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87. Hold Your Head And Squat To Defend, You Are So Beautiful! Fourth Kazekage Was Beaten By His Son

Hearing the burst of laughter from Kankuro,

The red sand scorpion, who was holding his head and crouching in defense while enduring his shame, froze.

"You laugh at me?"

Before we start, you agreed not to laugh at me?

I....I actually believed you ghost!

Kankuro froze, touched his face, "I'm not smiling!"

Whose smile is on me?



Kankuro hurriedly looked down,

Sure enough... the mini grandpa in his pocket was laughing loudly regardless of his image.

"I didn't laugh!"

Kankuro spoke the truth.

It's my cheating grandpa who is laughing.

The old man laughed so hard!

Scorpion didn't believe it at all.

"You're obviously laughing at me!

Listen, the laughter on your body is so happy!

Are you taking me for a joke?"

Could it be that the way I crouch with my head in my arms is ridiculous?

ah ah ah!

Now not only is my mocking target and partner Orochihime looking at me,

Even my old lady Chiyo is watching it.

If her old man knew that she ran away from home and rebelled Sunagakure's genius grandson,

To be forced into such an embarrassing posture by a five-year-old child,

I don't know what kind of expression to show?

Thinking of this, the face of Xie's body turned red all of a sudden, if he still had a face.

Kankuro shook his head: "I didn't laugh just now!

I, Tokuro, said I wouldn't laugh at you, so I won't laugh at you!

Unless...can't help it! Hahaha!

I'm sorry, I don't know why I always find it funny that you look like this.


You look so funny now!

Are you trying to kill me and inherit my Transformers Bumblebee?"

Scorpion: "The devil mother buys a mask."

Little brat, why are you laughing again, I am coming out from Third Kazekage to beat you!

Draw your sword, either you die, or I die!

Fortunately, Naruto also knows that he can't push the scorpion into a hurry,

Otherwise, it would be no fun if a very happy game suddenly changed its painting style and turned into a life-and-death confrontation between grandparents and grandchildren.

Well, let me laugh for another five minutes, just five minutes, it's over, hahaha!

It's really chicken, you are so beautiful, and scorpion, you are so funny!

Seeing that Kankuro is fine if he doesn't make a shot, but when he makes a shot, he becomes a blockbuster and sweeps the audience,

In less than a minute, the game came to a grand finale and easily won the first trophy,

Chiyo, Temari, Baki, Gaara and even Orochimaru are amazed by its strength.

But the most surprised people present were the Konoha trio.

Ever since Kankuro yelled "Come out, Transformer Bumblebee!", Itachi's expression changed.

He still vaguely remembers that when he was hunted down by that pet fox,

Naruto appeared in front of him driving that yellow super sports car,

The sentence [No time to explain, get on the Hornet!] said to him.

Are these two bumblebees one?

After all, Naruto has disappeared for a long time, and no one knows what he is playing in Sunagakure, and what happened secretly.

When the Transformers Bumblebee really made its debut and swept the audience, not only Itachi, Shisui and Kakashi's faces changed.

The eldest son of Fourth Kazekage actually summoned Naruto's hornet?

Behind this, could it be that you, Naruto, are messing around again?

What exactly do you want to do to this village, to the Kazekage family?

Kakashi and Shisui were not at all worried that Kankuro's hornet was taken from Naruto,

Even if our Konoha's highest combat power is assembled, it can't beat Naruto, a Shadow Clone,

And Konoha's Fourth Hokage is the strongest ninja five shadows,

But you, Sunagakure, are not only dying, but also Chiyo and Fourth Kazekage at Kage-level,

Moreover, Kazekage's weak Kage-level strength is famous in the ninja world, worse than Mizukage,

Want to grab something from Naruto?

Sand Shinobi brother, you want to fart!

So seeing Kankuro riding a bumblebee, Kakashi and others had only one thought.

It's over!

After Kazekage's second son, Gaara, Kazekage's eldest son was also treated as a toy by Naruto.

In addition to the news they heard: Miss Kazekage’s eldest daughter Temari even dared to confront her father Kazekage in pursuit of a three-year-old blond child,

The next power core of Fengying is afraid to eat jujube pills.

Naruto, why don't we spare Rasa?

I think it's pitiful for him to be beaten by his son, the cat-eared Lolita who you trained.

Anyway, after thinking so much, the three of Kakashi only want to know one thing.

Naruto, what the hell are you doing again?

Can you let us know in advance?

Fourth Kazekage saw his five-year-old child bullying an adult red-haired fat man, he was almost wronged by bullying him, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Kankuro, well, it's almost done, don't bully the red ghost."

This is a powerful puppet master that he has taken a fancy to and wants to recruit into the village.

If you don't count Kankuro, this guy will undoubtedly defeat the ten elite puppet masters in this village and win the championship!

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion was going to release the Third Kazekage human puppet to fight the kid who made fun of him, but suddenly noticed that the Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha on the stage looked at him more.

Does he suspect me?

After all, I beat him badly before.

0…Ask for flowers…………………

He should be familiar with me.

Let's be honest.

Scorpion continued to defend obediently with his head in his arms.

Chiyo shook her head, feeling ridiculous at her absurd idea.

At first, she actually saw traces of her grandson on the puppeteer named Red Ghost, and thought that guy was Sun Zixie in disguise.

It can be seen that he actually made a shameful gesture of covering his head and squatting in defense, obviously it is absolutely impossible to be arrogant and boring!

According to the rules of the puppet master contest, the winner who gets the first place will have a duel with Fengying.

Fengying will guide the winners with some fighting skills and experience as extra rewards and means of attracting.

Luo Sha originally planned to let the first place to fight with his son Gaara, and took the opportunity to show his son to everyone: Look, my son is super powerful!

But since the first is Kankuro, Luo Sha doesn't want the two brothers who have a complicated relationship to fight.


Not to mention that Gaara became annoyed by his brother because she became a cat-eared loli a few days ago,

It's just that Kankuro has just lost his love, so it's inconvenient to meet Gaara, lest the child see something and leave a deeper shadow in his heart.

So Fourth Kazekage decided to have a mentoring sparring with his eldest son Kankuro himself, so he could take the opportunity to teach his son some things.

"Kankuro, let's have a... ah!"

Before Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha finished speaking, he was bombarded into the ground by the hornet.

Originally, Kankuro didn't want to fight with his father, but under the order of his grandfather, he still attacked Luo Sha.

"Be gentle, don't hurt my dad."

Bumblebee nodded, and then listened to the words of the real master Naruto, increased the output, and gave Luo Sha a hard shot.

It's rare that the oil pipeline is preheated well, of course it's cool to have a hard shot!

Baki was dumbfounded!

Master Fengying was beaten by his son again!

"Master Kazekage, are you alright?"

He rushed forward and dragged Fengying Luosha out.

Chiyo also hurried up, put his hands on Luo Sha's chest, output Chakra, and healed him.

"Kankuro, why are you hitting so hard? Look at my dad!"

Temari gave his brother a hard look.

Kankuro was also dumbfounded.

"I...I haven't used my strength yet!"

I let the bumblebee lighten up,

"Who knew my dad couldn't help beating so much?!"

He also said the same lines as his brother Gaara.

Under Chiyo's treatment, Fourth Kazekage woke up leisurely, only to hear that the eldest son Kankuro, like his younger brother, also said that he couldn't help beating, immediately vomited a mouthful of blood, and passed out again.

What a shame!

I... I might as well be dead! Corpse!.

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