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96. Orochiji, You Are So Beautiful! Uncle Snake's Female Body Was Molested!

Hearing Orochimaru say his name is Himeko, Scorpion almost laughed out loud.

I called you Da She Ji along the way before, and I still looked unhappy.

But now... isn't he quite honest in his mouth!

Jiraiya saw the black long straight goddess and her companion, the red-haired fat man "eye-eyed" there before, and was so jealous.

Seeing that fat man couldn't help but want to laugh again, Jiraiya gave Xie a hard look, and then went up to hold the hand of Big Snake Ji.

"Jizi? This name is really sweet and beautiful, just like yours. are so beautiful!"

The old classmate Jiraiya who held his wrist when he saw a disagreement and praised his beauty: "..."

Seeing that Jiraiya approached the black and straight girl on the pretext of looking for Orochimaru and the red sand scorpion, Naruto shook his head.

Jiraiya Shibuki!

I really can't move my legs when I see a beautiful woman.

He lost all of Konoha's face.

He also suspected that the girl was Orochimaru in disguise when he first saw the red-haired and fat man next to the girl.

After all, the "red ghost" who participated in the puppet master competition was disguised by the red sand scorpion.

At that time, as Kankuro's grandfather, I forced Xie to make a shameful gesture of covering his head and squatting in front of everyone, but he bullied Xie terribly.

But the system told him that this girl is not a disguised appearance changed by Transformation Technique, but the original appearance.

In this way,

Such a girl with a hot body and a beautiful appearance cannot be disguised by a human skin mask.

How could she be Orochimaru?

Seeing that Jiraiya has started to touch innocent girls, Naruto, who is the leader of the team with both strength and actual status, can't stand it anymore.

My disciple Gaara, and Temari are still watching.

Don't embarrass me here!

Naruto walked up, raised his little hands high, broke Jiraiya's hand holding the black-haired girl's wrist, and angrily said:

"Take up a good conversation with girls, don't touch your feet!

Besides, what does your coming to Sunagakure to catch Orochimaru have anything to do with an innocent girl?"

Naruto already regarded this girl as one of the human puppet materials that the Scarlet Sand Scorpion was looking for.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the body of the long black girl in the field of vision suddenly lit up, as if marked with a (aefa).

This familiar feeling was the same as when he discovered the Scarlet Sand Scorpion.

Could it be that this black-haired girl is also an important plot figure?

But why haven't I seen it?

Just when Naruto was puzzled, a reminder sound appeared in his mind.

【Host met an important female character in the original book: Orochimaru. Choose, the host is big!】

Naruto: "???!!!"

Original heroine Orochimaru?


This sentence is so informative!

Is this girl Sannin Orochimaru who defected to Konoha not long ago?

Orochimaru is now a girl?

In the original book, Orochimaru carried out the Konoha collapse plan in the Chūnin exam, and exposed the real body of the girl when fighting with his teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen,

But it’s still years away from that time!

Is it possible that Uncle Snake has been using the girl's body for many years in the original book?

Looking at the stunning black-haired girl who seemed to be grateful for being saved by her own hero,

Looking again at his own hand grabbing Jiraiya's wrist as he broke her hand from Jiraiya's,

Naruto was completely silent.

The "girl" was startled when she saw Naruto's sudden silence, thinking that something was wrong with her, she hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

As if he was afraid of being seen by Gaara Temari and others, Naruto secretly took back the hand that was still holding the girl's wrist, and shook his head with an imperceptible disgust in the corner of his eyes.


Orochimaru becomes Orochi?

And choose such a beautiful body to reincarnate?

What are you trying to do?

Do you want to compete with Tsunade for Jiraiya?

I can't be offended, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Then Naruto stepped aside pretending not to care, handed the front of the "girl" to Jiraiya, and gave Jiraiya an encouraging look.

The Big Snake is yours now!

Welcome to the "men"!

Jiraiya was encouraged by the leader of the team, so excited, she once again held the tender hand of her old classmate Orochihime, and at the same time expressed emotion

"Girl, your little hands are so soft."

Big Snake: *.

Jiraiya, you don't take advantage of me, can you die?

【Option 1: Tell Jiraiya that Miss Jizi you like is actually your old classmate Orochimaru pretending to be her. Let's welcome the man. One reward box. 】

【Option 2: Tell Jiraiya: Miss Jizi you like is your old classmate Orochimaru himself, but not in disguise. At the same time, Orochimaru changed the body of a beautiful woman through Living Corpse Reincarnation, and revealed the truth about her sexual transformation into Orochi. Three reward chests. 】

[Option 3: Don’t expose Orochimaru’s identity as a woman for the time being, let Jiraiya pursue Orochiji, appreciate Uncle Snake’s wonderful expression, and use it to make trouble. Five treasure chests are rewarded. 】

[Treasure box, after being opened by the original character, you can randomly get skills, props and other rewards, and the host can also get the same reward. 】

【Remarks: Different characters will get different rewards when they open the same treasure chest. The more compatible the original character with the treasure chest, the more fun and powerful the treasure chest rewards will be. 】

Naruto chose 3 decisively after reading the options given by the god-level choice, as well as the new functions that will be released later.

This treasure chest sounds interesting.

Anyway, it won't be boring anymore.

Orochiji, Jiraiya, you two old classmates interact to the fullest, let's please you Naruto and me!

Orochiji was eaten tofu in different ways by Jiraiya, and she wanted to put dirty dirt First Generation Second Generation, and killed him.

But because Naruto was here, Princess Orochi was afraid of revealing her identity, so she didn't dare to do anything.

I can only let my old classmates take advantage of it with shamelessness.

Naruto, who had seen the expression and had already chosen 3, secretly liked it.

In the end, even Scorpion couldn't stand it anymore, mainly because he had laughed enough.

As a half-puppet person who has already changed half of his body into a puppet, Xie, like Orochi, has long since had nothing to talk about, so he has no feelings.

It can be seen that Uncle Snake, uh, the snake girl was "bullyed" by a greasy middle-aged man like this,

He resolutely acted as Ji Zi's elder brother to stop Jiraiya's harassment, and then took Orochi Ji away. .

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