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2. Nine Tails Retracted Its Paws In Fright! 【Seek Collection And Support】

Masked man Obito is furious!

The originally perfect plan was completely ruined because of the sudden disappearance of the baby.

He detonates the detonator, trying to catch the Nine Tails Jinchūriki in the chaos.

Hey, why is there no detonation light?

Then he became aware of the flash before the explosion, right behind him.



Why did the detonator stick to me?

Who did it?

That kid just now?

But isn't he just born?

How are these things done?


He immediately tore off the clothes with the detonating talisman on them!

Then use Kamui to Hollow all of itself, transfer to a different space, and avoid the explosion.

But when he comes out again, Rasengan of the Fourth Generation has been waiting for him for a long time.

He ran again.

The corner of Fourth Generation's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at the densely packed babies running fast in the distance.

Other people's babies can also run when they are born, will they have multiple Shadow Clone techniques?

Just as he was about to catch up, a hand suddenly stretched out from the air behind him and grabbed him.

Through previous battles, Namikaze Minato has discovered that the masked man can be incorporealized to transfer to other places.

In order not to be transferred, at the last moment when he was incorporealized, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to other places.

"Kushina and Naruto are still there, I must hurry!"

At this time, the Narutos had already carried her mother Kushina and ran away.

Fourth Generation Dad, Obito, you two keep fighting!

The ratio of Nine Tails was given to me by Uzumaki·Whitebeard·Naruto!

Naruto is very relieved about the combat power of the Fourth Generation.

In the original book, within a few minutes, Obito was rubbed on the ground by Fourth Generation using Flying Thunder God Technique and Rasengan!

[Congratulations to Host for getting the Advent Card of Whitebeard Edward Newgate from One Piece World, do you want to use it? 】


Naruto suddenly felt his short legs, small arms, and his whole body filled with explosive power.

It seems that just one punch can break the sky!

How terrifying is the full power of Whitebeard!

"Naru... Naruto?"

Uzumaki Kushina barely opened his eyes, looking at the dozens of babies who were carrying him and running happily, with a strange and dull expression.

Isn't this my son Naruto?

Why is he so much?

Still carry me on your shoulders?

Because the scene was so absurd and weird, she even felt like she was dreaming.

"Mom, you just gave birth to me and you are still very weak, so don't talk for now."

Dozens of Naruto around gave Kushina a reassuring smile.

Kushina: "..."

Listen, are you speaking human language?

I just gave birth to you, very weak!

But the problem is, you are also just born, so what is your situation now?

"Ah! Naruto, run away! Nine Tails is coming out soon!" Kushina exclaimed with pain on her face.

Naruto couldn't bear to see her in such pain, and stretched out his hand to stun her.

At this time!

A huge claw, with a destructive mania, rushed out from the seal Uzumaki in Kushina's abdomen.

"Haha, my uncle again"

Naruto's white and tender hands lightly pressed on the huge claws.

A white light flashed across!

Obviously it was just a light press, but it seemed like a huge force hit the transparent mirror,

Only a click was heard!

The invisible mirror suddenly shattered!

A huge shock force slammed heavily on Nine Tails' claws.

As if an ordinary person suddenly touched boiling water, Nine Tails retracted its claws!

Nine Tails, who was about to take advantage of the weakening of the seal and forcefully rush out: "???!!!"

It hurts so much!

Who was outside just now, unexpectedly took a picture of me back, and shocked my whole body so soft? !

It is angry!


I'm going to eat you when I go out!

Nine Tails broke free again, and with a more violent Nine Tails Chakra breath, he came out with one claw!

I, Kurama, today this seal can no longer cover my eyes!

Uzumaki·Whitebeard·Naruto raised his right hand.

A tiny baby hand!

Press down lightly!

Nine Tails only felt that there were tens of thousands of mountains coming from the outside world, and couldn't bear it at all, so he could only retract his claws again.


Who are the people out there?

The power is too strong!

It feels at least at the level of First Hokage!

This reminds me of the tragic experience of being controlled by Uchiha Madara's staring eyes, and being rubbed on the ground by First Hokage True Several Thousand Hands.

So it suddenly felt that maybe it was sealed inside, in fact, it was quite good.

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