Create A Group Chat In Hokage: Nine Tails!

7. Shocked! The Strongest Tailed Beast Shows Off Its Cuteness And Rolls Around Begging For A Seal!

The attention of Konoha Shinobi players like Third Generation has been on the dangerous Nine Tails.

Therefore, Naruto who suddenly appeared was not found.

But when they saw Nine Tails suddenly yelling [Don't come over] in panic, they couldn't help but gasped.

Immediately felt that the three views were collapsing.

The combat power of Nine Tails is undoubtedly at least Kage-level,

Leaving aside the seal, just fighting head-on, and now the whole Konoha is no match for it.

What a terrifying existence it is that can make it so terrified.

So following the opposite direction of Nine Tails' escape, they saw the strange existence of the combination of black jacket and bamboo hat.

The total number of people who came was not even as high as a jacket, and the hem of the black jacket was dragging on the ground.

And the head is also very small, and the bamboo hat completely blocks the face, so you can't see it at all.

Coupled with the tender little hand that stretched out,

People had to guess, could it be that the person who came was a child?

Namikaze Minato rushed over, intending to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to transfer the entire Nine Tails from Konoha to other places,

But Nine Tails run too fast too fast too fast,

He couldn't catch up at all.

Although he is the fastest ninja in the ninja world, he still needs to add the Flying Thunder God spell before he can teleport.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that Nine Tails was running towards the village, he immediately pushed Nine Tails back with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Nine Tails looked viciously at the Third Generation who pushed himself back in front of that super fierce and terrifying baby,

You are very bad old man!

It still wants to run, but Naruto's one-style armed color Shaking Jedi has already been photographed.

The terrifying power of the shock fell from the sky, smashing the ground, and Nine Tails pounced on the ground like a big dog.

Nine Tails froze for a moment, could this be Konoha's enemy too?

The damage you caused with this palm is greater than mine.

Fortunately, the surrounding civilians were evacuated, otherwise no one would have survived.

"Senior, you are..."

The Third Generation came up and asked respectfully.

Although the figure of the mysterious bamboo hat looks like a child, his strength is really terrifying.

At least it is at the level of the legend of the God of the Chūnin World.

A single blow can permanently change the terrain!

There is no doubt that it is a natural disaster-level combat power!


Naruto was a little embarrassed.

Originally wanted to save someone from Nine Tails,

But the damage he caused just now almost destroyed half of Konoha,

So he shook his head pretending to be old-fashioned and sighed:

"You guys are the worst class I've ever seen.

Konoha Village is really not as good as the next generation.

When Konoha was first established, Nine Tails was like a dog, being picked up and down by two men.

But now, just sealing it, almost killed Hokage.

Isn't this a joke?

Stay away, all, and let me teach Nine Tails a lesson! "

When Nine Tails heard that the baby was going to hit him, she became anxious.

It just so happened that it saw Namikaze Minato approaching not far away, as if trying to seal it.

It recognized this man, who seemed to be the father of this terrifying baby.

So its eyes lit up, and it quickly ran in front of the Fourth Generation, lay down directly, with its feet upturned, as if it was harmless to humans and animals and wanted to be sealed.

Compared to being slapped by that baby or being eaten by him, I might as well be sealed!

Seeing that Nine Tails suddenly ran madly towards him, Fourth Generation was taken aback, thinking that Nine Tails was going to kill himself first.

So he ducked away, dodging the possible attack, only to see Nine Tails suddenly lay down.

Fourth Generation: "???"

Nine Tails, what are you doing?

Naruto just thought it was funny when he saw it.

His first reaction was that Nine Tails wanted to touch porcelain.

Otherwise, when you run up to Father Fourth Generation, you just lie on the ground and roll around to act cute before you even get scratched.

But then he came to his senses and understood the true purpose of Nine Tails' strange behavior, and felt even more dumbfounded.

Didn't I just eat you a few bites before?

As for being so afraid of me?

Third Generation and others in Konoha were all confused by Nine Tails' sudden behavior.

As a tailed beast, if you destroy everywhere, we can still get used to it and understand it.

But now you are lying on the ground without resistance, as if you are harmless, what do you want to do?

Nine Tails caught a glimpse of the baby coming towards him, while Fourth Generation was still standing there in a daze, anxious.

"Fourth Generation, why are you staring blankly?

Hurry up and seal me inside your body!

I will cooperate with you! "

hurry up!

It's too late!

Quickly let me hide in your body!


Namikaze Minato was even more stunned.

Shock! The strongest tailed beast, Nine Tails, actually asks for a seal. What kind of conspiracy is there?

If Nine Tails desperately resists, even if he sacrifices his life, he is willing to seal Nine Tails.

But now that Nine Tails is abnormally asking for a seal, there must be some big conspiracy.

The masked man, suspected to be Uchiha Madara, must have ordered it to do so.

I must not be fooled!

Thinking of this, Fourth Generation took a step back instead.

"Want me to seal you? No way! Don't you try to trick me!"

Nine Tails: "..."

Don't sacrifice your life,

And don't you consume too much Chakra,

I did not resist, and even cooperated with you to seal it all the way,

Why don't you listen?

Hearing what Fourth Generation said, Nine Tails was so angry that he really wanted to slap him to death.

But it still didn't do it.

The father of Chakra's invincible baby who can eat half of it in a few bites?

Say it as if it dared.

[A lot of people said that they were born without Chakra, I have already changed it in the first chapter]

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