can accommodate 6,800 people.”

“In addition, the standard of hotel accommodation is three-star. For training, a special training room will be set up in the hotel. A local dedicated chef team will be invited to take care of the food. In addition, the hosting, photography, referees, makeup and other staff at the competition site are provided by the GEU competition area. staff instead.”

"Regarding the itinerary, it is recommended that each team come to the local area about ten days in advance to adapt. European server training accounts are also prepared, travel buses, equipment models used for on-site competitions, opening ceremony performances, and stage arrangements."

Li Jiahui talked a lot and arranged all aspects in extremely detail.

Mo Yu can see from this that Europe has indeed made a lot of preparations for MSI this time, and every aspect is considered very thoughtfully.

He was originally a little worried that this was the first time for Europe to organize such an international competition, and it also coincided with the addition of wild cards, a key period for MSI expansion. He was afraid that there would be some omissions, which would affect the competition status of each team.

Now it seems there is no need to worry at all.

Li Jiahui and Thomas arranged it very well.

"It seems that you have made arrangements." Mo Yu said with satisfaction: "Then follow the plan. You contact Yang Qiu and ask him to send documents to each competition area to prepare. I will let the official website of the competition release an official announcement."

"Okay, let's do it right away."

Li Jiahui immediately hung up the phone and contacted Yang Qiu.

at the same time.

The next day, all major league clients announced the details of MSI’s arrival in Europe this year and the schedule.

So far.

In 2010, the second MSI of GAG was launched! (End of chapter)

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