“The detective’s intuition is terrifyingly accurate.”

“Detective Heizou.”

“Heizang is really reliable…”

While Heizang was still analyzing the existing clues, Paimon asked another question, “Never mind the meaning for now, are we really going to have a third round of courage test?”

“Although I am very interested in the legendary luxury gift, I still think safety is more important!”

“We…” Paimon said fearfully: “How about a strategic retreat!”

Heizang said slowly: “My commission is not over yet, so I will stay.”

“The unknown brings fear, and it is the detective’s job to find the truth from the unknown.”

After hearing Heizang’s words, Paimon’s inner fear seemed to dissipate a little.

She planned not to leave directly, but to wait here for a while, maybe the miko would come back.

But the strange thing is that they waited here for a long time, but the witch sister never showed up.

“It seems that we have to complete the third round of the courage test by ourselves. How will we be divided into groups this time?”

Pamon asked, looking at Ying.

Heizang said: “For the last round of the courage test, let me be your partner.”

“Of all the people, you are the only one who has seen that ‘ghost’. I want to investigate the truth with you.”

Paimon was naturally happy to have Heizang join him.

With Heizou, a powerful detective, by her side, she felt completely safe.

Ying is naturally very happy to team up with Heizang.

“Ahhh! It’s great to team up with Xiaolu!”

“Okay, the most exciting plot is about to come!”

“Wonderful? I almost cried to death. Damn Mi, you lied to the screenwriter!”

“Mi Huyou: Haha, let me try the knife!”

Before setting off to search for the third round of items, Ying asked Heizang, “Does Heizang have any clues?”

Heizang shook his head and said: “There are too few clues now, and I only have some guesses in my head.”

“But there are some things I want to investigate. You can come with me to take a look later…”

“Where to go?” Paimon was curious.

“That’s where we first met.” Heizang replied: “According to your description, you met the ‘ghost’ there and then passed out.”

“I think there must be some clues left there.”

“Are we really going?” Paimon was a little worried, “Will we… um… “fall into a trap”?”

Heizang said slowly: “Are you worried about her waiting for us there? For me, that is better.”

“I was worried about not being able to find her. If she appeared so easily, I would have saved a lot of trouble.”

When Paimon heard Heizang’s words, he couldn’t help feeling that he was too courageous.

“As expected of a detective.”

“It feels safe around the deer.”

“Speaking of which, Feng Nan seems to have saved the protagonist.”

Not long after, a group of people arrived at that place.

Heizang thought: “This should be the place where you first met the ‘ghost’.”

“Of course, it’s not yet certain whether that woman is a ghost.”

“I want to reorganize the whole process. Do you still remember what she said at that time?”

Paimon thought for a moment, then replied: “She said we shouldn’t approach her, and said that if we don’t leave, our souls will be left here.”

“Wow, I really don’t want to recall the scene at that time… Once I recall it, my body starts to tremble again!”

“Then what?” Heizang continued to ask.

“Then I felt that my eyes were getting very dark, my head was dizzy, and there were will-o’-the-wisps flickering everywhere.”

“I felt like there was a black mist surrounding the ghost, and then I passed out.”

Heizang nodded, “Judging from the description, it does give people the feeling of a ghost.”

“But rather than what she is, I care more about what she wants to do.”

“Even if she is a ghost, as long as she is rational, she should do things for some practical purpose.”

Paimon thought: “Don’t you want our souls? That’s what I heard her say.”

“That’s probably to scare you.” Heizang said with a smile.

Paimon scratched his head in hindsight, “Huh? Is that so?”

Heizang continued: “How should I put it? If I had the ability to ‘take away souls’, there would be no need to warn you again and again.”

“And I probably won’t let you wander around with such a secret.”

Hearing what Heizang said, even Paimon felt that it made sense.

But she really didn’t think of it so much before.

“‘Stay Lychee’.”

“Bai Feifei, hahaha, stupid!”

“So cute, Paimon!”

Heizang continued: “I think there are only two situations

, the first is that she wants to harvest your souls, but certain conditions must be met, similar to what we often call a curse. ”

“But for you, if you are really cursed, you will definitely feel something strange.”

“So the possibility is relatively small. I think she just wants to scare you away.”

“Why are you scaring us away?” Pamon couldn’t figure it out.

“Could it be that she wants us to abstain so that she can grab the prize of the Courage Test Competition!”

Ying shook her head and said, “Has she signed up for the courage test competition?”

“Yes, there shouldn’t be…” Paimon nodded, “What could be the reason?”

Heizang thought: “Judging from your description, I don’t think she has any ill intentions towards you, but she just doesn’t want you to stay here anymore.”

“But you can’t guess anything based on this alone. Based on common sense, she may be guarding some treasure or covering up some murderous case.”

“But my intuition is that these speculations are wrong. It is better to investigate nearby first.”

Afterwards, several people began to look for clues nearby.

They found some footprints nearby, but after careful identification, they could recognize that those footprints belonged to her and Heping Zang.

The strange thing is that the woman has indeed been here, but her footprints are not seen.

On the branches not far away, Ying also found that there were several branches that were slightly bent, as if something heavy had been hung on them.

Ying told Heizang this discovery.

Heizang thought: “I also found some clues, but they still can’t explain anything. If there can be some more intuitive physical evidence…”

Just when their investigation made little progress, several little monsters also came here.

“Hello…that…didn’t bother you?”

said the one-eyed monk.

The fox demon also said: “I heard that you are investigating for clues, and we want to help.”

“How brave!” Paimon praised.

The kappa looked a little embarrassed, “Actually, we don’t know for sure…”

“We just asked Arataki-sama’s younger brothers, and it was indeed scary to hear them describe what they saw and heard in detail.”

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