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94. Jiraiya Fell In Love With Orochimaru Who Turned Into A Woman Orochime At First Sight! 【Seek Full

Of course Namikaze Minato wouldn't say anything, there's no need to investigate at all.

The white Shinigami who is making a big fuss in Hidden Sand Village is actually my three-year-old son.

Wouldn't that expose Naruto's identity of intentionally hiding his troubles?

You know, Naruto can emphasize to Kakashi in every possible way that Konoha is not allowed to reveal his hidden identity.

So Namikaze Minato had no choice but to say that he had arranged for Uchiha Shisui and Hatake Kakashi, two Anbu ninjas, to investigate this white Shinigami.

Nara heard that Hokage had sent these two masters, so he let him go.

As Konoha's strategist, he certainly knows the strength of Shisui and Kakashi, who can be called the strongest elites in Anbu.

Sending the two of them to investigate is indeed much stronger than other cats and dogs.

"Master Hokage, the strength of Shisui and Kakashi must not be able to beat that white one,

But we don't need to fight him, we can let Shisui and Cassie surrender when they encounter Bai Qi,

Then get in touch with him, communicate with him about the will of fire, increase his favor towards Konoha, and find a way to win this top expert into our Konoha camp.

Master Minato, what do you think?"

Hearing Nara Shijiu's suggestion, Namikaze Minato wanted to say: Shisui Kakashi and Shisui Kakashi are already in contact with Bai Qi,

Even the two of them were appointed by me in 04 to take care of "Bai Qi" when he was traveling in the ninja world.

And Bai Qi in your mouth also knows us Konoha very well.

You may not know that "Bai Qi" has been living in Konoha since he was born, even in my house.

Thinking of these, Namikaze Minato's complexion gradually became strange.

Now he really wants to know, which village will Naruto harm Sunagakure Village after having had enough fun?

Sand hidden village.

Because he was going to leave, Naruto asked Kakashi to tell Kazekage his identity.

Knowing that Naruto is the son of Fourth Hokage, Fourth Kazekage, who was beaten half to death by Naruto's trumpet Bai Qi, but cured by Naruto's activating blood,

Immediately, there was a plan to let Temari marry Naruto and marry the two villages.

After all, Gaara and Kankuro are new Kage-level powerhouses in Hidden Sand Village,

Sunagakure's strength, under the leadership of his Fourth Kazekage, can be called the strongest in history.

Even if it is tied for the first place in the five great ninja villages with the big brother Konoha, it is not a problem.

The marriage between Princess Temari of Sand Shinobi and Prince Konoha Naruto can be regarded as a strong alliance!

Knowing her father's idea, the blond loli Temari was so happy that she almost fainted,

Turns into a shy little ostrich at the sight of Naruto,

I was even a little embarrassed to meet my future husband-in-law Naruto.

She could only pray secretly, hoping that Konoha's Hokage would agree to marry his son Naruto.

Every time I think about the possibility of marrying Naruto in the future,

Even at a young age, the royal sister is full of fan, Sunagakure is the king of children, and the big sister Temari who can beat the dog's head of her younger brother,

I can't help but cover my face: ahhh, I'm so ashamed.

Naruto has changed from a teacher to a prospective brother-in-law, and Gaara has a subtle view of him.

Now I am not his sister's brother, but a friend of his sister's future husband-in-law.

On this day, Temari Gaara, brother and sister volunteered their courage and took Konoha, including Naruto, Jiraiya, Kakashi, etc., to sightseeing and shopping in Sunagakure.

When Jiraiya saw that Sunagakure was full of girls dressed as cat-eared girls, she immediately became more inspired.

I can't wait to live here for a long time so that I can write a new book "My Family Has a Cat-Eared Girl in the Desert".

Because White Shinigami almost beat Fourth Kazekage to death, after the puppet master contest, Sunagakure went into martial law.

Therefore, Orochihime and Red Sand Scorpion have never been able to find a chance to go out.

Now there are too many Kage-level masters in Sunagakure, even if they are as arrogant and unruly as the red sand scorpion or the big snake princess, they dare not mess around casually.

In case of exposure, two S-level rebels will be besieged by a group of masters of the same level in minutes. The picture is too beautiful to imagine.

As Kazekage's favorite puppet master from other villages, Red Ghost, whose alias is Xie, was invited by Kazekage's consultant Chiyo: Join our village, and I will teach you the strongest puppet art.

Feeling apprehensive about being seen through by his grandma, Xie refused,

He just wants to take his partner Orochi to escape from Sunagakure where many Kage-level masters are stationed.

On this day, they were also looking for an opportunity to sneak out of the village, but unfortunately, they bumped into Naruto and his party head-on.

If you were to ask Orochimaru who he hates and fears the most in the world today, it would undoubtedly be Naruto, the son of the Fourth Hokage.

When he defected to Konoha, it was Naruto who beat him to physical collapse in the earthquake zone.

In an emergency, his spirit had to be reincarnated into a woman.

Although as a scientist dedicated to the study of longevity techniques,

Orochimaru doesn't care about the status of male or female,

I even think it's good to be a woman,

After all, after becoming a woman, Chakra's control accuracy has improved a lot.

But the problem is that the former owner of the reincarnated body has an inexplicably complicated relationship with his chief assistant, Yakushi Kabuto.

Ambiguous people, couples, spiritual friends with benefits, etc., are all possible.

This made him always feel very complicated when facing this subordinate.

The relationship between the two has also become very delicate and awkward.

The most frustrating thing for Orochi Ji is that when the reincarnation operation was just completed, he was worried that his assistant would take the opportunity to kill himself.

Fortunately, I took good precautions and persuaded Dou not to be impulsive and not to do stupid things, which made Dou not succeed.

And when he ran out to do the task this time, he actually wanted to avoid it a little bit, and he didn't want to see him always peeking at him with strange eyes.

As a result, along the way, the red sand scorpion laughed at him as the big snake princess, saying that he had no chicken talk, which made her very angry.

And the culprit of all this is undoubtedly Naruto.

But he hated it, but he didn't dare to take revenge. After all, the strength that Naruto showed at the beginning: Shadow Clone Second First Generation Second Generation was really terrifying.

He only dared to draw small circles in his heart and curse Naruto.

but now!

He now meets his old classmate Jiraiya!

Big Snake Ji felt embarrassed.

She also knows how beautiful her body is, how big her breasts are, and how long her legs are.

It can be said that the conditions in all aspects are absolutely no less than that of old classmate Jiraiya Ming's love object Tsunade.

Therefore, he has always been afraid of meeting Jiraiya, an old classmate who is very astringent, for fear that this greasy middle-aged man will not be able to control himself and push himself away.



Not only did he see Jiraiya all at once, he also saw that scary Naruto.

This scary guy is also in Sunagakure?!

Orochi immediately hid her face to block her beautiful face, so as not to be seen by Jiraiya,

Then he whispered to his partner: "Scorpion, let's rush..."

But before she finished speaking, a familiar voice that made her scalp tingle and almost suffocated came from her.

"Miss Hei Changzhi over there, wait a minute!"

It's over!

This familiar voice is Jiraiya's! old classmate, still saw me turned into a woman!

Orochimaru, who has always been aloof and cold in the ninja world, just thinks, what a shame.

[To clarify, there will be no plots in this novel that are really gay. Similar plots are just spoofs of the original characters for entertainment.

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