At the same time, England.

The Queen of England immediately called an emergency meeting after watching the news broadcast in China, which was attended by all the physics professors at Royal College England, as well as a large group of scientists who were now frantically studying quantum mechanics.

Between meetings.

The Empress of England’s face was extremely solemn: “Can anyone tell me what the quantum satellite invented by Li Hao is, and what is it used for?”

Countless people were silent.

Countless people looked at each other.

For a long time, no one could say what a quantum satellite does.

This is so weird!

It’s incredible.

They are all developed countries, and such a phenomenon is simply chilling in people’s backs.

Imagine that a country has declared its technology. But a country of the same level can’t even understand that kind of technology, and it doesn’t even know what that kind of technology does.

How horrible is this?

How many years does this mean that technology is lagging behind?

The Queen of England wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and her eyes gradually became sharp

“So… We don’t even know what Huaxia is studying, what it is? You know… What does this mean?”.

An official stood up wiping a cold sweat and said in a trembling voice

“It’s… This means that England’s scientific and technological strength is at least 50 years behind China!”.

“Smack!”, the empress slapped the table, stood up suddenly, and screamed:

“Fifty years!”.

“It’s like you’re traveling back hundreds of years to the Middle Ages and telling the ancients that you invented the phone, and they couldn’t understand what the phone was… It’s the same thing. And now, Huaxia tells us that they invented the mobile phone, and England can’t understand what the mobile phone is? Do you know what that means? It means that in the eyes of the Chinese people, we have completely become backward ancients. They have entered the information age, and we are still brandishing cold weapons and shouting. ”



There was an eerie silence in the entire conference room.

For the first time in history, such a scene has appeared!

One country’s science and technology is incomprehensible to another country!


Oh my God, what kind of concept is this?

Ordinary people, ordinary people, ordinary people all over the world can only be surprised when they see the news.

Oh. Li Hao actually used quantum…

Oh! Li Hao got a satellite!

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But they don’t think about the story behind it, they don’t think about the things behind it.

They simply don’t know what that means.

This means that Huaxia has completely led the world in the quantum field. It has been ahead of the world for at least 50 years, so that even if Huaxia’s technology is telling the world through the news broadcast, you can’t understand it…

Huaxia now doesn’t even bother to keep it secret.

No need to keep it secret. There is no need for secrecy at all.

Because even if you tell you, you can’t understand!

This is the crushing of the most red fruit fruit of technology!

This is the most straightforward and cruddening stampede of basic science!

Yes, I am telling you in the open: our latest technology in China has made new progress, but you are helpless. You can’t even figure out what it does, what it works on, how it works.

All over the world, boiling.


That’s a bang!

At this moment, Huaxia became a giant. A hard step forward—’Boom!’

One step down.

Gone from the dust.

Behind him, hundreds of countries watched the back of the giant walk away, unable to understand…

It is impossible to understand where the giant is going. It is impossible to understand what path the giant is taking.

It is even more difficult to understand how the giant took that step.

The whole world, except for the United States, vaguely understands the meaning of quantum satellites. And the effect is to use super encryption, the kind of encryption that surpasses human technology.

In addition, no country in the world knows what quantum satellites are for…

And even if the United States knows the role of quantum satellites, they are helpless.

They understand some of the basic principles.

But just as you understand that the principle of TV is a light-emitting transistor, however, you can’t say the specific principle and data. But you can’t make it. It’s the same thing!

The fart people of Huaxia are still living in stupidity.

It’s even a little indifferent to the news. After all, I’m aesthetically tired, and I think Li Hao has studied nuclear fusion, so what’s the point of getting a satellite?

The fart people in China, and even the people around the world, are even a little disappointed. I’m going to invent in the next issue, Li Hao just got a satellite… Although the name is a quantum satellite, it doesn’t explode, and it doesn’t sound awesome.

However, they have no idea how frightened their country really is!

Similarly, the people of Huaxia don’t know how awesome their country is and what a terrible thing Li Hao has done. It’s not clear at all what quantum satellites mean.

At all, I don’t know that just now, Li Hao led the Chinese giants and led the world for decades. Take a step forward and go away together!

Rush the duck and rush the duck!

Mozi –

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