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63. The Love Comedy Of The Film Second Generation Is So Funny!

"I confiscated this letter! Don't ask, just tell your dad!"

Yashamaru immediately took Temari's love letter to Kankuro, which Temari stole from Gaara.

"Have you read this letter?"

Temari shook his head, "I just got it, I haven't watched it yet."

The first half sentence is true, but the second half sentence is full of lies.

With just one swipe, she saw a lot of content.

There is no doubt that this is someone's love letter to that vixen Ai Luozi!

The handle is in hand!

Read the love letter again, full of flirty talk, it made her scalp tingle,

It is also a talent to be able to write such a coquettish love letter.

It's just that at the beginning this person actually called that vixen the cutest Miss Ai Luozi in the world,

What are you talking about?

The cutest in the world, obviously my Naruto, okay?

Don't let me know who you are, or I can smash your dog's head off.

Seeing that Temari hadn't had time to look at it, Yashamaru was relieved.

It's fine if you don't see it.

You know, there are a lot of swear words written by me and your brother Kankuro, it's super embarrassing.

What needs to be determined now is whether Kankuro really likes his sister.

He didn't continue to ask Temari, now Temari still doesn't know her brother's feelings for her,

If this is true, if Temari finds out, it will leave a shadow in the child's heart!

Kankuro, really, have you been beaten and cried by you since you were young?

Could it be that you are the type who is happy when you are beaten?

After finding Kankuro, Yashamaru tentatively asked him the result of today's confession.

"Failed again, woohoo!"

Kankuro pouted his mouth, wow, and cried, it's so miserable.

"Blame that damn golden retriever!"

Yashamaru: "???"

This is completely different from what I guessed.

You confessed to your sister, what's the matter with the golden retriever kid?

Wait, you didn't mean Naruto, did you?

Such a picture immediately appeared in Yashamaru's mind.

Kankuro confesses his love to his sister, but Naruto stops him.

Because he couldn't beat his love rival, and Naruto couldn't grab Temari, so he put down his love letter and ran away.

Thinking about it this way, it's quite reasonable.

After all, Kankuro really hates Naruto as a love rival,

It's just not because he wants to rob his sister with Naruto, but because he wants to rob his brother with Naruto.

The truth is always far beyond people's imagination, and it is also more ridiculous.

Thinking of this, the terrible guess in Yashamaru's heart seemed to be verified, which made him really anxious.

He doesn't want to test anymore, he wants Kankuro to say it himself,

Even for him, for Fengying, it was an extremely terrible and embarrassing thing.

"Kankuro, tell uncle honestly, is the person you like Hui?"

Kankuro was very shy at first, coyly saying that he was too embarrassed to say it.

"Is it time for you to be shy? It's about to be rough!"

Yashamaru was so angry that he lifted Kankuro's ass and hit him hard.

"Say it quickly, or I'll break your leg!"

Kankuro is scared!

Uncle is crazy!

Obviously it was his butt that was spanked, but he pointed to his butt and said it was his leg.

He had no choice but to blush and say that the girl he likes is Ailuozi.


Yashamaru was dumbfounded.

He was already ready. Kankuro said his sister Temari's name, but he said his brother Gaara's new name.

"It's not your sister you like, but me... my family's Ailuozi?"

Kankuro nodded shyly.

Don't ask anymore, it's so shameful to say.

Yashamaru breathed a sigh of relief for the first time.

It's not as good as liking your sister, it's the scariest thing.

But........ liking your brother, this is also the second most terrible thing.

Master Fengying's three children are really hopeless and cannot be taken care of.

The dignified Jinchūriki Gaara, who was supposed to be a terrifying existence, is now a super cute and cute girl,

In order to capture a three-year-old boy who is three years younger than her, Ms. Temari, Sand Shinobi’s child king, wears shameful cat ears and cat tails every day, turning into a well-behaved little girl who doesn’t fit her style of painting at all, and even treats his brother as a love rival Disgusted.

Kankuro, who thought he was a good boy, was even worse, and fell in love with his younger brother.

If it weren't for knowing that Kankuro has always been irresistible to cuteness,

And Gaara's cat-eared girl in crane-watching mode is really cute and soft,

When this child knows the true identity of Ai Luozi, and when Gaara returns to her original form,

Presumably this wrong relationship between brothers will come to an end,

Then Kankuro falling in love with his brother is 10,000 times scarier than him falling in love with his sister!


Yashamaru thought of a very serious problem,

"You went to my house before and gave the love letter we wrote together to Ai Luozi, right?"

Thinking of Airoko's cuteness again, Kankuro nodded shyly.

Yashamaru was dumbfounded.

Although I don't know how Temari got this letter, it is obvious that the two children Gaara and Naruto have probably read the letters written by themselves, including all kinds of swear words.

0...asking for flowers...

No wonder he heard me say that he wrote a letter for Kankuro, the two of them looked at me so strangely, it turned out to be the reason.


What image will I use to face these two children in the future?

In case the next time I meet Gaara, he says, Uncle, the love letter you wrote to me is so coquettish!

In case Naruto followed suit, Shocked, some Anbu ninja from Sunagakure did that to his nephew!

Then I might as well be dead now!

Kazekage-sama, today I have to apply for overtime work, it's different.

I don't have the face to go back and see those two children!

But before that, since he knew that what Kankuro liked was Gaara, whom he was most worried about at the beginning, of course he had to stop this absurd thing from continuing.


"Kankuro, don't meet Ai Luozi again! There is no possibility between you and him!"

Yashamaru touched his nephew's head with a look of pity.

Poor child, for the first time in his life, he fell in love with a boy, and his younger brother.

If I know this terrible truth, I am afraid that I will never love again in this life.

In order not to leave Kankuro with a psychological shadow, Yashamaru decides to stop this taboo relationship without telling the truth.


Kankuro broke away from his uncle's hand.

"Obviously you supported me from the beginning! You also helped me write love letters together, and taught me not to be afraid of failure, but to love bravely, otherwise I might give up now.

It was with your encouragement, Uncle, that I mustered up the courage to attack Ai Luozi again with the spirit of never giving up!

But now you actually stop me from pursuing Ai Luozi, bad uncle!"

Yashamaru felt a regret in his heart, he wanted to cultivate a relationship with his nephew, but who would have thought that he would do such a big death by chance.

"Anyway, I don't allow you to like Ailuozi! Don't ask why, I'm all for your own good!"

The rebellious Kankuro doesn't listen at all.

"Don't listen, don't listen! I really like Ailuozi! I won't give up! In order to pursue true love, I'm willing to do anything!"

"Are you willing to do anything?"

Yashamaru was so angry that he couldn't help blurting out,

"Are you even willing to be a woman?"

Because the Ai Luozi you like is actually a boy, and even your fucking younger brother.

If you want to be with him, you have to become a girl.

Kankuro: "?? Son?".

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