Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 671 GAG Asian Games national team roster

Emperor Star.

"Mr. Yang is urging me again." Han Wenhui hung up the phone and looked at Zhang Zhaoyang: "The deadline is in two days. The Sports Center is also urging us, and the Asian Organizing Committee is also urging them. It's useless for those people to delay. Listen. Mr. Yang said that this time Mr. Mo issued a death order and the list must be put together immediately before tomorrow."

"What are you afraid of?"

Zhang Zhaoyang sat on the sofa and said nonchalantly: "Just push me, I don't care anyway."

"But Xiaobo is missing from the team?" Han Wenhui asked worriedly: "Xiaobo didn't go to the Petroleum Cup this time. We only won the quarterfinals. There are two more games to go, and we still have to prepare for S3. If he leaves, the team will lose." What should I do in S3? "


Zhang Zhaoyang waved his hand and said: "Anyway, we have already obtained the tickets for S3. The next two A-level games will be used as training to train the new players. Besides, I have won the S-game championship twice, but I have never won the Asian Games gold medal. .”

Zhang Zhaoyang showed expectation on his face and was extremely interested in winning an Asian Games gold medal.

This year’s Yangcheng Asian Games GAG roster is still pending.

It is because among the seven players finally selected, several players come from the three teams that have qualified for S3.

This time in S3, the GPL participating teams are EDG, IG, and Emperor Star.

Among them, EDG is the No. 1 seed and IG is the No. 2 seed. The two teams can directly enter the main game according to this year's rules. However, Emperor Star only got a No. 3 seed and must compete with the No. 3 seeds in each division and the three major A-level cups. The runner-up will also have the first place in the nine wild card divisions to participate in the qualifiers.

That's why the Hangul Society is worried.

Originally, the team was in a precarious situation. It had to compete with so many teams for the only two spots in the main draw. At this time, it had to dispatch the core players of the team to participate in the Asian Games training for a whole month. As a coach, even if he knew the opportunity It’s rare, but I also know that there really can’t be a shortage of people at the club.

After all, no matter what, judging from the current situation, the S game is more important than the Asian Games.

"Mr. Zhang, would you like to think about it again? Our club's results this year are not very satisfactory. What if?"

Hangul would be extremely worried.

It would be a big joke if the two-time S-League champion team fails to qualify in this year's qualifiers.

"Don't worry." Seeing this, Zhang Zhaoyang stood up, walked over and patted the Korean club on the shoulder and said, "You have to know that the S Games happens every year, but the Asian Games only happens once every four years! The opportunity is so rare!"

"Although this is an exhibition match, it is also the first time for GAG and even the first time for e-sports to enter the Asian Games. At this time, I think it is more important than the S game."

"Besides, I asked Xiaobo what he wanted, and he was very happy to do it. In this case, there is no need for us to stop him."

Korean would like to say again: "But."

"That's what Xiaobo has decided." Zhang Zhaoyang interrupted directly: "On the contrary, I'm more worried about your complaints. If you really have any ideas, you must tell me. Don't hold it back. If it doesn't work, raise your salary! "

Zhang Zhaoyang was very proud and asked for more money with a wave of his hand.

Hearing this, Han Wenhui's eyes flashed with a few traces of imperceptible despair.

Among the seven-man Asian Games roster, there are five starters, one substitute, and one coach.

Originally, after discussions for the coaching position, based on past coaching results, coaching level, popularity, professionalism, etc., it can be said that Han Hui was the one to take the job.

In the GPL internal meeting, the Korean club was the one that received the most votes for the initial coaching position.

But in the end, EDG's Abramovich was selected for the roster.

It’s not that someone cheated, but that the Korean language club gave up on its own.

"I'm fine." Han Wenhui shook his head: "Xiaobo's departure has already hurt the team a lot. I can't leave again. In that case, we may really be beaten by the wild card this year."

"I'm worried about this too. I didn't want to say it at first. Since you agreed to it, you might as well just go down the slope."

Zhang Zhaoyang patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "Let's do this. I know this opportunity is too rare and you must feel uncomfortable. The salary increase has been decided."


"Okay." Han Wenhui was about to say no, but was directly interrupted by Zhang Zhaoyang: "I'll tell the finance manager later, and you don't have to worry. As for Xiaobo, just report it to him. You don't have to worry about the rest of them. I'll inform you."

"Even if they have any objections, they must participate."

"Otherwise, if you don't give face to Lao Mo and the Sports Bureau, if they don't give you face, then Lao Mo won't give them face."

The next day.

The GPL official Weibo account updated a message.

[Asian Games entry list. 】

[Top order: Letme. 】

[Jungle: MLXG. 】

[Mid laner: TheGod. 】

[ADC: UZI. 】

[Assistant: MEIKO. 】

[Substitute: MING. 】

[Coach: Abu. 】

There is also a freshly released expedition poster below the text message.

Seven people wore red national team uniforms, with a bright and waving red flag in the background.

As soon as the Weibo post was posted, it immediately caused huge waves. I don’t know how many fans are paying attention to the GAG ​​national team roster at this moment. Many people are urging it. Now that the list is released, some are happy and some are worried.

"No, why isn't there my factory?"

"Is IG so hopeless? It's the second seed after all, so I won't choose anyone!"

"This long list is outrageous. RNG has no chance of getting a ticket this year."

"Abu can do it? Why not Lao Han?"

"Is it true that no one is complaining about LETME? Isn't this hand-picked option too stretchy?"

"Is WE's new mid laner Xiye not qualified?"

There was a lot of discussion online.

GPL has always produced a large number of experts. In the minds of netizens, it seems that more powerful players can be selected for every position, but these seven people were selected. Many people have opinions.

But this can’t be blamed on netizens. In fact, all major clubs have considerations in mind.

In terms of weight and prize money, the Asian Games cannot be compared with the upcoming S Games. In terms of honors, after all, this is just an exhibition game, not even the main game, and finishing first will not be counted in the medal list.

After all kinds of considerations, major clubs are certainly unwilling to send players to participate in the Asian Games at such a critical moment.

In the end, Zhang Zhaoyang organized and held an overnight meeting to come up with the national team roster.

Four of them are from RNG, one is from Emperor Star, and two are from EDG.

For the seven people, they are naturally very happy, but for the club behind them, it is full of helplessness.

RNG originally wanted to participate in the three major A-level cup competitions, and they had to strive for a qualification no matter what. You must know that this year's competition system reform, the runner-up in the A-level competition can also enter the S competition, which means there are still six opportunities before the start of S3.

As a result, the top, jungle, AD, and support have all been transferred away. Four of the five players are missing. The number of people is not enough. It is basically possible to say goodbye to S3 completely and declare that there is no chance.

EDG also has difficulties that cannot be told.

A girl is the on-court commander, a new guy who just came in to replace Curly in the summer season, and a coach is the off-court commander. Both are crucial.

If they hadn't won the No. 1 seed, they had to set an example, and they thought that if they won the championship, they would be able to wash away the infamy of losing to SKT and losing to MSI. Otherwise, EDG might not be willing to let go.

It can be said that among the roster, only Lu Zibo has the full support of the club, while the others have various thoughts.

But now that it's over, everything is settled.

No matter what, no matter how dissatisfied or complaining you are, you have to shut up.

The candidates have been decided, and we must cooperate fully to defeat other countries and win the Asian Games championship! (End of chapter)

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