Create A Group Chat In Hokage: Nine Tails!

32. Cut! The Whole Konoha Can't Even Beat Me With A Shadow Clone!

"Hey, you all are the most powerful people in Konoha Village, don't you dare to fight a three-year-old child?"

Kushina said helplessly with a look of hating iron but not steel.

She doesn't want her three-year-old son to go to other countries,

What should I do if something dangerous happens?

Facing Kushina's doubts, everyone was silent,

Even Might Guy, who has always been passionate, was covered by Kakashi and he was not allowed to speak.

Kushina was angry and wanted to laugh.

Also curious about Naruto's strength.

Could it be that Naruto is so powerful that the entire Konoha elite dare not fight him?

Although she knew that Naruto was the reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths, she had never seen her son's strength with her own eyes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled wryly.

"Let's fight, if you don't fight, you don't know.

Although Naruto has high damage, we don't always have to fight him head-on,

You can use illusion and sealing to deal with him. "

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention it."

Namikaze Minato immediately said,

"It is not Naruto himself who is fighting us, but one of his Shadow Clone."


Jiraiya couldn't help exclaiming,

"Let so many of us join forces and make Naruto a Shadow Clone?

Isn't this bullying a child?

We have Shisui who is good at illusion, Minato and Kushina who are good at sealing, Minato and Shisui who are extremely fast, me, Mr. Sarutobi, etc. It should be no problem to play a Shadow Clone.

You know, even if it is the rebirth of First Hokage Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara, Shadow Clone can't beat so many of us. "

When they heard that they were only going to fight Naruto's Shadow Clone, not just Jiraiya, Uchiha Shisui and others were relieved, and felt that they had a great advantage.

Originally, even if it included the five Kage-levels of Third Generation, Fourth Generation, Jiraiya, Danzo, Uchiha Shisui, plus a bunch of Elite Jōnin, they would not dare to fight Naruto himself,

But now, it is still very easy for so many masters to play Shadow Clone, which is much weaker than the main body.

Kushina really couldn't laugh or cry when he saw that everyone was nervous at first, but now they were relieved.

When you heard that you were just playing Shadow Clone with my three-year-old son, you all got excited.

Are you still my Konoha's top combat power?

Namikaze Minato didn't expect Naruto to be so scary in everyone's mind.

"Since it's agreed, let me take everyone to the earthquake zone. It's spacious there."

When Naruto was throwing a boulder bigger than the Hokage building into the sky to shatter it, Father Fourth Generation appeared with everyone.

"It's finally here, let's start."

Saying that, Naruto conjured more than a dozen Shadow Clone.

One of them walked up to the crowd.

Everyone looked weird.

Together, these people can be regarded as Konoha's highest combat power.

Now, a Shadow Clone besieging a three-year-old child is not yet sure of victory.

And there are more than a dozen such Shadow Clones around.

This can't help but make Third Generation and Jiraiya feel absurd and ashamed, and at the same time make up their minds,

It doesn't matter if you can't beat a three-year-old kid, at least his Shadow Clone still has to be defeated.

Otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"Wait a minute, let me change my body first."

Just about to start, Jiraiya suddenly called out.

He wants to enter Sage Mode in advance, so that he can directly open up at that time.

Naruto has no objection either.

"Although you can transform, I will give you time to prepare."

Everyone heard the words and immediately prepared.

Jiraiya summons two Toad Sages from Fukasaku Shima.

"Little Jiraiya, why did you call us out again?

Say, who did you fight this time? "

Jiraiya pointed at Naruto...'s Shadow Clone with embarrassment.

Fukasaku and Shima: "..."

Are Konoha and his group too idle?

They actually gang up on a child!

No, just a Shadow Clone of a child!

Fukasaku Shima was speechless, and really wanted to go straight back to Mount Myōboku.

Hey, wait!

Isn't this the kid who volleyed and beat Jiraiya three years ago, the savior prophesied by the Great Toad Sage?

Knowing the reason, Fukasaku and Shima helped Jiraiya enter Sage Mode.

Third Generation summoned the Summoning Beast Ape Demon and turned it into Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Uchiha Shisui opened the second form of Sasuno, with an extra layer of Hulk armor around his body.

He stacked a layer of Sasuno, just to resist damage.

His real means of attack is illusion.

Distinguished Heavenly Gods · Light is ready.

This is a kind of mental attack illusion, which can pull the enemy's spirit into an illusion space completely controlled by oneself, and cause great damage to it.

Of course, he only intended to imprison Naruto's spirit and let other people take action, and he didn't intend to really hurt Naruto.

And [Canglan Beast] Might Guy drove straight to the Seventh Gate!

This is already his limit now.

Blue steam was generated around Might Guy, full of oppression.


Seeing that everyone was ready, Namikaze Minato began to shout, and at the same time threw a Kunai containing the Flying Thunder God spell,


Everyone immediately began to amplify their moves, but instead of attacking Naruto's position, they attacked Kunai.

Third Generation: "Five Dungeons·Dalian Dan Technique!!! The Vajra Ruyi Stick is the Hand of the Ape Demon!!!"

Jiraiya: "Sage Art · Toad Sings!!!"

Kakashi: "Raikiri!!!"

Might Guy: "Towards the Peacock!!!"

Kushina: "Adamantine Sealing Chains!!!"

Uchiha Shisui: "Distinguished Heavenly Gods Light!!!"

Namikaze Minato: "Rasengan!"

"Huh, this is?"

Naruto was puzzled why everyone didn't attack him when he saw it. The Shadow Clone was suddenly taken away by his father, a Flying Thunder God, and appeared in the place where Kunai was originally, and received everyone's big move with his face.

So here comes the problem.

Does Naruto's Shadow Clone have the ability to Shock Fruit and telekinesis?

The answer is, yes.

"Super Psychic Power · Repulsion Field Rebounds!"

Boom boom boom!

The Naruto clone opened the repulsive field called Shenluo Tianzheng in seconds,

All kinds of big moves with gorgeous effects have been ruthlessly rebounded!

Immediately, everyone realized that the ninjutsu released by these people, even the kage-level powerhouses, would not be effective.

Obviously, physical attacks below Kage-level are ineffective against Naruto, even his Shadow Clone!

So what about the effects of illusion and seal?

[It is detected that the host has received a mental attack. Since the host is mentally bound to the system, the system exempts the host from this mental attack. 】

The voice rang out.

That's Jiraiya's Sage Art, which comes with its own attack.

Golden glitter.

That is the illusion of Uchiha Shisui, the special effect of Distinguished Heavenly Gods · light.

Naruto smiled.

"Sorry, illusions don't work for me."

"Don't get complacent, Naruto, take a hit with Adamantine Sealing Chains!"

Kushina shouted, and the unique sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, which was enough to imprison Nine Tails, struck at the same time.

The result is... but the eggs.

"The sealing technique is also ineffective for me."

"Not necessarily!"

Fourth Generation: "Four Elephant Seals!!!"

Third Generation: "Three-party seal!!!"

Kushina: "Sealing Technique·Adamantine Sealing Chains!!!"

Does it work?


Not at all!

Naruto Shadow Clone sighed and shook his head.

"Give up, you've tried your best.

If you keep hitting, you will get hurt by rebounding!

You know, I haven't made a move yet. "

His strength is already at the half-step Six Paths level, and already belongs to the level of an extraordinary fairy.

Letting a group of mortals fight him, even if it's just his Shadow Clone, is totally bullying.

The repulsive field created by Shadow Clone alone is comparable to Heavenly Dao Payne's Shenluo Tianzheng.

Still without cooling.

Konoha's many top combat powers, such as Fourth Generation, suddenly felt powerless.

Naruto Shadow Clone is right.

He hasn't made a move yet.

Even if they go all out and beat Naruto a Shadow Clone, so what.

There are more than a dozen Shadow Clone present.

Even before earlier, there were thousands of Naruto Shadow Clone throughout Konoha.

It is enough to kill Konoha hundreds or thousands of times.

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