Create A Group Chat In Hokage: Nine Tails!

15. Teach Nine Tails To Learn How To Meow, And The Three Views Collapse Jiraiya!

Naturally, I was dumbfounded!

What the hell?

A child who looks less than one year old is running on the dangerous Konoha Street!

Although strictly speaking, it wasn't the kid who ran away, but the little fox under his ass.

But no matter how you look at this picture, it doesn't violate harmony!

I don't know what brain circuit, Jiraiya's first reaction was...

Could this be Orochimaru?

Over the years, he has been looking for opportunities to follow the trail of his renegade friend Orochimaru,

Therefore, I also know that good friends have mastered the Forbidden Technique of Living Corpse Reincarnation,

It is possible to transfer one's own spirit into another's body.

And according to his information, Orochimaru has tried to change multiple bodies, even including women,

This is simply too evil, too taboo, and too enviable!


Orochimaru, who is also Sannin, did such a thing secretly, he just wanted to find Orochimaru to criticize severely!

So at this time, seeing a child riding a little fox wandering around on Konoha Street, where accidents often occur, he would naturally associate it.

Could it be that Orochimaru was out of his wits, or that the body-swapping experiment went wrong, and he had to go into this container and become such a brat?


Jiraiya smiled unkindly at the thought of that possibility.

Jiraiya also knows that this idea is ridiculous.

But what's even more absurd is that he actually felt an inexplicable sense of oppression on the little fox under the baby's ass.

It is a feeling of oppression that can only be felt when faced with endless chakra mantissas in the past.

Is this little fox a tailed beast?

Shaking his head hastily, he threw out this ridiculous idea.

How can it be? !

This little fox doesn't look fierce at all, but rather cute.

Doesn't it match the painting style of those fierce, fierce and ugly tailed beasts at all?

It seems that the big health care has done too much recently, and the brain is confused, right?

Jiraiya sighed, helped his waist, and continued to walk forward.

But as he walked, he still felt that something was wrong.

He suddenly thought, the aura hidden in that little fox just now, isn't it Nine Tails Chakra?

Could it be...

Jiraiya panicked!

He quickly turned around and looked back!

Is that you, Nine Tails?


"Clone Technique just works!"

Naruto riding on Nine Tails, drinking yogurt, couldn't help but sigh.

Today is a great day for his full moon.

As the most prestigious Fourth Hokage in Konoha, the son of Namikaze Minato,

His full moon banquet was almost as big as Hokage's inauguration.

There are also many wealthy Jōnin families who have brought their newborn daughters, wondering if they can take the opportunity to order a doll kiss with Naruto or something.

Even if it doesn't work, it's good to meet in advance to cultivate a relationship.

Even if they are less than a year old.

Such as the princess of the Hyuga family, Hyūga Hinata.

For example, the daughter of Konoha No. 1 weapon manufacturer, Tian Tian.

For example, the second son of the head of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Sasuke.

Naruto was too lazy to act silly and cute to so many people, just like a child.

So I directly made a Shadow Clone to play with them, and I took Nine Tails out for a ride.

When Namikaze Minato saw the note and learned that Naruto present was a clone, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Therefore, he was careful throughout the whole process, for fear that he would accidentally touch Naruto's clone with force and blow him up.


Kushina, do you want to hug Naruto?

No, I can only hug Naruto now!


Want to think Naruto is too cute to poke his face and tease him?

Guy, you play me Guy!

"so boring."

Naruto pouted, causing many girls around to scream.

"Wow, it's so cute, I have to go up and touch it."

"That's right! Look at the thick and soft hair, look at those cute big eyes. This cat is so cute."

Hearing the human girl praise its owner's cuteness, Nine Tails felt proud in his heart.


As for the other tailed beasts, my master is not only super powerful, but also cute, so I ask you whether you accept it or not?

But listen, listen, Nine Tails feels something is wrong.

Why the more I listen to it, the more I feel like these stupid humans are talking about it.


Ma's Laozi is Nine Tails Fox! ! !

Nine Tails was so angry that he opened his mouth wide, bared his teeth, and acted fiercely.

The self-confident fierce eyes seem to say:

This uncle is a tailed beast, the kind that destroys a village with one bite, and is the strongest, not a cat! ! !

Besides, I'm cute and want to touch me, I'll eat you all!

asshole! ! !

But such a fierce and cute appearance, on the contrary, looks even more cute.

A lot of girls who have no resistance to cuteness come together and want to masturbate.

Among them was Yu Hihong, who was still a twelve-year-old girl.

If Nine Tails' original violent temper had changed back to his original body, he would be a Tailed Beast Bomb just by opening his mouth.

Naruto, who was riding on Nine Tails, stretched out his little hand and stroked its head.

"Kurama, you see everyone likes you.

Come on, be cute, take a look. "

Nine Tails' eyes were blood red on the spot.


Even if you are my master, you can't insult me ​​like this, you have a kind...

Naruto rubbed his stomach.

"I'm a little hungry."

Nine Tails was horrified, half swallowed in a few bites. Chakra's horrific memories flashed.

It opened its mouth and came: "Meow."

Naruto clapped his hands and said, "Like a wolf again."

Without hesitation, Nine Tails raised her head and said, "Wow."

Naruto added: "Like a dog bark."

There are only zero and countless times of abandoning moral integrity.

Nine Tails: "Wow."

Hyper-dimensional chat group.

Wugeng Liuli, who likes water groups the most, greeted the group as soon as she woke up.

Sixteen Wings Fallen Angel Black Cat: "Good morning everyone. @木叶太子. Administrator, what are you doing?"

Naruto saw Nine Tails making various gestures, nodded in satisfaction, and entered the chat group.

Prince Konoha: "I tamed the fierce and frightening fox that wanted to destroy my village.

It is being trained in the village now. Mini Nine Tails Aww.jpg. "

Because it was in the water, Naruto didn't see it. There was a man with a forehead protector with the word "oil" written on his head on the side of the road, staring at the fox under his ass.

He also looked like his three views were shattered.

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