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37. Abduct Itachi! Get The King Canyon Bai Qi White Shinigami Skin!

Knowing that Naruto was going to find Fourth Kazekage, Kakashi immediately summoned the communication ninja and told Fourth Hokage about it.

In case Fourth Hokage won't be too shocked to hear that Sunagakure has been wiped out.

Not long after Uchiha Itachi got into the car, he was looking at the inside of the car, amazed at the extraordinary speed of this weird four-wheeled machine,

"Itachi, why are you here?" Shisui couldn't help asking.

"I took a D-level mission today: I said I was looking for Naruto's lost pet, a fox named Xiaojiu.

I chased it away from Konoha, and then I discovered that it actually has a kind of ninjutsu similar to the Tailed Beast Bomb depicted in "The Nine Great Beasts of the Ancients", and it chased me, and then ran here.

ah! ! ! Isn't that the pet fox Xiaojiu who almost killed me? "

As he said that, Uchiha Itachi suddenly saw the little fox lying at Naruto's feet, and almost jumped out of the car in fright.

He could never forget how powerful the fox's ninjutsu, which resembled a small-tailed beast bullet, was hit.

Hearing someone call out the nickname the owner just gave it, Nine Tails raised his head and gave Itachi a cold look,

Then he just ignored it, and continued to happily rub his face against Naruto's master's trousers to please him.

Pet fox?

Kakashi and Shisui swallowed while looking at the Nine Tails, an ancient beast that was acting cute at Naruto's feet.

The pet fox in your mouth is the super natural disaster-level tail beast Nine Tails that can destroy the entire Konoha!


Why did Master Naruto issue such a mission, could it be that...

The two stared at Uchiha Itachi at the same time, with some envy in their eyes.

Itachi: "..."

Shisui patted the shoulder of his junior and friend Itachi, and whispered:

"Itachi, you may not believe me if you say it, but you are probably attracted by a super boss who can sweep Konoha with Shadow Clone."

Itachi: "???"

But Shisui has revealed part of the information in this way, and he dare not say more.

The fact that Naruto's Shadow Clone swept the entire Konoha's highest combat power is now one of Konoha's top secrets, and it is also an eternal pain in the hearts of many masters.

Being crushed like that by a child is embarrassing.

Anyone who dares to speak out will probably be beaten to death by other people.

Naruto didn't know that Shisui thought about the previous Shadow Clone's battle against Konoha's Kage-level combat power and Elite Jōnin.

In his opinion, that battle was nothing more than a play, nothing at all.

He didn't use the lethal ability of Shock Fruit and Psychic Field Spiral Distortion Field,

But why did the others really use their strongest strength to deal with him?

Not to mention that the big moves they issued were actually restrained, and even interfered with each other before instead of superimposing effects,

The father of the Fourth Generation, whose combat power is reclusively at the peak of the field, is far from using his full strength.

You must know that Dad Minato had mastered Sage Mode at that time, just because entering Sage Mode required a certain amount of preparation time.

Xianju, which takes too long to swing forward, does not fit well with Minato's tactical style.

After all, in terms of speed, Minato, who has mastered Flying Thunder God, is much faster than Sage Mode.

In terms of outbreaks, Rasengan, who has instant high damage with one hand, is almost enough to kill most crispy ninjas in seconds.

There are basically few people in the ninja world who can eat a Rasengan without getting hurt.

You know, at the speed of Minato Flying Thunder God, when you just saw him and before he had time to open his armor, his Rasengan was on your face.

Therefore, to deal with normal ninjas, Minato does not need to open Sage Mode at all, so Xianju is also discarded.

But even Minato's sage level, which he discarded, is higher than Jiraiya's. His performance in the fourth battle of the original ninja world can be seen as Madara.

I have to say, Minato is really a genius.

If the original Minato does not die and grows for another ten years,

Even if he doesn't rely on his parents, bloodline, fate, blood inheritance, or cheating,

It is also very likely to become the level of First Generation Madara, the peak of Super Shadow, and the ceiling-level peak powerhouse under Six Paths.

There are not many in the whole ninja world who can open the armor or use the ability to escape at the speed of Minato Flying Thunder God's teleportation.

Even Obito, who is behind the Akatsuki organization and owns Hollow,

In the incident where Nine Tails attacked Konoha, it was too late to escape in Hollow,

Instead, he ate a Rasengan bluntly, and barely survived with the help of First Generation cells.

Maybe there are still very few opponents in the ninja world that Minato can't solve with a Rasengan.

For example, Six Paths Payne, which can be made only by puppets,

Like life-saving first-class I spit my own Orochimaru,

For example, one hundred thousand clones killed a White Zetsu who still had ninety-nine thousand,

For example, Jinchūriki and even tailed beasts are anti-high and tough.

But as long as Minato turns on Sage Mode and increases the burst, many problems will not be a problem.

For example, in the previous competition, if the father of Fourth Generation enters Sage Mode,

Then turn on Flying Thunder God, instant cast a few Massive Rasengan,

My own Shadow Clone may not be able to stand up.

As the wizard who developed Rasengan from the inspiration of Tailed Beast Bomb, Minato may not know the higher-level ninjutsu of the Rasengan series.

But just as everyone in Konoha thought at the beginning,

Even if he did go all out and beat Naruto's Shadow Clone, so what?

Such Shadow Clone, Naruto can conjure at least 8,000.

A Shadow Clone has to make them go all out,

What if it is ten, hundreds, or thousands?

It will only give birth to a sense of powerlessness that dare not confront it for a lifetime.

What makes them even more absurd, even broken, is that this Shadow Clone is just a three-year-old child.

So hearing Shisui's words, Naruto shook his head and just found it funny.

After Shisui finished speaking, he felt uneasy, for fear that Naruto would blame him.

But Naruto didn't care because he was busy collecting rewards.

[Successful abduction of Uchiha Itachi, complete choice 3, reward King Glory Baiqi advanced skin [White Shinigami] (permanent version)]

[White Shinigami skin, after using it, you can transform into the white Shinigami form of Bai Qi in the Canyon of Kings, and use all Bai Qi's skills. 】

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