Berlin, Germany, in a 24-hour soldier-guarded apartment.

The elderly scientist, Professor Starff, who once won the Nobel Prize in Physics, watched the TV I want to invent, silent….

He remained silent.

Behind him are a large group of doctoral students at the German National Institute of Technology.

Constantly, there is still an endless stream of physics students anxious and nervous to hurry.

“Hurry, hurry!”.

“The concept put forward by Li Hao has had a serious impact on my worldview. I’ll have to ask Professor Starff, he’s the only person in Germany who has won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and he’ll know about it!”.

“Hurry up, hurry up!”.

Torrential rain poured down.

Three German Ph.D. students rushed to the apartment like crazy on their bicycles, without even umbrellas and raincoats.

They thought they were the first to arrive.

But when they arrived at the apartment, they found that the apartment was already crowded, and it was full of excellent physics students, teachers and professors from the German National Institute of Technology.

The three German doctors quietly parked their bikes to the side, braved the rain and walked in, and then stood behind Professor Starff as well.

On TV, the video of Li Hao on the stage and talking about the concept of quantum is constantly played.

Professor Starff just watched in silence.

For a long time, for a long time.

Two lines of tears flowed from Professor Starve’s eyes, and slowly, tears flowed down his old cheeks…

A foreign doctor shouted worriedly: “Teacher Starff…”

Starff slowly looked up at the German physics students and experts behind him, and trembled and pointed to the TV

“He, uttered all the conjectures I had in my heart for many years…”

But he summarized and organized it more comprehensively, more authoritatively, and more clearly and thoroughly. He spoke of quantum uncertainty. ”

A Ph.D. student’s eyes widened in horror

“I don’t believe it, how can there be uncertainty in this world?”.

“Yes,” said Starf. I once stumbled upon a few of these phenomena, but because they were so shocking, I never published papers or conjectures until they were verified. But he said it, Li Hao said it… Quantum, with uncertainty. Whether it’s time, movement, location, it’s all uncertainty. ”

“If it’s uncertainty, isn’t that theology?

Professor Starff smiled bitterly: “But that’s exactly what happened, there are quanta in our world, and everything is made of quantum. You could say it’s theology, but we think it’s another branch of science. Li Hao summed it up very well, probability, it is probability, there is no probability that can be guessed…”


In the apartment building, hundreds of German physicists and students fell silent.

And as Professor Starff used the spectrum to do experiments, using the method mentioned by Li Hao, the existence of photons was proved. After proving the existence of wave-particle duality, Germany, the Great Earthquake!

According to Li Hao’s theory, Starf proved to this group of Germany’s best physics students that Li Hao was right – particles, there are waves.


And at the same time.

Rice country, Nuyue Daily.

Did the 13-year-old Chinese scientist fall off the altar because of this? Li Hao threatened to overthrow the existing laws of physics. ”

The Wharton Daily:

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“Huaxia Li Hao, proposed linear algebra, which has not been confirmed in any way. The quantum theory was introduced, but it has still not been confirmed by anyone. Is everything he says nonsense or theology?”.

In the United States, overwhelming news has appeared.

It’s not just the United States.

England, island nation, baseball country.

In all countries around the world, the media frantically came out and frantically questioned whether Li Hao’s remarks were true or false.

TQ Daily: “After nuclear fusion, is Li Hao left only rhetoric? There is no evidence, no proof, he said that he wants to subvert the existing traditional physics. ”

Seoul Daily: “Is linear algebra true or not? What exactly is it used for? There is no evidence of this. Why does Li Hao say that he wants to subvert traditional physics?”.

Lunton Daily: “After hundreds of years of development, is our physics all wrong? In the whole world, only Li Hao understands what is quantum?”

The whole world is in an uproar at this time!

The whole world is frantically questioning Li Hao.

Quantum? Not true!

Linear algebra? must be fake!

However, behind this question, Li Hao did not stand up and say anything. Unnecessary.

However, behind this voice of questioning, what the public does not know at all is that a hurricane is blowing in the scientific community. On this night, many physicists went crazy. Many physicists wept with joy.

There is also a group of cutting-edge physicists who began to verify overnight and began to write papers overnight…

The whole world, drowning in the media, has no idea that the revolution in physics, a new system in physics – quantum physics!

Just tonight, it’s begun!

And it was at this moment that the capital.

A plane came from France.

Media from all over the world flocked to pick up the plane. They have already received the news in advance, the winner of the Fields Medal in mathematics, the current judge of the Fields Medal in mathematics, and the eighty-year-old professor Lingtu, a leading figure in the field of mathematics, is here!

Countless media outlets have gone crazy.

“Professor Lingtu is coming to Huaxia now, what is it for?”

“I’ve heard that it’s for linear algebra. ”

“Hehe, Li Hao’s linear algebra has not been confirmed. How could it be possible to alarm Professor Lingtu?”.

“Really… The French newspaper has been published, and the French president has proved that Professor Lingtu came to China to discuss with Li Hao. and academic exchanges?”.


The voice fell, and there was silence in the field, except for the sound of gasping for cold air.

Media reporters from various countries looked at each other in shock.


The winner of the Fields Medal in mathematics came to discuss mathematical problems with Li Hao

If linear algebra is fake, how could Professor Lingtu come all the way?

But if linear algebra is really true… Doesn’t that mean that quantum mechanics…


Capital Airport, exploded!

PS: Ask for another wave of flowers… Crazy begging for flowers. Thank you for your support.

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