Everyone thought before that Li Hao might just be worth a lot.

But now I know that the United States is willing to do its best to win over Li Hao, which is terrifying.

All the Chinese people panicked.

The host was silent for a long time, and asked solemnly: “Expert Hou, do you think Li Hao will go to the United States?”

Expert Hou’s tone was much more serious, and he muttered:

“I don’t think there is any scientist in the world who can resist such a you. $100 million is just a gift, but knowledge is a fatal attraction for a scientist. ”

“Even if you die, you want to browse before you die and solve the mystery in your heart. ”


The audience was silent.

At this moment, the whole Huaxia was quiet. The hearts of all Chinese people suddenly sank.

General relativity……

That’s what the United States is reluctant to come up with to resist the pressure of the whole world. Now, are you going to take it out? Li Hao, can you resist such an attraction?

At the same time, in the Mozi R&D base, Li Hao looked at the analysis of the experts in the Phoenix Terrace, but couldn’t help but sneer.

Liu Jie, president of the Academy of Sciences, muttered: “General relativity…”

In his eyes, a touch of obsession flashed. Then he turned his head to look at Li Hao: “This, this is general relativity… Albert Einstein, that was Einstein’s last masterpiece before he disappeared. ”

Li Hao grinned, did not answer, and said:

“Grandpa Liu, I want to eat chicken legs. ”

Liu Jie handed over a chicken leg like a walking corpse, and then looked at Li Hao with some complexity:

“That’s… But general relativity, aren’t you tempted?”

Li Hao shook his head: “Don’t be moved.” I just want to eat chicken thighs. Ahh

As he spoke, he took a hard bite.

At this time, Liu Qian next to her noticed a flash of disdain in Li Hao’s eyes, a little surprised, Li Hao disdainful?

But she didn’t ask.

is disdainful.

Is the general theory of relativity a treasure? The history of this world is really wrong, no wonder science did not have a big bang.

In previous lives, the general theory of relativity was something that elementary school students knew, and it was on the basis of the general theory of relativity that modern physics was formed. The general theory of relativity is one of the important components of modern physics.


I will!

Li Hao laughed, I don’t just know how to generalize.

I also understand that you have never appeared in this life.

– Special relativity!

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Liu Jie scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously: “Li Hao, are you really not interested at all?”

Li Hao picked up another chicken leg: “I love to eat chicken legs.” Ahh

Liu Jie smiled bitterly: “You eat slowly.” Are you interested in general relativity?”

Li Hao didn’t pay attention to him at all, picked up a can of ice Coke again, plugged in the straw and drank Coke.

Then he didn’t forget to burp: “It’s so comfortable.” ”

Liu Jie was really anxious this time, and he didn’t ask questions tactfully:

“Oh, Li Hao, answer me quickly. Are you interested in general relativity? I’m interested, scientists all over the world are interested. Or…… You just go to the United States and deceive them into the general theory of relativity. ”

A hint of amusement flashed in Li Hao’s eyes, alas, he was as smart as Liu Jie, but he also became obsessed and lost his mind when facing the general theory of relativity. In his eyes, he was left with only the general theory of relativity, and he lost the ability to think.

Also, as long as you are a scientist, as long as you are a physicist, will anyone not be interested in general relativity?

Li Hao is leaving.

Liu Jie dragged Li Hao to death, just not letting him go, and insisting that Li Hao give an answer.

Li Hao grinned: “Grandpa Liu, the Mozi will be launched the day after tomorrow, and I don’t have time to go to the United States at this juncture.” And…… And I got seasick and seasick. I don’t want to suffer so much. ”

Liu Jie rolled his eyes: “You really don’t know the blessing in the blessing, how many scientists in the world, as long as they can look at the general theory of relativity, they are willing to die.” Isn’t it just motion sickness, you go for a trip…”

Li Hao didn’t want to talk to him at all, so he smiled, turned around and ran:

“The Mozi is my top priority right now. When the Mozi goes to the sky, I will surprise you. Big surprise. ”

Liu Jie and Liu Qian watched Li Hao’s back run away happily and jumped towards the base. They were all a little speechless.

Hey, this… How so?

He’s still a kid after all.

The two of them didn’t know what terrifying energy the child in front of them had.

Can the general theory of relativity attract Li Hao?

Li Hao was also a scientist in his previous life, and he even memorized the general theory of relativity backwards, and the more obscure special theory of relativity was also familiar with it. And in a previous life, what physicist’s introductory course was not the theory of relativity?

The world doesn’t…

Li Hao didn’t care about these things at all.

What really attracted him was the choice in the system.

It may be a choice between one thought of heaven and one thought of hell1

– Forbidden science.

That’s the realm of touching God. The realm of God is what really has infinite attraction to Li Hao.

After walking away, Li Hao stood at the corner of a house and looked at the two people who were still looking at each other in the distance with a smile, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he muttered:

“Is it really a treasure to hide a general theory of relativity? Do you really want to use it to blackmail and attract scientists from all over the world? Hehe…”

He couldn’t help but secretly think, after a while, he made time for himself and directly shook out the general theory of relativity to the world, what kind of face are you?

Hee-hee, a baby who has been covering for more than a hundred years.

Thinking about it, Li Hao couldn’t help but laugh evilly again, extremely black!_

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