Linear algebra?

Most of the people in the audience were blinded and couldn’t understand it.

And Zhang Tengyue, who knows a little bit of mathematics, questioned:

“I know a thing or two about algebra, but what does this linear algebra mean?”.

After the question was asked, the audience, the whole country, the whole world. All of them pricked up their ears and listened, and although they did not understand, they did not know it.

I just know that this thing is powerful. 、

It was so powerful that the scientists in the field who were quite accomplished in mathematics were all eager to rush to it, and even Chen Jing was going crazy at this time.

Li Hao smiled:

“Uncle Zhang Tengyue, how much do you know about algebra?”.

An embarrassed expression flashed on Zhang Tengyue’s face: “I don’t know much… It is only known that it is a discipline of advanced mathematics, which uses letters or symbols instead of numbers, and studies what changes occur when addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. ”

At this time, Chen Jing walked out and glanced at Li Hao with some awe

“Algebra, traditional algebra, uses expressions with characters for arithmetic operations, and characters represent unknown or indefinite numbers. If division is not included, each expression is a polynomial with rational coefficients… Algebra is an abstract mathematical structure. The purpose of algebra is not to care with the numbers themselves, but to study the commonality of things…”

After speaking, Chen Jing looked at Li Hao solemnly: “What is linear algebra? I vaguely know its expression and meaning, but I am a little unsure. ”

Li Hao glanced at most of the dazed spectators present, and then looked at a small number of scientists who were eager to learn, and explained with a smile

“Elementary algebra is the study of the commonality of things. And higher algebra is also the linear algebra that I invented… It is mainly the study of vector spaces, i.e., linear spaces. It can be applied to abstract algebra, or to functional analysis…”

With Li Hao’s eloquent talk.

All the scientists on the scene were shocked.

Studying Vector Spaces?

Study line segments and directions in 2D and 3D….

This is really a high-IQ club.

All over the world, people who are proficient in mathematics are fascinated and crazy.

Those who are not proficient in mathematics are not proficient in mathematics, even if they only dabble in mathematics, but they have not reached the level of proficiency. was so dazed that he was about to cry.

What are they talking about?

What is it?

I can understand the words, but I don’t know what I’m talking about.

All over the world, everyone’s heads are going to blow up, are they talking alien words?

In the conference room of a university in Huaxia, many teachers from various departments of the school sat around to watch me love invention.

The audience was at a loss.

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“What do they mean by talking?”.

“I don’t understand!:”

“Hold the grass, I also teach math anyway, why can’t I understand it?”.

“Woooooooooo I don’t understand!”.

“What does that mean?”

While everyone was talking, they saw a young intern math tutor Xiao Wang, who roared hysterically: “Don’t talk.” Turn on the TV louder, turn it up to the maximum!”.

There was a roar, and the audience fell silent. ,

Many teachers frowned and expressed their dissatisfaction.

The school leader raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Wang, with a different color in his eyes.

Xiao Wang had completely fallen into madness at this time, holding a pen and paper in his hand and constantly checking and demonstrating, muttering to himself like a madman

“So… I see. ”

“That’s right. ”

“Linear algebra … This, what kind of math is this going to calculate? This is the way it is. ”

“It’s horrible. The human brain can’t do calculations at all, and only computers can verify linear algebra. ”

“Vector segments, directions…”

He muttered to himself, saying things that humans simply couldn’t understand.

At this time, several other math tutors looked at Xiao Wang with envy on their faces, and at the same time they were ashamed and embarrassed. How envious they are that they can go crazy like Xiao Wang, but they don’t even have the qualifications to go mad. It’s a completely new system, and they can’t even understand it if they don’t have a foundation to start teaching.

A true high-IQ club.

And Li Hao and Chen Jing chatted directly, and they were chatting directly from the high-level field with a high threshold, and no one could understand it.

Envy Xiao Wang….

The university leaders looked at Xiao Wang excitedly, looked at each other silently, and said excitedly: “Can this young tutor understand?”

“Oh my God, someone in our school can finally understand what Li Hao said. ”

“Woo woo, thank God for sending a genius to our school. I can even understand what Li Hao said. ”

“Give him appreciation. Since he can understand what Li Hao says, there is no doubt about his professional level. I suggested that he become the deputy director of the Faculty of Mathematics. ”

“Tomorrow I will give him an open class to publicize it, saying that Tutor Wang, the only one in the province who can understand Li Hao’s ‘linear algebra’, will teach online. It’s definitely hot. ”


A university, a city, or even a province. It is difficult to come up with a person who can understand what Li Hao said.

And in the eyes of everyone, at this moment, the people who can understand what Li Hao said are all rare geniuses without exception.

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