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27. Mr. Minato, Naruto Is Fighting With First Generation And Second Generation!

"Orochimaru, surrender!" Uchiha Shisui said.

As a Master of Body Flicker Technique in Megatron Ninja World under the name of Shisui,

Uchiha Shisui is faster than Fourth Raikage,

In the entire ninja world, the only one who can surpass him in speed is the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato known as "Golden Flash".

So seeing that Orochimaru wanted to approach Naruto in a desperate attempt,

Shisui quickly stopped Orochimaru to prevent him from being accidentally shot by Naruto.

After all, he had personally witnessed the horrible scene where Konoha Prince Naruto slapped Danzo into a pulp three years ago.

Three years later, Naruto's strength will only become more terrifying.

Before this capture operation, Fourth Hokage said that Orochimaru mastered a variety of core technologies and tried to capture them alive.

Old iron Kakashi nodded, echoing the words of brother Shisui, the captain of Anbu's first team.

"Orochimaru, come back with me! Have you forgotten the days when we trained, tested, and fought together?

Have you forgotten, after training with Mr. Sarutobi again and again, have we run youth in the sunset?

Come back, Orochimaru!

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will really hurt you! "

Knowing that the number one forbidden place in the ninja world was most likely caused by Naruto, Jiraiya didn't panic anymore, but used the mouth escape skill to persuade him.

But his skill level of mouth escape is very low, not as strong as the future master of mouth escape, Uchiha Itachi, and Naruto, who is a master of mouth escape.

Hearing that, Orochimaru shook his head and said with a smile:

"Stop talking!

Do you think you can catch me like this?

You don't know anything about my power! "

"Impure World Reincarnation!"

Two coffins suddenly appeared on the ground.

"This is……"

Jiraiya's face changed drastically!

"Orochimaru, actually learned Second Hokage's Forbidden Technique, Impure World Reincarnation?!

Who are the two people from Impure World Reincarnation? "

Orochimaru chuckled.

"You'll know it when you read it."

But the next moment, the coffin just emerged, and two little feet stepped on it.

Naruto stood on it, crushing the coffin slabs.

The coffin was shaking, desperately trying to get out of the ground, but it just couldn't come out, couldn't be opened.

Seeing a three-year-old child standing in the coffin where he was reincarnated as the First Generation Second Generation, he was so suppressed that the First Generation Second Generation couldn't get out,

Originally full of confidence, he felt that he could control the audience, but Orochimaru, who was stunned by Jiraiya, was directly stunned.

Is the original Impure World Reincarnation still blocked like this?

What the hell is going on with all this?

What the hell is my Reanimation Jutsu defective,

Or is this kid so strong that he can overwhelm the two big brothers of First Generation and Second Generation?

Naruto was actually just teasing Orochimaru.

Really want to deal with Orochimaru, he can throw a super telekinetic spiral force field, Orochimaru can be twisted into meat.

No matter how hard you try to spit yourself out of your own mouth, it's useless.

In the force field, there is nowhere to hide.

However, he was curious as to who the two people were in the coffin.

Right here, the reminder sounded again in my mind.

[Facing Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation, choose, Host!

Choice 1: Stop Impure World Reincarnation in this way, make Orochimaru stunned +99, reward Summoning · Ryūchi Cave Orochi!

Option 2: Let Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation choose First Generation and Second Hokage, defeat Jiraiya and the others, and escape smoothly. Reward Summoning · Mount Myōboku Toad!

Option 3: Let Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation produce First Generation, Second Hokage, as experience babies for training, hit whatever you want, anyway, you are not afraid of damage! Reward Summoning Technique·Bumblebee! 】


Even Naruto couldn't help being taken aback, looking at the information.

[Bumblebee, the Autobot in Transformers, can transform into a Volkswagen Beetle/Chevrolet Camaro sports car. 】

It's really the Bumblebee in Transformers, I didn't expect to be able to Summon this in the Hokage world, 666.

Thank you Orochimaru for letting me make this god-level choice, I will reward you later, I choose 3!

Naruto jumped aside from the coffin board, and the little fox Nine Tails ran over and let Naruto ride on it.

Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two coffins emerging from the ground.

Jiraiya shook her head, even Naruto can't stop the Impure World Reincarnation?

It seems that we can only fight!

I hope that those who are reincarnated will not be too strong!

Then when the coffin boards were opened, Jiraiya was stunned.

He rubbed his eyes, and looked again, and he was right, it was those two. Orochimaru, are you heaven-defying?

"Captain Shisui,"

Kakashi was dumbfounded when he saw the two slowly walking out of the coffin, and couldn't help but look at Shisui next to him,

"Am I wrong?

How did I see that these two look exactly like the First Generation Second Hokage on Hokage Rock? "

Even Uchiha Shisui couldn't help swallowing when he saw the legendary ninja god Senju Hashirama and his younger brother, Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

Seeing the two teammates panicked, Jiraiya hurriedly reminded:

"Don't panic! Orochimaru erased the consciousness of First Generation Second Generation, they are also normal Kage-level powerhouses, not so heaven-defying.

Kakashi, you Summoning Ninja Dogs, bring the news to Minato! "

"Kage-level? That's it?" Kakashi was about to cry, "There are three Kage-levels on the opposite side, but I'm just an ordinary Jōnin, okay?"

Originally, Captain Shisui, who has real strength and already has Kage-level, and Jiraiya, the idol at the peak of Kage-level, are there.

He came over to make soy sauce and catch a snake, but there was no pressure at all.

But now, even the God of Ninja has come out. This time, it's probably a pill.

But then he saw Naruto riding on Nine Tails on the other side, and he felt confident.

We still have Naruto and Nine Tails here, afraid of an egg!

Orochimaru, you may be doomed this time!

Then Kakashi Summoned out the ninja dog used to deliver the message, and began to write intelligence.

And at this time, Naruto shot again.

"You guys step down first, I'll play with First Generation and Second Generation."

In the next moment, the unconscious First Generation, Second Generation and a Shadow Clone of Naruto fought together.

There are dozens of such Shadow Clone around.

Orochimaru: "..."

Is this the rhythm of the pill?

Jiraiya, Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi: "..."

Is this the rhythm of lying down?

Konoha, Hokage office.

The Third Generation and the Fourth Generation are discussing Orochimaru's rebellion when suddenly an Anbu ninja appears.

"Master Fourth Generation, there is news."

Fourth Generation opened it and saw it was from Kakashi.

The amount of information is quite sufficient.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Orochimaru and Jiraiya went to the training place of Naruto.


Namikaze Minato's pupils shrank sharply.

Because he saw such a message, roughly meaning:

Mr. Minato, Naruto is fighting with First Generation and Second Generation!

For a moment, Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato: "???"

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