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73. Kankuro: What If My Favorite Ai Luozi Is A Boy?

Through the eyes inserted into Temari, Naruto saw Kankuro's bewildered expression, and couldn't help being amused again.

This expression is perfect!

Just after expressing his determination, an unexpected possibility came to his face.

Kankuro was stunned.

What if Miss Ailuozi, whom I like, is a boy?

What else can I do?

Of course, I choose to forgive him, and then we can live a happy life without shame or impatience together... What a fart!

how is that possible

Kankuro looked at Aurako again.

Soft cat ears, furry cat tail, immature and lovely face.

What love, how could it be a boy?!?

Kankuro snorted.

Uncle, you treat me like a child again, fooling me!

I'm already five years old, I'm not a three-year-old or four-year-old kid anymore, okay?!

He could see it, uncle must be testing his determination in front of his sweetheart!

So he immediately stated again: "My love for Miss Ai Luozi can be learned from heaven and earth.

Even if she is a boy, I still like him!"


Gaara froze.

This time my uncle brought him here just to tell my dad to tell my sister and brother that he is the truth about Ai Luozi, so as to end this farce between siblings and brothers.

But now, my brother actually said that even if he knew that he was not a woman, he would still welcome men.

What my brother said really scared Gaara!


Yashamaru was dumbfounded when he heard that.

Originally he just wanted to tease Kankuro,

Look at your aggressive statement just now, saying that you must love no matter what happens.

Then let me tell you, the girl you like is a boy, see if you still love it or not?

But... this child actually said that even a man should be loved!

Yashamaru sighed.

"Lord Luo Sha, as Kazekage, you are busy with work and don't have time to take care of your children.

It's all my fault as an uncle, I didn't educate Kankuro well,

Let him take such a detour,

I even found out today that this child is actually good at that... Sigh.

Yashamaru had an expression of sorrow for his misfortune and anger for his indisputable expression.

Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha: "???"

No, Yewei what are you talking about?

Blonde cat ear loli Temari: "???"

Uncle, why can't I understand what you are saying?

Kankuro: "???"

I... what wrong path did I go??

Didn't I just fall in love with a little cat-eared loli?

Which one is better for me?

Uncle, why are you looking at me with pervert eyes?

Naruto watching the play: "Hahahaha!"

What else can he do?

Of course, there is no need to scruple, and I laughed heartily.

From the intricately intertwined Shura field and love field between siblings and brothers, to the current love ethics drama of Fengying, Shark, Condor, and Tease, it's so fucking funny.

However, I messed around with Jill and made a fool of myself, wouldn't it really distort Kankuro's orientation?

guilt, remorse, regret


On the contrary, Naruto is looking forward to the scene of the large-scale car accident after Gaara's identity is exposed.

The Sunagakure Kazekage family, take on the roles assigned to you, plus my director of the direction of the plot, try to deduce the most exciting and funny plot, come and enjoy me!

Originally, Yashamaru planned to tell me Kankuro directly, the real identity of Ai Luozi you like is actually your younger brother Gaara.

But now, he really didn't dare to say it.

Judging from Kankuro's statement just now, he is really afraid that if he speaks out, there will be a wonderful farce of brotherly love in Sunagakure, which will become the biggest joke in the ninja world.

Shocked! Kankuro, the eldest son of Sunagakure Kazekage, one of the top five ninja villages in the ninja world, covets his younger brother's beauty and wants to do that to him!

Thinking of such headlines, Yashamaru decided not to say it in front of Kankuro or even Temari.

Otherwise, it would be a kind of spiritual harm to everyone.

So Yashamaru looked at Kazekage and said the main topic: "Master Luo Sha, I have news about Gaara."

Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha originally planned to blast Yashamaru out.

I am educating my children who have a puppy love, and you suddenly brought a little loli with cat ears from another village, broke into my office, and spoke ill of my son Kankuro.

what do you mean?

I think Kankuro is a pretty good kid, although he is in puppy love,

But once he falls in love, he will not give up, and he is very dedicated in his affection. This is up to me, which is very good.

And looking at the long confession he just said, I didn't expect this kid to be eloquent.

But you said he went astray, I would like to ask, why did he take the wrong path?

But before he could open his mouth, Yashamaru suddenly announced a piece of news.

Like a thunderbolt on the ground, it exploded with a bang!


Except for Gaara, everyone in Fengying's family exclaimed in surprise.

In fact, Kazekage's first reaction was to really want to slap Yashamaru ten times.

Do you know about Gaara?

I believe you ghost!

Recently, you have been clocking in at work to catch fish, and when I sent you to find Gaara, you came back after paddling.

How can you find Gaara like this?

But he also thought that Yashamaru would not say such things for no reason, and he would not dare to lie to Kazekage. So, did he really know the news about Gaara?

Thinking of this, Kazekage Rasa immediately rushed in front of Yashamaru, pressed his shoulder, and shook it vigorously...

"Have you heard from Gaara?! Tell me where he is?!"

Ai Luozi behind Yashamaru wants to raise her little hand and say that I am here,

But when I think of that, it's like saying this to me, even if I know I'm a man, I still want to love the terrible brother who is not far away, looking at him fascinatedly,

Gaara trembled and dared not speak.

"You go out first."

Under the hint of Yashamaru's eyes, Kazekage Rasa asked the Temari siblings to go out.


Luo Sha frowned, the little girl with cat ears that he brought back from outside is still there?

Do you have any sharp eyesight?

I let my daughter and son go out, why are you still here?

"You go out too!"

Luo Sha pointed to Ai Luozi, and then pointed to the outside of the door, showing a lack of power and anger.


Gaara didn't move, because his father had always accused him of being a failure, and the relationship between father and son had always been poor, so he didn't dare to stare at his father's anger and say that I am Gaara, so he looked at Yashamaru with eyes for help.

"He doesn't need to go out." Yashamaru said hastily.


There was anger in Luo Sha's eyes,

"Yashamaru, are you stupid?

Now we are talking about the top secret of Hidden Sand Village: the whereabouts of One Tail Jinchūriki,

I even called out my two sons and daughters, but you let a man from another village stay behind.

Give me a suitable reason, otherwise..."

Seeing that Kazekage was angry, Yashamaru quickly replied: "I won't let him out because he is my 1.4 Gaara. 11

Kazekage Rasa looked at Yashamaru, who was pointing at her face and said angrily:

"Yashamaru, do you think I look like a fool?

You actually fooled me with such words that even a fool would not believe.

No matter how you look at it, he is obviously a girl, how could it be me...I'll fuck it!"

Looking at Gaara who suddenly transformed and switched back to her original form, Kazekage Rasa's eyeballs almost popped out!

Seeing this scene through the eyes inserted into Gaara's body, Naruto couldn't help but nodded.

Now that Fengying has learned of Ai Luozi's true identity, the drama is about to start.

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Thanks to all the veterans for their suggestions after the end of the Sand Shinobi chapter, it is great and very useful to me!

Everyone is welcome to leave your suggestions for future plots and interesting plots you want to see in the comment area, and then you may see the plots you want appear in the way I write. 】

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