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225. Third Hokage, Uchiha Itachi Snatched Your Grandson's Photobook And Ran Away!

"Itachi, we seem to have been discovered.

Loquat Shizang glanced behind him from the corner of his eye, and said,

"Behind, there are two ninjas catching up."

There was not much fear on his face, but a little excitement.

After all, there are only two Kage-level masters in Konoha, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Himura Danzo,

And he is well aware of the terrifying strength of his partner Itachi, he has no pressure to single-handedly kill the fully tailed Jinchūriki, so it shouldn't be too easy to deal with two elderly Kage-levels.

"Leave them alone!" Itachi said calmly with a cold expression on his face, "It's important!

Now is not the time to clash with the Konoha Shinobi. "

As he spoke, Itachi drove the Body Flicker Technique and quickly moved away.

"Alright, it's important.

I can't delay your meeting Konoha's beautiful girl idol Sako. "

Loquat Shizang, who followed closely behind, spread his hands, with a playful expression on his face.

Hearing this, Itachi paused, and turned to look at his partner coldly.

"You seem to have talked about an interesting topic just now.

You said that I ran all the way to such a dangerous place to meet my idol?

What are you talking about!

Are we clearly performing the mission of the organization?"

But Loquat Shizang could see the anger from Itachi's tone.

As a close partner, he knows Itachi very well. It can be said that he has a deep love for Konoha's new generation idol Sako, and he owes hundreds of millions of foreign debts for this.

Some men, on the surface, seem to have facial paralysis all day long, and never show a good face to their partners, but in private they can laugh straight at a photo album.

Hehe, young and energetic boys are all pig-hoofs!

The corner of Loquat Shizang's mouth twitched.

Anyway, he is also a member of the First Generation Ninja Seven. He is the only one who escaped from Konoha Ten Thousand Years Genin Might after wearing the explosive seed. It can be said that he is considered an old man among ninjas.

But Itachi, who was much younger than him, never smiled at himself,

This broke Loquat Shizang's heart.

Ever since he learned that Itachi liked Konoha's idol Sako, he took the initiative to assist Itachi and applied for the task of coming to Konoha, and it finally arrived.

He just wanted to cultivate a relationship with Itachi so that he could hold Itachi's thigh tightly in case of an accident in the future.

For this reason, he used a nirvana that was enough to attack Itachi.

"Itachi, I heard that the third volume of Sako's photobook was released today." "


Itachi paused again, turned around and grabbed Loquat Juzo's shoulders, and asked in disbelief,

"What did you just say? Say it again!"

In fact, he had already heard it, but the news was so explosive and unexpected that he couldn't believe it.


The third volume of Sako's photobook is coming out?!

I don't even know!

Seeing Itachi's excited but trying to hide expression, Pipa Juzang knew that he had made the right bet, and if he wanted to attack Itachi, he had to start with Sako.

"To be prepared, it's not a photobook of Sako alone, but a photobook co-produced by Sako and Neji."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Itachi waved his hand, "Let's go! The goal is Konoha Commercial Street!"

Soon they came to Konoha Street where there were many people,

I also saw the promotional banner of "New Super Popular Idol Sako and Neji Photo Collection Press Conference".

Itachi was so excited that he hurried up to line up.

In front of Itachi, there were many otaku, including Sasuke's classmates Chōji, Kiba and others.

Seeing Itachi was so active in queuing up, and even took off the uniform of the Akatsuki Organization, and threw it aside, Loquat Ten Zang was speechless,

Didn't you just say you were here to do a mission?

How come when I saw Sako's new photobook released, I ran to queue!

You say you are here to do the task, but your body is very honest!

In order not to be exposed, Loquat Shizang also took off the Xiao organization uniform,

Learning to line up to buy a photo album, but afraid that others will find out that you are a dead otaku, just like the otaku,

He also wears a hat, shrinking his head, covering his face like a half-covered pipa shyly.

Soon, a new otaku lined up behind Loquat Shizang.

"Where are people?"

Sarutobi Asuma, who followed to the commercial street, lost track of the infiltrator.

"Will it be over there?"

Kurenai Yuhi pointed at the otaku who lined up to buy a photobook of beautiful girl idols.

"I saw that they all covered their faces, for fear of revealing their identities."


Sarutobi Asuma shook his head immediately.

"As pure as you are, you may not know what is sold there. It sells a collection of photos of girls, and they are all wearing very little, all kinds of uniforms.

It is a place where only teenagers who have lost hope for the future go, and it is an indescribable place.

And those two mysterious people who sneaked into Konoha are very powerful, probably no less than me, how could they sneak into such a shameful place in order to avoid our tracking?!

After all, the strong also have dignity!"

The newly promoted Jōnin Yuhihong thought about it too, they couldn't even turn their heads to explore other places, but they suddenly sounded suspicious and pointed to the queue.

"Sarutobi Asuma, look over there, is that your nephew Konohamaru?"

Sarutobi Asuma took a closer look, hey, really,

This kid actually came here to buy that kind of unhealthy thing, it seems that he has learned badly.

Originally, he was as serious as he was, so he didn't know about such dirty things.

But the last time I was forced to Amway by Kakashi, I couldn’t help but look at it, and I got a little understanding.

He rushed up angrily, pointed at Konohamaru, and shouted.

"`~Bastard! I found you! You actually ran here?!"

Konohamaru just bought a photobook, but he was shocked when he heard his uncle's voice.

He was about to explain something, but the photobook in his hand was iron proof, and he couldn't explain it at all.

Just when he was hesitant to speak, the man behind him suddenly lifted his hat, shook his head, and said helplessly:

"Mr. Asuma, you still found out.

Oh, feeling"

Looking at the photobook in Konohamaru's hands, and the shop's notice [our photobook co-produced by Sako Ningko is sold out], Itachi hesitated whether to snatch the photobook from the kid.


Sarutobi Asuma was shocked when he saw the man behind Konohamaru,

"Genocide Uchiha Itachi?"

That's right!

This is one of the duo who secretly sneaked into Konoha before, and it turned out to be Uchiha Itachi, the S-rank rebel who slaughtered the Uchiha clan.

What made Asuma even more confused was that Itachi was actually ranked behind Konohamaru. Could it be that he wanted to hold Konohamaru hostage?

No, you're thinking too much, Itachi just wanted to buy a photobook, and he didn't intend to do anything to that child at all.

Uh... Even if he did it, it would be at most to snatch the photobook in his hand, and he wouldn't do anything more egregious.

Itachi thought a lot, but finally couldn't resist the temptation of the photobook in Konohamaru's hand, and quickly reached out to Konohamaru.

"Don't shoot at my nephew!"

Seeing Uchiha Itachi shoot at Konohamaru, Sarutobi Asuma panicked and snarled while rushing forward.

Then he stopped suddenly, completely dumbfounded!

Because he saw Uchiha Itachi, a Kage-level master, snatched the photobook from Konohamaru, who was only seven years old, and ran away after grabbing it?!

I... I don't have eyesight, do I?

Soon, Anbu ninja appeared in Hokage House.

"Report to Lord Third Hokage, Uchiha Itachi sneaked into Konoha, snatched something from your grandson, and escaped!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "???".

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