Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 101 Sure enough, you were the mastermind back then

"I don't want to go to war, and I probably won't be allowed to go."

After the battle, Aburame Tetsumaru got a month's leave, so he Aburame Tetsumaru spread himself out on the bamboo mat and rolled around.

Roll to the east, pinch a grape and stuff it into your mouth, chirp, chirp, then roll to the west and spit out the grape seeds, then roll back and pinch another grape.

Aburame and Kazufeng lay back on the recliner, holding a cup of tea in their right hands, and weakly asked their genius son: "No, you won't go to war if you don't want to? Are you so powerful?"

"How can I be so powerful? I won't let you go even if I want to."

"What?" Aburame and Feng Teng sat up, "Why don't you let me go? When will you become a jounin?"

"Why should I become a jounin?"

"Jonins make a lot of money."

"Now I earn more than a jounin."

"Jounin has a high status."

"Tch, Dad, are you serious? Can our family's background give us a higher status?"

"Oh, it seems so."

Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly recalled a question from ten years ago. The more he thought about this question in the past six years, the more he felt that it was wrong. It happened that there were only two people at home now, so he took the opportunity to ask: "Dad, why did you do it when I was young?" Do you want to cut off my pocket money?"

"Ah, is there such a thing?" Aburame and Feng had already forgotten, "Have you ever been short of money?"

"Ten years ago, after I spent a million."

He Feng hammered his right fist into his left palm. The number one million was indeed very shocking, digging out the vague memories from ten years ago: "I remembered, this really happened."

"Yes, why did it break?"

"Yeah, why?" Aburame and Feng scratched their heads, "I don't remember."

[If it’s not my father, then it’s someone else. 】

He had been grieving for a long time about losing his pocket money ten years ago, and had to think of various ways to make money to support his bugs. good

Slime opened up a channel for him to make money by selling various bugs, and the gap between money shortages was very short. Just like Aburame Kazufeng said, he had never been short of money.

However, as he grew older, his body matured and his experience in war made him understand that this matter was not that simple.

When I asked today, my father didn’t even remember why he did that in the first place. This means that the decision to cut off the pocket money was not made by his father, but someone gave instructions or orders behind his back.

That's right, the reason behind this is so convoluted that my honest father might not be able to come up with it. However, this means that he won't be able to talk to his father about many things, which is harmful rather than helpful.

After finishing the grapes, Aburame Tetsumaru stood up to clean up the trash and refill Aburame and Feng's water.

However, Aburame and Feng suddenly remembered something: "By the way, you haven't visited Elder Zhihui for a long time. If you have nothing to do, go and see him today. He even asked me specifically about your situation before."

"Yeah, okay." Aburame Tetsumaru agreed and asked smoothly, "Is Elder Zhihui okay?"

"It's not good. I'm getting older and my body is not as good as before."

"That's it. I'll go take a look after lunch."

Aburame and Feng were happy: "Okay, hurry up and cook. I want to eat fish head tofu and scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Well, it's hot today, so I'll have some cucumbers."

"Hey~~, isn't it your turn to cook?"

"Hey, you're so brave. You dare to eat the food I cooked?"

"..." This is so confident, but the power of the dark cooking of the Japanese style is far greater than that of the Aiko style. Aburame Tetsumaru has no choice but to say harshly, "You wash the dishes!!!"

"No problem, as long as you don't mind it."

"Haha, if you don't clean it up, I will use that bowl to fill my mother's food when she comes home in the evening. It's good for you."

"……,You rock."

Thirty minutes later, Aburame and Feng happily set up a low table under the shade of a tree, spread it with a bamboo mat, and placed a short-legged square table. Aburame Tetsumaru brought all the prepared dishes to the table.

In addition to the Japanese-style dishes, I also got an extra plate of hot and sour shredded potatoes, a portion of fried bean sprouts, and fifty water pancakes as staple food.

Aburame Tetsumaru also took out two bottles of beer that had been treated with well water. The bottles were full of clear and transparent water droplets, which made people think of that refreshing feeling.

"Two bottles of beer, brat, you want to drink secretly again."

"Do you care?"

"No matter, no matter, don't drink too much."

"Well, I'll just have a drink, and the rest is yours."

"Ha ha ha ha."

After pouring a full glass of beer, the white foam burst, and the fragrance of hops was refreshing. Aburame Tetsumaru raised the glass and clinked it with his father. His glass was slightly lower to show respect.

Aburame Tetsumaru put the wine glass under her nose and took a deep breath, then drank it all in one go, then let out a big sigh of relief, let out a long belch, and said happily: "It's great! "

Aburame and Kazufeng drank slowly with a wine glass, enjoying the coolness and breeze under the shade of the trees, as well as the fresh fish head tofu. She felt that she had no regrets in life. She was so happy.

Next, Aburame Tetsumaru put the wine glass aside without even looking at it. He picked up the water pancake and spread it full of bean sprouts, shredded potatoes, and rolled the tomatoes into a big burrito. He bit off half of it in one bite. It was a big mouthful. Chew it up.

He nodded while eating. His skills were not neglected, and the food he cooked was still delicious.

Aburame Tetsumaru is now sixteen years old, almost seventeen. She is over two meters and five meters tall. She eats like a whirlwind. She takes three bites of a huge burrito and swallows it casually.

Aburame Zefeng had just poured her third glass of beer. Aburame Tetsumaru had already finished forty water pancakes and most of the dishes on the table. Only the fish head and tofu remained untouched, leaving half a plate of cucumbers and half a plate. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"I'm full, you eat slowly, I'll go see Elder Zhihui."

"go Go."

Elder Zhihui Aburame's family members are no longer here, so he simply lives directly in the family's forbidden area. Naturally, there are family members who take care of his daily life.

Aburame Tetsumaru came to the core forbidden area of ​​​​the family, and after verifying his identity, he found out where Elder Zhihui lived.

When he stepped into Elder Zhihui's small courtyard, he happened to see the elder sitting on a deck chair in the shade under the eaves. Strangely, his legs were covered with a thin blanket.

Elder Zhihui looked up and saw Aburame Tetsumaru and waved him over.

"Hefeng just told you today that I'm looking for you? This guy is getting more and more unsightly. It's been three days since I told him."

"Father wants me to rest for a few more days. I just finished the battle."

"Don't talk about him anymore. Sit with me for a while and talk."

"Okay." Aburame Tetsumaru sat down directly on the floor without slipping on his slippers, and he was even eye-level with Elder Zhihui who was sitting on the recliner.

"You're weird too, you're getting taller and taller."

"Hahaha, it's not up to me. Elder, what's wrong with your legs? You're covered with a blanket on a hot day, so you'll feel uncomfortable if you cover up the prickly heat."

Elder Zhihui gently hammered his right leg with his fist, and said regretfully: "As I get older, the injuries I suffered when I was young are not forgiving. It is quite uncomfortable to cover them, but it is even more uncomfortable to be blown by the wind. The only option is to endure it.”

This kind of topic was difficult to answer, so Aburame Tetsumaru simply didn't speak. He and Elder Zhihui looked at the wind chimes under the eaves, listening to the tinkling sound, waiting for the elder to change the topic.

After a while, Elder Zhihui couldn't help but sigh: "You are really a weirdo in the family. Zhiwei and Zhihei are silent in front of outsiders, but they are all very talkative in the family. You are the only one in the family. "

"There shouldn't be a chance to go to the front line again, right?"

"Well, although there is no specific notice yet, I don't think I will be allowed to go to the front line."

"Who can hold you down again? If you take those three children and the ninjas from our family, you can control millions of big bugs at will. Thousands of ninjas won't necessarily do it." I can withstand it. If you continue like this, the military achievements you will gain will be too great, and it will be difficult to handle."

"I don't want to go either. Ever since the battle with the Kazekage, Orochimaru-sama can't protect me anymore. I have to think about this and that when fighting. It's uncomfortable to be timid."

"This means that your status has become higher, your strength has become stronger, and you have begun to compete with others for the top position. There are only a few seats at that height. Of course, it is uncomfortable to be squeezed here and there."

"Even if you don't want to fight, people will squeeze you hard and deal with you."

"When you first graduated, you were at the bottom. There were many positions, so you definitely wouldn't feel uncomfortable."

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled: "That's right. At that time, you could lose your life at any time. How could you care about these things you don't want to do?"

Elder Zhihui also smiled. He took the tea handed over by Aburame Tetsumaru, took a sip, and then said, "What are your next plans?"

Aburame Tetsumaru lay back and replied: "I'll just go with everyone's wishes and have a good rest at home. Going to the front line with my hands and feet tied up is definitely not as fun as playing with my bugs at home."

"A wise choice." The elder commander thought of something and laughed, "Speaking of which, you made Elder Zhifeng very angry."

"Elder Aburame Shiho, who is from the lineage of the great insect?" Aburame Tetsumaru was confused, "Why am I angry with him?"

"Think about it, just think about the names of their lineage."

I have been reminded to this point, what is there that I still don’t understand? Naturally, it was because I controlled the insect swarm to fight, which greatly shocked the Konoha ninjas. Then I gave myself a name, a nickname, a name for the insect swarm school, and sent it to The name of the big bug conflicts.

"..." Tiewan was confused, "No way, who is so boring?"

"Many, many, many people."

Aburame Tetsumaru turned over and lay face down on the floor, complaining in a muffled voice: "It's so annoying, these are such annoying things."

After a moment of silence, Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly asked: "Elder Shiki, do you know Ueno Hayato?"

"The son... son of the Ueno Kraken." Elder Shiki Aburame took a moment to react, "You kid unexpectedly attacked my seventy-six-year-old man. It's so unreasonable."

"Well, after all, I'm getting old, and my brain can't react anymore. How could I have let you kid out so easily before?"

Aburame Tetsumaru knew that in the past six years of the war, he had been suppressed for no reason many times, and there were also many signs of being helped. For example, Captain Ueno specifically wanted him.

In the past six years, not only have there been several black hands suppressing him, but there has also been a well-intentioned hand pulling him. Although this hand is very hidden and not strong enough, it has been of great help to him.

Now he finally confirmed his guess that the kind hand was Elder Zhihui.

Elder Zhihui was already quite weak and could only speak softly: "Not only that, when you were six years old, I made Hefeng cut off your pocket money."

Sure enough, you were also the mastermind back then.

Aburame Tetsumaru was not surprised at all, he nodded: "Yes, I know."

"When did you guess it?"

"When I sold the slimes and beetles for money, but my family didn't take care of me, I had some vague suspicions."

"It's only in the past few years that I've figured it all out. The pocket money my family has lost comes directly from Ant Sugar. If I hadn't worked hard on this matter, I shouldn't have gotten so much money from here."

"Later, my father didn't let my mother confiscate the money I earned from selling bugs because the money had nothing to do with ant candy and was earned from a child's little hobby."

"The purpose of cutting off the large amount of pocket money is actually to isolate me from the ant candy, and to protect me."

"This can only be done by you, Elder Zhihui. The clan leader and others must not have such thoughts, otherwise they would not throw me on the battlefield so casually later, let alone Danzo Shimura."

"Don't blame them, it's difficult for them too."

"I know they are in trouble, but I have no reason to forgive them. Isn't it their responsibility to protect the family? As a result, the family and the roots are in conflict. The price is borne by our branches, and the reward is just two secret skills. How embarrassing .”

Aburame Zhihui was silent. This matter involved a struggle for interests within the family. He couldn't be serious, nor could he be completely unserious. Even what he said had to be cautious and think twice before speaking.

"Let's not talk about these annoying things. Elder Zhihui, you have helped me too much. Is there anything I can do now?"

"Originally, I wanted you to take over my position. There are so many tribesmen but there is only one elder position. This elder must be strong enough to be able to withstand the other seven people. It would be even better if he can suppress them."

"It's a pity that my body can't wait for you to grow up. And you are growing too fast. When my successor retires, you will be forty years old. I always feel that by then the Aburame family will It seems too small to accommodate you."

Tiewan raised his eyebrows and spread his hands. The meaning was obvious: Can you blame me if I make rapid progress?

"It's not a bad thing not to be an elder. If you can grow to the level of Shadow, you will be more helpful to the family. Even if you defect, the family will gain huge benefits as long as you don't die."

"Do you think I would defect so easily?"

"Haha, you have become a Kage and you still need to stay in Konoha Village. You must either be completely silent like Akimichi Tifeng, or be as close to the Hokage as the Sannin or Danzo, and you must be of great use to the Hokage. It's all very difficult. It’s not easy.”

This time it was Aburame Tetsumaru's turn to be silent. He did not have the confidence to live in Konoha Village forever, but his parents were still there, and he could not abandon them and leave. It was very contradictory.

"In short, it will be enough to take good care of the Aburame family and the branch ninjas in the future."

"Well, I will try my best."

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