“God, I have finally found you. Everyone is looking forward to meeting you.” 』

A group of scholars surrounded Nasida, and everyone looked very happy.

Nasida also showed a happy smile and extended her hand to the scholar.

“Attendant: This little doll is so cute.”

“The Book of Blood allows the Flower Knights Faris and Dina Zedei to stay permanently. Ahhhhhhhh I like them so much!”

“Great Sage, I have finally found you. The King of Hell is looking forward to meeting you.”

“The Flower Goddess’s birthday festival has begun, and people are happily circling around her. 』

“Until Nasida got on the float and waved goodbye to everyone. 』

The scene turned and we came to a lively hall. Everyone in the hall held hands, and the joy of the festival filled the hall.

But at this time, some sharp-eyed spectators noticed that no one except Nasida seemed to be smiling.

This does not seem to be consistent with Nacida’s own idea of ​​a ‘happy’ picture.

Just when the water friends were confused, the picture returned to the original starting point.

“The float bumped and bumped, and Nacida opened her eyes. 』

“She said she just had a dream, and she dreamed that Nasida’s birthday was today. 』

This time, although the smile on Nasida’s face remained undiminished, the water friends also keenly noticed something strange about her.

“Note that Nasida’s expression here is a little more depressed than at the beginning.”

“Damn it, I’m in a loop again, go find Nilu quickly!”

“”Infinite Grass God Festival”.”

“In her dream, the Flower Knight and her attendants discovered her. 』

“God, I have finally found you. Everyone is looking forward to meeting you.” 』

“The Flower Goddess’s birthday festival has begun, and people are happily circling around her. 』

“Until Nasida got on the float and waved goodbye to everyone. 』

“Sora’s action is so pampering.”

“During the second dance, the traveler came to Sumeru and participated in the birthday ceremony of the Little Grass God…”

“Nacida: Goodbye, everyone in Xumi, I am going to travel with the executioner.”

At this time, the water friends were still relatively happy and in a joking mood.

However, as the BGM gradually changed its tone, and the tone became depressing and low, fans also noticed that something was wrong.

“The float bumped and bumped, and Nacida opened her eyes. 』

“She said she just had a dream, and she dreamed that Nasida’s birthday was today. 』

The third time, it was still the familiar text, but the picture became obviously much more depressing, and Nasida’s tone also changed.

The most important thing is that this time there is no smile on Nacida’s face.

“The style of painting suddenly changed, and I suddenly realized something was wrong.”

“Mi Huyou: Let me try the knife!”

“The float bumped and bumped, and the angry travelers broke through the Order House!”

“In a dream, the Flower Knight and his attendants discovered her. 』

“God, I have finally found you. Everyone is looking forward to meeting you.” 』

The scene after that even completely lost its color and looked a bit scary.

The sages who found Nacida violently told her to take her away, as if they were taking away a useless child. It was not clear that they were treating a god.

Nacida’s tone also became quite confused and helpless, without any emotion.

Seeing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room were all furious.

“There is a sound like an iron chain in this BGM! I feel so sorry for little Nasita!”

“The Order is open! Travelers send warmth!”

“The sages here must be grieving for the passing of King Daci Shu.”

“The Flower Goddess’s birthday festival has begun, and people are happily circling around her. 』

“Until Nasida got on the float and waved goodbye to everyone. 』

“”Happily spinning in circles”.”

“Wutao: I’ll take a big job today.”

“I have wronged you Nasita…the real Knight of Flowers, I will take you home tomorrow!”

“The traveler is already standing at the gate of the Order with his precious bladeless sword!”

Even Tuanzi looked a little angry and shouted angrily regardless of his image: “After the new version is updated tomorrow, brothers will join me in promoting the Order Academy!”

At this moment, PV started its fourth cycle.

“The float bumped and bumped, and Nacida opened her eyes. 』

“She said that Nasida’s birthday is today. 』

“Happy birthday, Nasida. 』

This time, after Nasita opened her eyes, there was obvious sadness in her eyes, as if she realized that the previous times were just her false fantasies.

And there is another detail here. Nasida no longer uses “she dreamed” like before, but uses “she said”.

“The float is bumping and bumping, and the traveler is red.

Eye! ”

“Unlock the main plot: Raise the Order Academy!”

“Sister, the honorary knight in heroic form, appears!”

“Damn it! Today is Nasida’s birthday, but in the end she was the only one to say happy birthday to Nasida~”

The live broadcast room was filled with angry voices for a while. It was obvious that in less than three minutes, the live broadcast room that had been lively and festive just now, full of laughter and laughter, now only had one emotion left – anger.

All the water friends were eager to rush into the game to rescue the little grass god, even the anchor Tuanzi was no exception.

Even the supervisor who was supposed to maintain order in the live broadcast room was furious at this moment and joined the team that denounced the Imperial Academy. The scene was particularly spectacular for a while.

Although the PV was over when it got here, the anger of the water friends obviously could not subside for a while.

As a result, a large number of water friends gathered on major forums to discuss matters related to Nasida’s birthday PV.

Many friends are discussing how to punish the Great Sage after tomorrow’s version update.

“The float bumped and bumped, and the great sage closed his eyes. He said he had just had a dream, and he dreamed that the death anniversary of the Imperial Academy was today.”

“Can you please play the PV backwards? I’m going to raise the Ecclesiastical Order now to give Nasita a happy birthday.”

“Happy birthday! Don’t let anyone stop me! I’m going to cut down the Order today! Azar! I’m going to kill you a thousand times! Ten thousand times! It’s not enough!!!”

“Both the God of Thunder and the God of Grass chose this suffocating sword technique… They both turned from joy to sadness… The God of Thunder did not have a single line, but the God of Grass repeated the same lines… I was numb.”

“This doesn’t look like a PV. This is basically a pre-war general mobilization. After watching it, a person like me who had no feelings at all felt the desire to take care of her right away. It was really over the top.”

Judging from the discussions among water friends on major forums, after Genshin Impact updates the version in just one day, the impact that the Order Academy will face will definitely be huge.

Countless angry travelers will log into the game immediately and vent their anger to the Order.

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