All the way, Li Hao said all the way.

Everyone behind him admires…

Liu Jie never smoked, but at this time he lit a cigarette and sighed deeply: “Quantum, quantum… A concept, a discipline, that has never existed on earth. It’s coming soon, and it’s coming out today. I’m kind of looking forward to seeing how audiences around the world react when they hear you talk about quantum from the ‘I want to invent’ show. ”

Li Hao smiled: “There is no need for any reaction, I hope they can understand.” ”

Liu Jie said: “When I first heard about quantum, I felt that my destiny had given it to me, and I should study quantum theory all my life. Mr. Li, once this theory appears, it will definitely cause a sensation all over the world. Even in an era of sensation, I feel that in this new theoretical discipline, there is a hunch that even decades, a hundred years later, there will still be scientists eager to study the theory you said!”

Li Hao smiled but said silently, and said secretly in his heart, why not? Quantum theory is a sea of Wang Yang. After it was proposed more than 100 years ago, countless scientists have studied the earth in the previous life, and it is still only a glimpse of the way after more than 100 years…

The future of quantum theory is uncertain. Because no one can know what the end of quantum theory is.

Is this a science and technology?

No, this is a scientific carrier, a new theory.

Let’s just put it this way… It is a discipline.

A new subject like mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry. It can be classified as a ‘quantum discipline’. And after Li Hao popularizes the opening of quantum, he will completely establish the supreme position in this world – the ancestor of the discipline!

Behind her, Ms. Liu Qian, vice president from the aerospace group, covered her mouth and smiled

“I am completely convinced of Mr. Li, and now, even if Mr. Li says that the moon is square, I believe it. ”

Li Hao turned his head and grinned, took Liu Qian’s hand, and made Liu Qian blush.

I only heard Li Hao say: “Sister Liu Qian, from the perspective of quantum mechanics, the moon can be square!”.


“Hahaha. ”

There was a good-natured laugh from the crowd.

Yes, quantum is indeterminate. Before we saw that the moon was round, it could really be square. (Cat from Schrödinger.) )

Liu Jie’s tone became solemn, and he glanced at Li Hao with some solemnity: “The world’s scientific community depends on you… I hope you can get it well and make a name for yourself. Shine in a limited amount of time, and give hope to those of us who have studied science all our lives. I can see the hope of the era of scientific explosion!”.

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Li Hao’s expression also became solemn:

“I came, I saw, I conquered!”.

“I’m here with a mission, and my mission is to correct the course of science in the world. I will lead Huaxia and the world’s science to a higher field. I may not be able to do it anytime soon, leading you away from Earth to mine outer space…”

“But I can at least make you understand the Earth itself, so that you can fully understand what the Earth is!”

Liu Jie sighed: “Speaking of the home we live in… Now the earth’s coal resources are about to run out, and the oil resources are about to be exhausted. I don’t know if I’ll ever see the day when there is a lot of energy on Earth. ”

Liu Qian asked curiously: “Didn’t Mr. Li invent nuclear fusion? Nuclear fusion should make energy endless.” ”

Li Hao smiled and did not speak.

And Liu Jie also smiled bitterly: “There is a long way to go.” Now nuclear fusion is only a laboratory stage, and it is not stable at all… It will be at least a few decades before it can be commercialized. ”


Liu Qian exclaimed in surprise and couldn’t help but look at Li Hao: “How many more decades?”

Liu Jie nodded solemnly: “Yes, optimistically, it will be decades.” Don’t think that once nuclear fusion is invented, it will be put into use right away. That’s impossible…… If Li Hao had not invented nuclear fusion, it would have taken at least 100 or even hundreds of years for nuclear fusion to be put into commercial use. Li Hao turned these hundreds of years into decades, and this is already a terrifying process!”.

Liu Qian nodded thoughtfully and looked at the young man’s back again. There is a lot of color in the eyes. She had a feeling that this teenager was really not a child… He is more like an adult than an adult.

He is a super scientist who combines charm


Liu Qian smiled and changed the topic: “Li Hao, you are going to appear in front of the national audience again tonight.” I really don’t know what kind of movement will happen in the world after you propose quantum mechanics. I’m looking forward to it. ”

Liu Jie looked at his watch: “Hehe, there are still five hours.” ”

Liu Qian said with some excitement: “I want to invent the live broadcast room has not yet started, and now there are more than 20 million viewers waiting in the online live broadcast room.” When it started, God knows how many views. I can’t wait to see the world shake the earthquake!”

“This is a revolution in science. The emergence of quantum mechanics will completely refresh the three views of all physicists. will completely subvert traditional physics!”.

Li Hao didn’t say anything about their words. It’s just a constant patrol of the mountains.

He doesn’t care about the attention of the people of the world. He only cares about the success of the Mozi!

Will be a blockbuster!

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