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35. Uchiha Itachi, No Time To Explain, Get On The Hornet!

"Kakashi, where can I buy the remaining copies of "My Classmate Is a Princess"?

Seeing that Kaguya likes to read Jiraiya's novels, Naruto asked Kakashi, Jiraiya's most famous reader.

Kakashi shook his head and said he didn't know.

If I let my wife know that I took her son Naruto to open the door to the New World, I will be beaten to death.

I don't know, I don't know if I'm killed.

Naruto didn't talk nonsense and took him directly to heaven.

Then throw it down.

"Do you know now?"

Free-falling Kakashi yelled I got it.

"Take me there." Naruto said lightly.

"Yes." Kakashi obeyed obediently.

It’s impossible not to listen, the feeling of falling from a height of several thousand meters is too terrifying.

"My lifelong enemy, Kakashi, where are you going? Are you going to spend your youth too?"

A tight-fitting man with thick eyebrows and watermelon head suddenly appeared, raised his right hand and thumbs up, and said enthusiastically.

"Buy books."

Kakashi has a cold face and is very indifferent to Guy.

Guy is full of enthusiasm, being treated so coldly by his eternal rival Kakashi,

But he was not discouraged, instead he smiled and said:

"Then let me accompany you too."

Kakashi was taken aback.

I am taking Naruto to secretly buy the little yellow article published by Master Jiraiya, how can you follow me?

"No, we are not just buying books, but a confidential mission."

Guy heard this and left disappointed.

"Hey, that's..."

Naruto saw a little familiar boy walking by Shisui.

Kakashi hurriedly explained: "That is Uchiha Itachi of the Uchiha family, a genius boy who started Sharingan at the age of eight,

Known as a rookie who will be able to tie Uchiha's two superstars with Shisui in the future. "

Hearing this, Naruto couldn't help but glanced at the little boy whose eyes flashed with wisdom.

Is this the Itachi God who will use one shot of Izanami to defeat the Impure World Reincarnation army in the future in the Fourth War of the Ninja World?

Looks like just a kid.

【Meet Uchiha Itachi, an important character in the plot, choose it, great host! 】

Choice 1: It's none of my business, leave him alone. Reward King Glory Luban's low-level skin [Pinocchio].

Option 2: Hit Uchiha Itachi for a meal, don't ask why, just hit it. Reward King of Glory Gao Jianli's intermediate skin [Death Rock].

Choice 3: Find a way to abduct Uchiha Itachi, train him on the road, and start the Itachi cultivation plan. Reward King of Glory Baiqi advanced skin [White Shinigami].

Naruto chose 3.

Because he felt that Itachi's child would be too weak in the future, he would vomit blood and have blood in his eyes at every turn, so he had to be trained and trained, and he should be prescribed something.


Uchiha Itachi frowned.

"What's wrong, Itachi?" Shisui asked.

"That kid over there just stared at me with strange eyes."

Uchiha Itachi pointed to Naruto who was riding Nine Tails ahead, and said.

When Shisui saw it, his face suddenly changed.

"Itachi, that's no ordinary kid, he's Fourth Hokage's son Namikaze Naruto, strength...that's a secret, I can't tell you,

In short, you can't think he is young, so you can despise him, respect him more than Hokage! Did you hear that, Itachi? "

Itachi saw Shisui's serious expression for the first time, so he nodded obediently.

After buying the full set of "Kind of Heaven" series with Kakashi, Naruto sent it all to Kaguya,

Then he gave Kakashi an order.

"Go and issue a D-level mission for me: find the lost pet fox Xiaojiu.

Don't ask why, just listen to me and just do it. "

Kakashi had to obediently run errands for Naruto.

"Summoning technique · Shimura Danzō!"

Naruto then summoned his pet Shimura Danzō to arrange for Uchiha Itachi to pick up the quest he issued.

He then puts Nine Tails, who has shrunk into a cute little fox, in charge of bringing Uchiha Itachi to him.

Naruto goes out, with his strength, he doesn't really need guards,

But Namikaze Minato arranged for him two nannies, Uchiha Shisui and Hatake Kakashi, who were responsible for handling various matters when Naruto went out.

On the day Naruto left Konoha,

Danzo sent someone to guide and fool Uchiha Itachi, and accepted the task of finding Naruto's pet Nine Tails.

"Don't run, little fox!"

Uchiha Itachi chased after him and finally found Nine Tails who appeared in front of him on purpose and then slipped away.

In Hokage's office, Jiraiya flipped through the task report and suddenly laughed:

"Minato, I found a very interesting thing.

Naruto has posted a D-class mission to find his lost pet fox, Nine Tails. "

Namikaze Minato frowned and asked:

"Only a D-level mission? Finding Nine Tails is at least an S-level mission!

What is Naruto going to do?

Has anyone accepted this task? "

Jiraiya nodded: "Uchiha Itachi, a genius boy from the Uchiha clan, took this task and has now chased Nine Tails away from Konoha."

Namikaze Minato who learned that Uchiha Itachi was fooled by Naruto: "???"


Uchiha Itachi gradually realized something was wrong.

He tried all kinds of ninjutsu, including lethal attack ninjutsu, but it didn't work for the little fox.

It's not that it didn't work, but that the little fox didn't dodge it at all, and took his ninjutsu fart, but nothing happened.

Then the fox stopped running.

It turned back.

It opened its mouth.

"Tail... Tailed Beast Bomb?"

Uchiha Itachi felt like he was dreaming,

The pet that a D-level mission is looking for actually has Tailed Beast Bomb?

Can you believe it?

Itachi was a little confused, I think I took a fake D-level mission.

So, it was his turn to run away.

Every tiny Tailed Beast Bomb behind him is stronger than the strongest ninjutsu he has mastered now.

One scrape and he's finished.

Just when he's desperate and thinks he might not be able to escape from a family pet fox.


Divine soldiers descend from heaven!

A huge black and yellow two-color mechanical giant descended from the sky and quickly transformed into a four-wheeled machine.

Unbeknownst to Uchiha Itachi, this was Bumblebee's Chevrolet Camaro sports car.

A small hand stretched out from inside the car.

"Uchiha Itachi, no time to explain, get on the Hornet!"

Looking at Shisui in the car and Naruto who must be respected, Uchiha Itachi: "???"

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