Create A Group Chat In Hokage: Nine Tails!

30. Konoha Kage-Level Assembly! Group Brush Me Shadow Clone!

Before Orochimaru lifts Impure World Reincarnation, the masters of Konoha can use the unconscious First Generation as an experience baby.

As a result, First Generation is about to suffer a brutal battle with Konoha masters.

Naruto is also very happy and likes to mention Bumblebee.

Next, as long as you get the title of Konoha Genin and satisfy your bad taste, you can go to the ninja world.

Since the snake catching operation failed, everyone in Konoha held hands, Namikaze Minato shot Flying Thunder God and took them all away.

The secretary who was sorting out materials in Hokage's office suddenly saw several people in the room.

Third Hokage,

Fourth Hokage,

Lord Jiraiya,

Two Anbu ninjas wearing dog masks,

And Prince Naruto and his pets,


Hey, why does this last one look so familiar?


Master First Hokage Senju Hashirama known as the god of ninjas?

The secretary fainted on the spot!

Under Naruto's water release, Orochimaru, whose escape skills in the ninja world can rank among the top three, finally managed to slip away.

For more Bloodline Boundary research material,

In order to produce more masters for Impure World Reincarnation, to reach the point of one man with thousands of troops,

Orochimaru also embarked on the scientific research path of a senior human trafficker and ninja tomb robber.

Another day.

Naruto enters the ninja school.

With the precedent of the genius boy Kakashi graduating from the ninja school at the age of five,

Prince Naruto went to school at the age of three. Although it is amazing, it is also acceptable.

After all, he is the son of Lord Fourth Hokage.

The teacher asked Naruto if he knew ninjutsu,

Of course a normal person at this age can't do anything,

But the teacher still has to ask,

What if Naruto is also a super genius who knows ninjutsu at the age of three.

Because for three years, Naruto has always practiced his abilities in the earthquake zone and rarely appeared in the village,

In addition, Naruto's identity and strength belong to Konoha's top secret,

Therefore, people in the village don't know much about Naruto's talent.

Naruto tilted his head and thought for a while,

To be honest, most of his moves are developed based on Shock Fruit ability and telekinetic superpower.

There are only Body Replacement Technique, multiple Shadow Clone Technique and two Water Style ninjutsu.

Naruto casually placed a Shadow Clone of the incomplete First Generation and Second Generation that was enough to be abused by Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation,

It drew cheers from teachers and many students.

But he felt no pleasure at all, he just found it funny.

He can destroy the entire Konoha with just a telekinetic power and super-repulsive force field stronger than Chao Shenluo Tianzheng.

Now being touted by a group of kids who have not yet graduated, saying [Wow, you are so strong, you are indeed the son of the Fourth Generation], what's the point?

"Teacher, can I graduate?"

Naruto asked casually.

He doesn't have time to play class games with a group of eight or nine-year-old children in this ninja school,

The three-year-old has arrived, and it's time to drive the Bumblebee and start the mission of the God of Ninja World.

Defeat the leaders of the major ninja organizations and ninja villages in the ninja world, sweep the ninja world, and become the god of the ninja world.

Mission progress: 0/10.

Looking at the progress of this mission, it is necessary to defeat the leaders of ten forces.

As far as he can think of,

Shadows of the Five Great Ninja Villages,

Hanzō of the Salamander, chief of Rain Shinobi Village,

Nagato Laotie, the leader of the Akatsuki organization on the surface,

Obito, the actual leader of the Akatsuki organization,

Lord of the Iron Kingdom,

The leader of the top ninja mercenary group [Xuanyuanzhong] who almost killed Fourth Raikage,

Almost enough.

If it's not enough, then look for the Cult of the Evil God, an underground money exchange that can be called a ninja-like mercenary guild.

Thinking of this, Naruto couldn't wait to set off.


But the school teachers thought they had heard it wrong.

"Naruto, you just entered school and you want to graduate?

Isn't this a joke? "

Naruto frowned.

He thought that he just came to the school to go through the procedure, and he would graduate after entering school.

After all, I am strong enough to beat his father to call him father,

But I didn't expect that the teachers in this school seemed to know nothing at all.

It seems that Father Fourth Generation still doesn't want me to leave Konoha.

"Then how can we graduate early?" Naruto asked lightly.

Since Kakashi and others can graduate early, it is obvious that as long as the conditions are met, they can graduate directly.

"Hold it on the teacher's hand for five minutes." Said Chunin's teacher.

"On your hand for five minutes?"

Naruto almost laughed.

Don't talk about you, even if the two friends Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama are resurrected and join forces,

It's hard to say whether it can last a minute in my hand.


Even if my Shadow Clone strokes the water again, with only one ten-thousandth of the strength, if you can hold on for three seconds, it will be considered a burst of liver.

Naruto also doesn't want to bully the teacher, after all he just doesn't know himself.

Just let him know.

Naruto smiled.

"Teacher, I will perform another ninjutsu,

If you still think I can't graduate after reading it, then we can compare. "

The school teacher has written surprise.

Naruto also has a second ninjutsu?

Sure, he is worthy of being the son of the Fourth Generation. It seems that he is also a good talent. I have to cultivate it well.

But the next moment, he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

In an instant, dozens of Narutos appeared in the entire classroom, crowding the classroom to the brim.

The teacher's eyes widened.

"You actually learned this level of ninjutsu and created so many clones? How big is this Chakra?!"

Naruto shook his head.

"Teacher, go out and have a look."

The teacher and the students in the class all ran out to have a look, but they were all completely stunned.

The whole school is full of Naruto clones. According to preliminary estimates, there are hundreds or even thousands of them.

"This this……"

With so many clones, even if he stood still, he couldn't beat them one by one in five minutes.

"Teacher, you run to a high place and look at the whole Konoha." Naruto said again.

"Could it be..."

At this time, the teacher had already noticed the commotion outside, jumped on the roof, and looked around.

As a result, his eyeballs almost popped out!

Everywhere he could see, hundreds or thousands of meters away, there were Naruto clones everywhere.

"Reporting to Mr. Hokage, the clones of Master Naruto suddenly appeared everywhere in Konoha Village. It is estimated that there are at least 8,000 clones of Master Naruto."

Namikaze Minato: "..."

Son, are you serious?

So, Naruto graduated in less than half a day after entering school.

Set a new record for Konoha Shinobi's school attendance and graduation age.

Also complete the [Konoha Genin] achievement.

"Naruto, do you really want to leave Konoha?

You are still young, your mother and I will worry about you.

In case other ninja villages attack you together, you may not be able to beat it.

Maybe you are strong, but there are still people in this world who are good at illusion, sealing and other weird abilities. "

Inside Hokage's office, Namikaze Minato speaks to Naruto.

Naruto shook his head.

"Father, you have called me home for dinner every day for the past three years, but you still don't know anything about my strength.

I know Dad, you are afraid that I will go out and overturn the car,

Well, you can gather all the Kage-level masters in Konoha, and you can also find ninjas who are good at illusions, seals, etc.

Within five minutes, as long as you can defeat him, it doesn't matter whether you seal him or destroy him,

That way, before I was ten years old, I would never mention leaving Konoha,

Otherwise, you and mom don't stop me from going out to play. "

Naruto pointed to a Shadow Clone next to him and said.

"You let our entire Konoha's combat power deal with you as a Shadow Clone?"

Namikaze Minato couldn't help laughing when he heard that.

He was almost made to cry by his own son.

It's too arrogant!

"make a deal!"

"Okay then, dad, you go find someone, I'll wait."

Naruto said calmly.

He would like to see if the entire Konoha can beat one of his Shadow Clone.

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