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81. I Became Kankuro's Grandfather! Kankuro, I Decided To Let You Pretend To Be This Dick!

Kushina who has been worried that Naruto will not be able to eat well or sleep well,

When I saw the photo of two cute little girls vying to hold Naruto's arms,

Just relax completely.

In the photo, Naruto's face is rosy and shiny, obviously eating well and sleeping well,

With two little beauties in my arms,

Apparently, this kid's life is not going too well!

I just saw that my son Naruto suspected that he had an improper relationship with two men and women of the opposite sex at the same time,

As a mother, Kushina is somewhat unacceptable, but she doesn't blame her too much.

After all, he inherited Minato's handsomeness, so it's normal to be popular with girls.

And boys, what does it matter if you are a little bit awkward!

Therefore, she happily discussed with her husband who might be their future daughter-in-law in a joking tone.

As a result, the couple disagreed, and she was a little annoyed,

No matter how you look at it, the red-haired cat-eared little loli is cuter and cuter, does it match better with our Naruto?

Gaara and Naruto better match?

Minato was taken aback.

Kushina, are you serious?

Facing his wife's questioning, Minato reluctantly gave reasons.

There is only one girl who has a crush on Naruto, and the other is actually Gaara, the son of Kazekage, who is One Tail030 Jinchūriki, who is a man.

I heard that one of the two girls holding their son is actually a boy. The son is not so good that he has an improper relationship with two opposite sexes at the same time. Obviously he misunderstood the child.

Kushina suddenly breathed a sigh of relief....What a fart!

Instead, worry more, okay?

So here comes the problem.

Does Naruto know that there is a gender traitor between the two girls holding him?

If you don't know, that's okay,

It’s just that Naruto is too stupid and naive, he was cheated by Sunagakure’s man outside,

But if Naruto knows, also

Kushina gasped at the thought of this possibility, it was terrible.

Must confirm it quickly!

She immediately grabbed Minato's shoulders, shook the triple strike, and asked:

"Tell me quickly, is our family Naruto tricked into Sunagakure and falling in love with that boy dressed as a woman?

Does he know that the other party is a man?"

Seeing his wife come to such an absurd conclusion, Minato just finds it funny,

This is not a question of whether you know it or not, but that all of this is caused by the kid Naruto.

He then subdued Naruto to One Tail, and combined One Tail Shokaku with the child Gaara. As a result, the child Gaara turned into a cute cat-eared Lolita, and was crazily pursued by his brother Kankuro. out.

Kushina heard the words and was speechless.

People who thought it was Sunagakure deliberately dressed up a boy and girl so cutely,

Just to deceive her precious son's feelings, trying to lead her son astray, and achieved the goal of defeating Konoha,

Unexpectedly, the truth of the matter turned out to be like this, the two sons of Fengying who were almost led astray,

And the black hand behind all this seems to be his innocent baby son.

"But why did Naruto make Gaara like that? I'm still a little worried about him!

No, I have to find him a cuter wife in Konoha, lest he really be tempted by that Ai Luozi.

I think Hinata, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, is very cute. She will be our future daughter-in-law,

Minato, what do you think?"

Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato: "..."

Fifty years ago, Chiyo, the most beautiful woman in Sunagakure, learned that Kakashi, the son of Konoha's White Fangya, was coming to Sunagakure, so she rushed over immediately.

"Kakashi, your father killed my son, now I kill your father and son, is it fair?"

Facing Sunagakure veteran Kage-level powerhouse Chiyo Popo,

Even Hatake, who has the heaven-defying self-contained skill of [Ignore the strength of the opponent, force a tie], is a 50-50 split. After all, his trick is not 100% effective every time.

For example, in the original book, in the future, he will be followed by now (aefb). He and Shisui called Kakashi Big Brother Shisui Big Brother Shisui shot Tsukuyomi in seconds, and didn’t even have time to release the 50-50 Technique.

So he had to hide behind Boss Shisui, who was actually a little younger than him, popped his head, and complained: "Fair ass!"

Seeing Kakashi being so cowardly, Chiyo didn't look at him, but looked at her real target this time, Shisui who is Megatron Ninja World.

This is a super expert who can threaten Fengying's safety.

Knowing that Shisui appeared in Sunagakure, Chiyo's mother-in-law came immediately to prevent Fourth Kazekage from being taken away by Shisui.

As a result, when she came over, she heard that Fengying was attacked,

Although everyone says that Kazekage is among the five strongest ninjas, with invincible strength, he can easily defeat the gangsters,

But Chiyo, who knows how strong Fourth Kazekage Kage-level is, expressed doubts.

You didn't hit a thirteen-year-old Uchiha Shisui a few years ago and almost took his head off with a knife,

How can I pretend to be strong in front of the old man now?

She first came to warn Shisui to stay out of trouble, and then went to Kazekage to find out what happened to today's attack.

Then, led by Baki nervously, Chiyo saw the breathless Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha.

Baki fell directly to his knees on the ground.

"Elder Chidai, I beg you to save Kazekage-sama!

He...he's dying!"

Chiyo was stunned.

what's the situation?

Didn't Fengying easily defeat the gangsters and was invincible?

Why is he about to hang up?

Naruto finished with a smile, went out to relax, and suddenly saw an acquaintance.

【You found a lovelorn, helpless and poor Kankuro, choose, because!】

Option 1: Follow up secretly, stun with a sap and drag away, remove the head and eat. Reward Mr. Pei's wild survival skills.

Choice 2: Follow up secretly, knock him out with a sap and drag him away, lend him the bumblebee, and fool the kid into making trouble in the puppet master contest. Rewards Transformation Technique.

You can eat it without the head? System, are you a devil?

Naruto chose 2, took away Kankuro with a sap from behind, and won the Transformation Technique.

"The back of my head hurts, who are you?"

Kankuro wakes up to see a glowing Grandpa Whitebeard floating in front of him.

"Lucky boy, you were successfully selected as a trial member of the system wholesaler,

I am your cheater, the old man code-named 23333.

Kankuro, the organization has decided to arrange for you to go to the puppet master competition to pretend to be awesome!"

Kankuro: "???"

[Cheat Bumblebee, Grandpa Naruto, Cheat User Kankuro, Little Boss Jōnin Puppeteer, Big Boss Red Sand Scorpion, you should know what will happen next, write down what you think of this comparison in the comment area and how to use it , see if it can be better than I thought].

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