Create A Group Chat In Hokage: Nine Tails!

10. Konoha's High-Level Executives Collectively Fell At The Feet Of A Baby!

Seeing Nine Tails nodding obediently like a pug, Danzo: "???"

When did Nine Tails become so obedient?

Could it be that at some point, I fell into an illusion, and what I see now is just an illusion?

But the closed Sharingan told him that what happened just now was true.

This made him even more frightened.

Nine Tails is like a licking dog, listening to someone!

What is the identity of this person?

This question has lingered in everyone's mind for a long time.

It was so frightening that no one dared to ask.

Not to mention anything else, just this person's outburst of courage just now stunned all the ninjas present below Elite Jōnin.

This kind of strength, even the legendary ninja god, Senju Hashirama can't do it!

Sarutobi Hiruzen hinted Namikaze Minato to ask with his eyes again and again.

Because he noticed that the mysterious bamboo hat man had a good attitude towards Namikaze Minato.

"Excuse me, who are you, senior?"

Namikaze Minato swallowed, summoned up his courage and asked.

The scene where Danzo was slapped to death just now also scared him.

If it wasn't for this person who tamed Nine Tails, saved Konoha, and spoke politely to him,

Even if he is seriously injured and desperately trying not to, we must stop this person!

"who I am?"

Naruto raised his head, lost in thought.

But he was too short.

Even if he raised his head, he couldn't reach other people's knees.

That's how it should be.

But those who are still awake under the outbreak of Naruto Conqueror's Haki just now,

He had already squatted down for the first time, keeping his body low, striving for the highest point of his body to never exceed the height of the mysterious man's bamboo hat.

You may not believe it when you say it, and some people even lie on the ground directly.

I was afraid that I would offend the boss because I was taller than the mysterious man in bamboo hat, and then I would be slapped to death just like Danzo.

There was even someone who was still muttering in his heart, hey, why does this mysterious black-clothed man in a bamboo hat look so familiar to me?

That black top, the lines and stitching marks on the cuffs, isn't it my top hanging out?

And that bamboo hat, no matter how you look at it, it is the one hanging outside the window of my house.

Could it be...

Take off my black top and bamboo hat, what's inside?

He thought of it for a moment, it was a baby less than one year old.

But he didn't dare to say, and he didn't dare to ask, for fear of being slapped to death.

You don't want to die, you're a bastard.

Naruto gave Nine Tails a look, and at the same time gave Nine Tails instructions through the master-servant contract.

"Kurama, tell them, who am I?"

"Who is the Nine... Lama?" Namikaze Minato couldn't help asking again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen got anxious and glared at him.

Don't worry.

Wait for the boss to answer the first question before asking.

"Kurama is my nickname for Nine Tails." Naruto laughed.

"A nickname for Nine Tails?" Namikaze Minato murmured to himself.

Sarutobi Hiruzen exclaimed as if he suddenly thought of something, "Could it be that you are..."

At this time, Nine Tails shrank into a miniature version of the little fox again. According to Naruto's words, it looked more kawaii like this, and then said lightly:

"That's right, he is the reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths, the prophesied Son of Hope, the savior of the ninja world."

Sarutobi Hiruzen exclaimed: "The reincarnation of the ancestor of the ninja, Sage of Six Paths? Did you really divide the Ten Tails into the nine Tailed Beasts?"

He has always been curious about this legend.

Naruto nodded.

"Kurama's consciousness was my favorite child at the time, because it looks so cute and arrogant.

So when I divide Ten Tails Chakra, I divide it like this.

One Tail, one Nine Tails. One for Nine Tails and one for Nine Tails. Three Tails, Nine Tails one.

That's it, the remaining half of Chakra will be given to Nine Tails. "

"Ah? It turned out to be like this!" Everyone in Konoha exclaimed.

Nine Tails muttered to himself.

I believe you ghost!

Although my amount of Chakra is indeed more than the other eight tailed beasts combined, it is not as exaggerated as you said!

"Danzo is not Hokage, do you want to be Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

Naruto raised his hand lightly, with a super fierce expression that if you dare, I will kill you.

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately shook his head like a rattle.

Be a fart Hokage!

He figured it out, this person was trying to show off to Minato.

Except for Minato, whoever dares to be a Hokage will really be beaten to death!

Danzo's comparison is a lesson from the past!

"I think I'm an old man, I should retire. Konoha Hokage, there is no one but Minato!"

Satisfied, Naruto put down his little hand that if the answer didn't satisfy him, he would slap Third Generation to death.

"At first, I thought, if you don't do it, then I'll be Hokage for fun.

But if this is the case, then forget it, let me be a Hokage in a few years when I grow up. "

"The Son of Hope in the prophecy? Why does this sound so familiar?" Namikaze Minato also thought to himself.

"Wait! Are you..."

Namikaze Minato raised his head suddenly, his eyes glowed, and he asked incredulously,

"Is that you, Naruto?"



Everyone was taken aback.

Isn't this what the Fourth Generation wants to name their son?

How can it be……

"Yes, I am Naruto. Hello, Dad."

Naruto took off the bamboo hat that covered his entire head, revealing his baby face that was less than a day old.

Everyone suddenly felt that the three views were completely shattered.

Is he really the newborn son of the Fourth Generation? !

The boss they had been looking up to and fawning on just now is really a baby!

If other villages knew about this, they would probably die of laughter.


Konoha's high-level executives were so cowardly that they crouched at the feet of a baby. Is this a loss of morality or an impermanence of fate?

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